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 Am in the middle of printing off a big harp workbook for me to work on over the summer break. This one's called "Music Theory and Arranging Techniques for the Folk Harp".

At this stage of my harp journey my teacher believes in getting her students to start learning how to compose music. It reinforces music theory, teaches how to arrange harp music based on other sheet music (like piano), and it encourages her students to start writing their own music. #harp #musicpractice 
 The wind has dropped, it’s clear and cold. Hubby and I have just finished frost clothing everything 😬 
 Stupid fireworks upsetting my kitties 😩 
 Hubby and I are back to work today after 5 days off.

Our laundry has nearly been dragged out of the 1980s, I just have a couple of small painting jobs to get finished.

After hubby finished painting most of the laundry doors yesterday, he grimaced, now realising how 1980s decor our house really is 🤣 
 Saturday night is movie night. We’re watching Return of the Jedi. 
 I should be painting the last coat on our new planter box today, but it's cold outside, and I just don't want to spend an hour outside getting cold 😬 
 nostr:npub1zg9vcdj64tpznh3kpatank6pdhlh2wz4eq74zq23fru2nsmh7vfqjunh26 next time do so 😀 
 @0f292d5c I will 🤩 
 nostr:npub1zg9vcdj64tpznh3kpatank6pdhlh2wz4eq74zq23fru2nsmh7vfqjunh26 Was that you! Did you see t... 
 @0f292d5c it was me 😇  no we didn’t, they’d gone deeper into hiding by the time we got there. 
 @0f292d5c OMG we met at Orokonui yesterday! You told me and hubby and our niece and nephew about the takahe sighting! When we walked away I thought is that Gruff??? 
 nostr:npub1zg9vcdj64tpznh3kpatank6pdhlh2wz4eq74zq23fru2nsmh7vfqjunh26 Bargiiiiin !! 😁 
 @cb89f7ba I'm so happy, I can't wait to make some soup to put in it. 
 nostr:npub1zg9vcdj64tpznh3kpatank6pdhlh2wz4eq74zq23fru2nsmh7vfqjunh26 Oh wow!! Fantastic find!! 
 @d1d01b74 I'm so happy! I'll take a photo once they're dry. I gave them all a good wash. 
 Yeah, so the 8 piece soup and tureen set I got from the second hand store is actually a white lions head French style soup and tureen set, which is worth at least NZ$300 and I only paid $50 for it!!!

It's in absolutely pristine condition :birdheart: 
 Hubby and I had another day off today, so we did stuff:

We voted!

Hubby got his drivers license renewed.

I picked up an 8 piece soup and toureen set from the second hand shop super cheap.

Also I took the winter sheets off the bed today, so expect a cold snap soon 🤣 
 Yeah, so the 8 piece soup and tureen set I got from the second hand store is actually a white lions head French style soup and tureen set, which is worth at least NZ$300 and I only paid $50 for it!!!

It's in absolutely pristine condition :birdheart: 
 This week's blog post is all about my first successful serrano chilli growing season, and how I processed them.

 Our Easy Vote packs have arrived :partyparrot: 
 The season finale of Ahsoka was just everything :birdheart: 😭  #ahsoka 
 nostr:npub1zg9vcdj64tpznh3kpatank6pdhlh2wz4eq74zq23fru2nsmh7vfqjunh26 Maple pollen isn’t one I ... 
 @7cd7aab8 I had to go look up what dropwort is.

Stupid plant sperm getting up our noses 😬 
 @e5c2d016 yep teeny tiny flowers that bees love 
 @e5c2d016 they’re currently on the pollen list according to MetService. 
1) They flower? 😱
2) Ca... 
 @e5c2d016 yep teeny tiny flowers that bees love 
 @35771893 I just want to go in, hand over my easy vote card, vote, and get out, all within under two minutes, and with no talking to people 🤣 
 @35771893 Our next mail day is tomorrow...if it doesn't come tomorrow I'll have to go without one and have to talk to people 😬 
 nostr:npub1zg9vcdj64tpznh3kpatank6pdhlh2wz4eq74zq23fru2nsmh7vfqjunh26 On the plus side, our house... 
 @d1d01b74 I'm so jealous right now 🤣 
 Oh yay... 
Just as I was starting to feel better, the coughing with bonus nausea has kicked in. F... 
 @d1d01b74 I hope you feel better soon :birdheart: 
 On hubby's side of the family his brother announced that him and his wife, will be moving back to Christchurch next year...

Except hubby's mum especially moved up to be close hubby's brothers family, and away from Christchurch after the earthquakes. She recently paid to get into a retirement village with great services as she gets even older...
Hubby's mother is going to probably have a meltdown when she finds out 😬 
 Hubby and I have agreed to just stick our heads in the sand until all this blows over 😆 
 If she is that bad I think it's cruel to do this to her if it may distress her to be out of her home and family that she lives with. 
 On hubby's side of the family his brother announced that him and his wife, will be moving back to Christchurch next year...

Except hubby's mum especially moved up to be close hubby's brothers family, and away from Christchurch after the earthquakes. She recently paid to get into a retirement village with great services as she gets even older...
Hubby's mother is going to probably have a meltdown when she finds out 😬 
 It's apparently so bad that she needs to have someone travel with her on the plane. According to my other cousin her short term memory is completely toast, which could be disastrous if she can't remember why she isn't at home in Auckland. 
 If she is that bad I think it's cruel to do this to her if it may distress her to be out of her home and family that she lives with. 
 On my side of the family my cousin seems to think it would be a good idea to bring my elderly aunt with dementia down to Dunedin for two weeks over Christmas and expects all of us down here to take turns hosting her at our houses...

He doesn't live in Dunedin, he lives in Central Otago. 
 It's apparently so bad that she needs to have someone travel with her on the plane. According to my other cousin her short term memory is completely toast, which could be disastrous if she can't remember why she isn't at home in Auckland. 
 We've had two family dramas in the last 12 hours. One on each sides of our family 😬 
 On my side of the family my cousin seems to think it would be a good idea to bring my elderly aunt with dementia down to Dunedin for two weeks over Christmas and expects all of us down here to take turns hosting her at our houses...

He doesn't live in Dunedin, he lives in Central Otago. 
 Good morning, I'd very much like to go back to bed now. 
 We've had two family dramas in the last 12 hours. One on each sides of our family 😬 
 nostr:npub1zg9vcdj64tpznh3kpatank6pdhlh2wz4eq74zq23fru2nsmh7vfqjunh26 sounds really tough. Sorry ... 
 @616c9fe2 Thanks, I'm pretty sure it's something flowering at the moment which triggered this, it only started two weeks ago 😬 
 nostr:npub1zg9vcdj64tpznh3kpatank6pdhlh2wz4eq74zq23fru2nsmh7vfqjunh26 oh noooo 
 @b1f5b2b4 The side effects of the meds are nearly as bad as the symptoms 😩 
 Just took a covid test because I'm feeling terrible, but it's not positive. It's just because my allergies are just so bad right now.

I got a phone call from the allergists office yesterday, and they've bumped me up to the first person on the waiting list for a cancelled appt, because the GP I saw on Friday thought my symptoms were bad enough to get seen ASAP. 😬 
 Right now my allergy treament consist of:
Double dose of ceterizine
Double dose of flixonase
Salbutamol (for when my respiratory symptoms get too bad)
A permanent air filter running in the room I'm in.
Wearing a face mask as much as possible.

And I'm still having symptoms😭 
 nostr:npub1zg9vcdj64tpznh3kpatank6pdhlh2wz4eq74zq23fru2nsmh7vfqjunh26 nostr:npub1k86m9dqvzqdqqghq... 
 @d1d01b74 @b1f5b2b4 Hubby was involved in the IT side, and reckons they're running at least a week late... 
 nostr:npub1zg9vcdj64tpznh3kpatank6pdhlh2wz4eq74zq23fru2nsmh7vfqjunh26 nostr:npub1k86m9dqvzqdqqghq... 
 @d1d01b74 @b1f5b2b4 Mail day was today, and still no easy vote card. 
 My medical centre has added an extra DO NOT COME IN IF YOU HAVE COVID!!! warning to the booking p... 
 @75da2519 I went into our local pharmacy on Friday and all of the staff were wearing masks again.

They stopped masking back in January, but have started doing it again now, after "staff shortages due to sickness" 🤔 
 I just finished The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. The first time finally reading one of his works, I really enjoyed it, and will be searching out his other titles. #bookstodon #reading 
 Still no voting packs. Anyone else still waiting for theirs? 
 @f2d9faf1 We haven't gotten ours yet in Dunedin. 
 Our easy vote cards still haven't arrived, but I want to vote today.

I think I'll go and do it after lunch once the southerly has come through, and it's rainy and cold. I'm hoping that our local polling booth will have less people then. 
 A very blowy north westerly today. It's stirred up a lot of dust, and I've been sneezy and with itchy eyes all morning.

I'm now wearing a N95 mask, and I feel much better. I think I'll just wear it continuously until my allergist appointment in 3 weeks. 
 nostr:npub1zg9vcdj64tpznh3kpatank6pdhlh2wz4eq74zq23fru2nsmh7vfqjunh26 if I did this I would be sl... 
 @616c9fe2 I did threaten him with this 😇 
 I was just checking out the traders for Unwind 2024, and I'm glad to see that a certain NI business won't be there.

It's the weekend that hubby leaves for the USA for his work conference, so I can't go the full weekend, but I do want to visit the traders. 
 In case you're interested in going to the Fibrecraft Retreat.

 So apparently hubby had a great time at the birthday party last night, and there were way more than 40 people there.

I'm resigned to the fact he will probably be bringing home covid...

And he changed his plans coming home, and now he's spending at least 3 hours having breakfast with family this morning before making the trip home. Which means that by the time he shows up, I won't be able to go out into town to get something I need for work tomorrow... 
 Yep, he has completely forgot that I needed to pick something up today. I'm not surprised, really. Once he gets together with his family, basically he tunes me out. It happens every time they get together, usually I just go find a quiet bedroom and read a book for a couple of hours. Eventually he comes and finds me once he realises I'm not around anymore. 
 Aaaaarrgh! I **HATE** APHIDS (+ ANTS)!!!

Just went to deadhead some of my polyanthers, which hav... 
 @e5c2d016 squishing them is the best thing, it makes the aphids run away and it attracts predators 😄 
 Just had to use the ventolin inhaler again. I think cleaning the  whole house stirred up a lot of dust, and I'm paying for it now. 
 Hubby was a total sweetie, and stopped in at Ashfords in Ashburton for me and picked up the 16 DPI stainless steel reed I wanted for my floor loom :birdheart: 

 It was so pricey, that I just spent all my pocket money for the next month 😬 
 Hubby’s on his way to Christchurch. Contacted me to say it was snowing on the northern motorway. 

I’ve had my first prednisone dose and am waiting for it to help me start cleaning the house 🤣 
 nostr:npub1zg9vcdj64tpznh3kpatank6pdhlh2wz4eq74zq23fru2nsmh7vfqjunh26 The feeling as your lungs j... 
 @9de7a166 oh my that sounds bad. This is all new for me and I don’t know what to expect. Doctor doesn’t know if this is a permanent allergy symptom or just something that is in the air right now. 😬 

He’s just trying to get me through until my allergist appointment in two weeks when she can make some short and long term decisions about what to do with me. 
When it works, it works! E... 
 @e5c2d016 I’ve just been feeling so coughy and a little breathless at times over the last couple of weeks, to feel normal is so good. My doctor said this is a new allergy symptom, he’s not sure if it’s permanent or that I’m really allergic to something right now. 
 First ventolin dose taken, let's see what happens... 
 Oh I feel so much better. No more coughing and breathlessness. 
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 @0f292d5c I should’ve said something once I realized but I’m too shy 🤣 
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 I'm now about to go into the garden wearing a N95 mask  to get stuff done 😷 
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 @d1d01b74 Gonna go vote tomorrow :birdheart: 
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 Everyone kept asking if I had covid 👀 
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 @9de7a166 I haven't gone out yet, hubby said maybe wait one more day and see if they easy vote package comes tomorrow. Otherwise I'll have to talk to people, rather than just handover the card 😆 
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 The funniest thing was the highlight of the sanctuary for the kids was a great plate of hot chips from the cafe, and the pair of mallard ducks and their 12 ducklings in a pond 🤣