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 GM 🧡 nostr:note1nfefzl8pxghtr77pag0slkx345t47sc4yvu38puqnhz5jptch8jsyej8l7 
 GM nostr ☕ #coffeechain #bitcoin

Pretty wild spaces last night with Elon Musk, Alex Jones, Viv... 
 I apologize, But I basically think all four of these people are fraudulent sacks of shit. Bitcoin is truth, It doesn’t need hype men to keep working. No politicians needed. Tick tock next block. Fuck your agenda. 
 Argentina is buying bitcoin and the price is going down. 
 Goodnight and wabi sabi, Nostr! 💤🤙🏻🫂💜

We may be in a small lull right now, but th... 
 🤣🤣🤣 nostr:note15fj5sxl7c6actdumd9vf7452ns9erq3f9pez2qh7e2ctk4sqtdlqcyfdn9 
 Monke pic stupid.

Transaction fees good.

Censorship resistance comes with accepting some shit y... 
 It’s amusing to see influential* accounts randomly dunk on #Bitcoin out of nowhere. 

Feels lik... 
 “banks work” nostr:note10x4kfrmdzs9ggvkta6gx0n8gwxthj62hj3nskpxvcc8kv8se85qqevrznq 
 Is there any mobile client that allows you to share media directly from the gallery / file picker... 
 There is a fine line between tyranny and recommendation.

I don't force anyone to use anything, n... 
 An interesting development, But the alternative is homeless people dying on the sidewalk on fentanyl. The people who I meet that understand and use bitcoin generally have their lives together and are middle class looking to preserve their assets for another generation. There are people out there who refuse to better themselves because they have lost hope in the system understandably, But if you just get to the bottom and stop thinking a CBDC system like this is the only way to drag people along. I wish there was something I could do to help people in that situation, I do my best to show compassion to people who have nothing left. There is a homeless guy who calls me bitcoin whenever he sees me and threatens me or try’s to mess with me because he was a Freemason and still believes one day the whole world will only use dollars. Some people really just can not figure things out, And it has to do with so many factors, But I do kind of think a CBDC is the only way to give everyone a basic income, Access to technology, And reward good behavior. Generally bitcoiners don’t need these guardrails to become better people. If they do illegal things it is for the right reasons and never belligerent. It is terrifying to think about but so is getting stabbed with a needle by someone who has HIV. 
 I think it will work the other way around. When the banks get what they want everyone else will after, But bitcoin will be the way for people who don’t want what the banks want for them to make their own choices because they are smart enough. People like doing drugs, But don’t like learning about how they affect their lives, And this is because of the illegal nature of the black market. Many things were felonies before they became mainstream. Marijuana, Alcohol was prohibited, Gold, The bank and the government just has to keep these things illegal to stay in power but are eventually accepted as the things they are as a majority of people comprehend their effects. 
 Pro tax cuts for the 1%. Bernie. The United States has the most affordable politicians. 
 This is a social debate masquerading as a technical debate amid an extremely aggressive regulator... 
 Can’t win if you don’t think you can. 

We’re going to win. 
 You saw there were 13,000 transactions in one block recently. Looks like someone is loading up. 
 Elon is so lazy, He has an AI bot grifting for him these days. 
 Man, it is really sad to walk around Vegas. 
 But have you visited a reservation? 
 What I love about #Bitkey is less copying, and more outside of the box thinking.

There are lots ... 
 A lot of basic people who can’t figure out simple computer programming to own and control their own money. FTW! 
 I heard Jeffrey Epstein is on nostr. 
 . /$$                 /$$            /$$$$$$
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.|________/ \______/ |__/|________/ \______/  \_______/ \_______/
                          //Laughing at your security since 2011!


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 _/o|_____/  ,____________.__;__,__,__,__,_Y...:::---===````//    #anonymous
|==========\ ;  ;  ;  ;  ; \__,__\__,_____ --__,-.\   OFF  ((     #anarchists
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                        `| === |           ))~~\\     ```"""=,))  #fuckfbifriday
                         | === |           |'---')                #chingalamigra
                        / ==== /           `====='
 Elizabeth Warren is 74. The dinosaurs are slowly but surely dying off. 

We can HODL #Bitcoin lon... 
 It’s really ok that she Karens all over mainstream media. HSBC and the other banks see bitcoin as more profitable than a politician they already own. 
 Inscriptions are scams. What kind of asshole would I be if I told Inscription fans how to use Bit... 
 Hi. Freezing in South Carolina. 
