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 My short formulation for the borders debate:

1. As Praxeologists, we look for aggression in actions, not policy.
2. Neither open borders policy or full-restricted border policy (therefore anything in between) is free of aggression because when the state removes borders and doesn’t let the expropriated owners retake their property/protect them, and lets outsiders use those properties, this violates the obligation the state has toward the expropriated, in the same way a jailer would have an obligation to protect the jailed, regardless of it being right or wrong jailing. When the state restricts borders, one cannot freely use/homestead an unowned property like in the wilderness.
3. A libertarian either supports non of the border policy positions or supports one that commits fewer aggressions as second best solution proposal.
4. Hoppe’s guaranteeing the immigrants solution gets us close as possible to what would otherwise have happened if private property rights were protected and markets were free. And it should be preferred as the better option as it commits fewer aggression and prevents civil wars and mass plumber that would happen in an open border scenario. 

Any libertarian should accept at least first three arguments. If they have any sense, all four.
 Universalism and Pragmatism should not be as thought to be as separated. I imagine a lot of us labeled themselves as pragmatists as sorts arriving to austro-anarchism. Mises teaches us the role of entrepreneurship in life. If you successfully speculate for the future you are acting for, you are rewarded for it. But in both, Pragmatism and Praxeology, there is the philosophy of First Act. And the prominence of this truth that through action our body and mind is mediated even in the search of this apriori truth is getting more recognition.

Propaganda works. Socialism doesn’t.
(Schumpeter, Mises) 

Exit > Voice
(NRX, Nick Land)

Craftsmanship before wordsmanship.
(Peter Janich, protophysics)

Capitalism can never be criticized fast enough.
(D&G, Land)

One must act to understand.
(Praxeology, Hoppe)
 Before arriving* 
 “Until today, the officially-officious American view of history, and especially of the 20th century, is seen as a triumph of good over evil.

    Yet, after more than fifty years of occupation and reeducation in Germany, topics and factual circumstances are being publicly discussed again, which not only do not fit into the American worldview but have also long been taboo (in defeated Germany even more so than in victorious USA): the bloodthirsty beginning of modern USA with the military conquest, devastation, and ongoing occupation of the secessionist southern states by the Union government in the second American War of Independence, the targeted entanglement of the USA in the First World War, the overthrow of the Tsar and the Kaiser and the Versailles Treaty dictatorship, the extent of the crimes of Lenin and Stalin and their role in the rise of Mussolini and Hitler, the friendly relationship between Roosevelt and Stalin and the resulting decades-long communist power exercise throughout Eastern and Central Europe, the Allied terror bombing of civilians and the American mistreatment of German prisoners of war, the transfer of Western prisoners of war to Stalin’s execution squads, the expulsion of millions of Germans and, in addition to the unholy Holocaust, also the Holocaust Industry (which, among other things, speaks not about past deeds but misdeeds).

    My studies presented here are also “politically incorrect.” They thus fit into an increasingly “revisionist” intellectual landscape, which I hope (at least I hope this) can gain some influence in Germany as well, in order to prevent similar disastrous developments in the future.”
-Hans Hermann Hoppe 
 I come to think of covenants, frontiers when I think of the application of extropy as described below by Nick Land. A safe haven from the rest of the world’s irrationality and pit of deceptions. Either led by a mad man or a mad mass. This sphere will expand by the power of catallaxy and come to teach rationality back to the old world, of then. 

A new America. Instead of Permanent Revolutions, we lead Permanent Frontiers.
 Objektivistlerin neden SJW gibi olmaya meyilli olduklarını anladım. Guilt kültürü ve utandırma kültürü vardır. İlki identity ve değerlerden, ikincisi diğerlerinin baskısıyla belli normları belirler ve baskılar. Sezgisel olmasa da, kolektif olan ikincisi değil birincisidir.

Batıyı kasırgayan identity politics ise kolektivisttir. Japonlar bunlardan muzdarip olmayıp kültürel birliktelik içinde olup kollektif bir kültüre sahip değildirler mesela. 

Objektivizmdeki altruist ve egoist bakış açısıyla, bu utandırma ve ostrasize etmeyi (dışlama), egoya karşı ve altruistik davranışı desteklediğinden doğru değildir.

Başkalarına iyi görünmek / başkaları istiyor diye davranışını değiştirmek hep yargılanır Objektivistler tarafından. Egoizm kendi istediğine, değerlerine, ve hep birlikte kendi faydana bakmanın doğru olduğunu söyler. Bu da identity politicse yol açar, ve kolektivizme.


Biz Austro-Liberteryenlerin Hoppe’den öğrendiği fiziksel tasfiye yani ostrasize etmek bireycilikle uyumlu bir kültürü desteklemektedir, ki bu da utandırma (shame) kültürünün temelindedir. 