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 #PennedPossibilities 87: Is your MC or SC a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty kind of person?

Ellis - full
Marcus - full
Jack - empty

Jo - would grab the glass and hurl it at the wall - contents be damned. 
Lark - would never assume the glass was his to have an opinion on in the first place. 

#AmWriting #WIP 
 #WordWeavers Sept 29: Who in your story gives the most pep talks?

Without counting, I'd say it's a close thing between Jack and Jo. Saying that, Jo's manner is slightly less pep and rather more, "Get your shit together or you'll be sorry".
Jack is pretty good at reassurance and helping other people feel better, but not so great at applying the same logic to himself. He derives comfort and reassurance from actions more than words. Give him both and he's done. 🫠

#WIP #AmWriting #MMMRomance 
 nostr:npub125d06fkh36yp7lqzp29wg935qxvkrlrtkqmgvutge6gxl787wz6squyray ew! It’s like those pimpl... 
That does sound grim. And fascinating. 
 nostr:npub125d06fkh36yp7lqzp29wg935qxvkrlrtkqmgvutge6gxl787wz6squyray if they only asked these ty... 

I can imagine. You will need a certain type of person to enjoy discussing the speed of putrification with you, for example. 😅  
I know someone whose passion seems to be puss. I always open YouTube links from her with a degree of trepidation. I just never know what I'll end up looking at. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Strangest research you’ve done for writing?

- the best place to stab someon... 
That would make one hell of a pub quiz. 🤣 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 27th Sept: What's the strangest research you've done for your writing?

I've researched a fair amount of kink. It's led me to some very interesting blogs, conversations with kinksters, and er... porn sites 😳

My most recent deep dive though, was on killing someone with a sniper rifle. 
*not a kink btw*

#WIP #AmWriting #BDSMRomance 
 #WordWeavers Sept 26: Is your antagonist or protagonist more fashionable?

Ellis is far more fashionable. You'll usually find him in a Tom Ford suit. He's learned to love wrapping himself up in quality clothes that fit just right. It helps to mask the beast that lurks beneath his skin. 
Aiden doesn't hide who and what he is. He wants what Ellis has, but hasn't learned how to get it without brute force.

#WIP #AmWriting 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Sept 25: What keeps you striving concerning your writing goals?

I have narrative earworms that play out in my head. 
I love to daydream. And in my brain, my characters get up to so much, it verges on an x-rated soap opera at times.
Writing it down gives them a chance to take a breath occasionally. Pacing, consistency, motivations, and sometimes basic common decency, prevent total anarchy, or a bacchanalian orgy from kicking off. 
My goal is to get much better at it. 
 #writerscoffeeclub Sep 14 — Have you ever written about an ex-partner and changed their name in your story? 

Honestly, no. They don't take up any real estate in my mind. 
 #PennedPossibilities 71 — Was your MC ever bullied as a child? If so, why?

Yes. He was small for his age, orphaned and lived with an uncle who did little more than cloth and feed him. He was bullied all through school, because kids can be cruel to anyone who isn't the same as them. 
At home, he was bullied some more. His uncle didn't want to be saddled with a kid and liked to let him know how much of an inconvenience he was.

#WIP #AmWriting 
 #WordWeavers Day 13: What animal would you like as a muse and why?

I think it has to be a dog. Sitting with their head on my lap, gazing up at me as I write. Or leaping into my lap and shoving their nose into my neck for attention. It's the quiet - or not so quiet - companionship. The warmth of having others with you who don't intrude as much as keep things from becoming too quiet. 
I can be lost in my head, but not lonely. 

If that makes sense. 
Sept 13 - Do you derive joy from writing?

Well, that's a big fat yes.
I took it up again last year after too many years of ignoring the itch. It gave me something to focus on. Something creative I could lose myself in. 
I had become an anxious, sad mess, in a job I was hating more every day. I could feel it sucking the life out of me. Writing allowed me to disappear and forget for a while. Now, the job is finally gone and it's just my happy place. 
 nostr:npub125d06fkh36yp7lqzp29wg935qxvkrlrtkqmgvutge6gxl787wz6squyray So true 😁 It breaks some... 
Yes. Most shows would. The actors help, of course. They do such an amazing job. But the style and calibre of the writing and - like you said - the depth of each character allows you so much insight. 
I avoided it for a long time thinking I wouldn't enjoy it. I was wrong. 
 nostr:npub125d06fkh36yp7lqzp29wg935qxvkrlrtkqmgvutge6gxl787wz6squyray I think it's because we get... 
I agree. 
I love (and hate) that when that happens and one of them gets knocked so low we wait to see if this will be a turning point and they'll have that moment of awakening that changes things. But, oh no. As soon as they're back up, they can't help grasping for even more and stomping on anyone in their way to get there.
Kendal has broken me more than once, but right now I am incensed with him again. 😅 
 nostr:npub125d06fkh36yp7lqzp29wg935qxvkrlrtkqmgvutge6gxl787wz6squyray Logan was such a fascinatin... 
Me too. 
How on earth the writers manage to keep viewers so invested, when every character is so reprehensible, I have no idea. 
I find my allegiance switching constantly. I don't usually do well when no characters have redeemable qualities. It's generally an automatic switch off, but I'm hooked. Maybe it's due to the Roy kids having grown up under such abusive training from Logan that you understand they had little choice but become morally bankrupt, self-serving adults. 
 #PennedPossibilities 64 — Break up your MC's life (thus far) into 3 chapters and give each of them a title.

1. Lone wolf
2. Red in tooth and claw
3. Alpha

1. The lonely prince
2. A switch in time
3. Eyes wide open

1. Home is where the hurt is
2. Hiding in plain sight
3. The tie that binds

#WIP #AmWriting #MMMRomance #WolfShifter #BDSMRomance 
 nostr:npub125d06fkh36yp7lqzp29wg935qxvkrlrtkqmgvutge6gxl787wz6squyray This made me think of Succe... 
Oh god!! Yes. Now you've said that, I can see it!
I am currently watching season 4. 
Maybe I've been influenced by him. He does have a Loganesque vibe and he also has kids he throws under the bus 😅🫣 
 #WordWeavers Day 7. Why did your villain become a villain?

Aiden became pack alpha the old way, fighting his way to the top with guile, cunning and a ruthless single-mindedness. Each step up gave him another level of control. Now he's alpha, he'll do what it takes to stay top wolf.
Others will always jostle for a slice of his pie. The only way to keep power is to ensure the pack thrives - and that everyone fears him more than his younger, would be challengers.

#WolfShifters #WIP #AmWriting 
 #WritingWonders Day 12: MC have prejudices?

Growing up, Ellis despised rich people who put their wealth on display for all to see. It made it easier for him to steal from them. He tries to keep his own worth on the low down. Except for clothes. He does love a well tailored suit. He's also a fan of powerful cars. His den needs to be safe, and big and welcoming, so it will be worthy of a pack, one day.
Okay, the irony isn't lost on him. He's not flashy, but it's pretty clear he has money. 

Event not found

Wow! Congrats on an amazing review. 😍 
Event not found
Can you imagine the intensity? Perfume, sewage, and the late night stench after the pubs/clubs empty out. 🤢🤣