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Notes by Camilo JdL | export

 📣 En este artículo tomo como puntapié la estafa Rainbowex   para explicar como Bitcoin arregla los ponzis.  

 Excess of Bitcoin content on Nostr considered beneficial: nostr:nevent1qqszzm6999qtllxj9sh8jwvxcy... 
 I´d prefer to to have better filtering algos here before receiving the masses  
 Sup Nostrs!

I was wondering, is there any **umbrella term** that contain all or at least most of the below terms: 

Free cities, Free Private Cities, Residential Special Economic Zones, micro states, micropolis, intentional communities with their own rules, citadels, bitcoin citadels, network states, etc 

 According to the spreadsheet he has donated to LGBTQ groups. 
So they are probably helping those persons. 
 📣 Les comparto mi último artículo.
Trata sobre como la autoridad persigue a los creadores de riqueza, tomando como  disparador el caso del arresto del dueño de Telegram. 

🔗 https://www.criptonoticias.com/opinion/guerra-contra-libertad-caso-pavel-durov-nadie-conto/ 
 Makes sense to me. 
Also: if illegal torrents work and scale, how couldn´t Nostr work and scale as well?