Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by damus | export

 Confirmed, looks like an issue with this account in particular. Debugging…. 
 Announcing the latest TestFlight for Purple members! Check out this video for whats new in this upcoming release and how to join the purple testing squad 👀

 https://damus.io/purple/login to join the testflight if you’re a purple member! 
 Oops! Our lightning purple renewals and subs are down while we rebuild our node. Sorry for the inconvenience. We should be up and running in a couple hours. 
 Have you experienced the Danus 
 as long as Damus doesn't get renamed as Danus, we should be fine 
 Did someone say Danus 
 Announcing the latest innovation from Damus Labs: Nut Zaps 

 nut adapter coming soon 
 as our demo shows the nut zapper 6000 is most effective with cashu nuts 
 You get universal translations and a cool star. It helps damus grow as we are an open source project and not VC funded. 
 What version are you on? 
 Damus Android just got supercharged by this latest grant from the Human Rights Foundation!

The continued support has been absolutely vital on our joint mission to bring freedom tech to as many people as possible.

Thank you! 💜🫂🚀 nostr:note1427apc7j7es8s5te9n6us9jt4fnpdze2h7g7xmnnnw9ye309jwds7kdre5 
 Damus Purple (v1.7) is officially released on the appstore! Check out whats new in this release! 👀


🗣️ @jb55 
 Hi nostr:npub18m76awca3y37hkvuneavuw6pjj4525fw90necxmadrvjg0sdy6qsngq955 
 I love that, in Amethyst, I can be scrolling, click a profile, follow them, and click back to the... 
 ? You can follow people without even leaving a timeline via the profile popup 
 Be part of the roadmap! Damus.io/purple 💜 nostr:note1uhc7j7nr20thavqjlf9n73z3eu3cy3htuadpq24f8... 
 maam that is https://damus.io/purple please excuse @jb55 ‘s poor url parsing skills 
 GM #nostr! Today the Damus team is celebrating one year on the App Store! We are so excited that you're here, having fun while supporting freedom! Our dear friend l @MaxDeMarco  has summarized the last 365 days with the help from many of you sharing your memories! Thank you so much!


We are also pumped to announce the launch of Damus Purple! You can be part of the roadmap for the year to come and beyond, by supporting our team with this optional membership. Currently it’s open to TestFlight users only but will be on
the App Store shortly. Thanks for joining us on this wild ride 🤙 https://damus.io/purple 
 Damus v1.6 is out! Check out everything new in this release 👀 nostr:note1ykgm4lmnjqhttnm9gar5lyqygjqu98vpcyy6lqr4venhlmu8pl0s0plgvr 
 Damus is at #bitcoin #miami ! Come check out our booth and pick up some Merch! https://nostr.build/i/6c84810fafc08b0853d3bade3b8e8aa3645970cc973888d87f44c6565593e406.jpg  
 What’s everyone up to today? 
 jb55​ testing notification links ignore this.   
 Ready to experience zaps like never before? Introducing the Zapper 5000:

 The Damus on the Google Play store *is NOT our app*. It is a scam and is probably trying to steal private keys. Damus is iOS/macos only. 
 Welcome to #nostr folks! 😁 
 The Damus Log

Comments here will appear on the Damus Log homepage:


Comment 🧵👇 
 hello, world! 
Event not found
 Enjoy fuzzy guy 
Event not found
 You can clear cache in settings