A very close family member with a newborn caught covid!
Nobody in my life takes covid precautions and I'm scared!
Nobody in my area masks and I'm scared!
I would like to stay able bodied as long as possible, I want to live in a house with a yard so I can live/work with plenty of space and only allow vetted people in!!!!!!!!
I feel like my life is/has closed in so much because people won't fucking mask!!!!!
Anyways buy my porn so I can work and finally have a stable home.
5 more subscribers before the end of the month pretty please fedi, I'm sooooo close to beating my goal 🥹
My Fansly is even $7 the rest of the month, which is A FUCKING STEAL
You get an extra special clip when you subscribe and tell me you're a fedizen too :33
#onlyfans #onlyfansbabe #camgirl #fanslycreator
Notes by Kathrine Bush | export