Some people underestimate the #nostr protocols. Some out of ignorance; others for not making an effort to learn about the quality that dwells here. Do what, the human being is like that!
But whenever there are objections to why Nostr is validated and important, friend @Derek Ross is there to make his role clear!
A friend tagged me in his Instagram post now, urging me to comment on the legalization of drugs in the recent movement of the Supreme Court. In particular, I kind of didn’t understand!
First because I am not a user; second that you have the free will to consume what you want; and third and not least, my opinion does not matter. Today people live in a world that feel forced to position themselves, when in fact, they are not and do not need to.
For me, loyalty and fidelity are indispensable, if not the only way. If I make you confidential something, or a fact; I will never admit that you share it. Not least because, meticulously I only said that to you; how would other people know?!
So, there’s no other way. I can’t trust you; and obviously, I won’t help you when you need me. We are all human beings, full of flaws, I can accept this and we will be good friends - but not the aforementioned. #GM #nostr #coffeechain
Por algum motivo, eu tive a impressão que você - assim como eu, se amarra em filmes, @Charles Haper.
Então toma essa pedrada aqui. Acabei de ver esse suspense com Russel Crowe que me tirou até o sono, para saber o final desse história.
Imagina você ter Alzheimer e desvendar um caso que aconteceu à dez anos atrás, tirando um homem inocente do corredor da morte?!
Nota: 9/10 - Ano filme 2024!
In scenarios like this, in those of us who live in an emerging country and have our currency more and more crumpled every day, we have the obligation to protect ourselves in dollar or #bitcoin.
And there’s nothing wrong with that, you know?! Perceptions will always be unique to each person. The individual experience is what makes us unique and perfect at the same time. I’ve seen your grades, you’re a producer! Whether on Twitter or anywhere else, your experience and ideas are important for those who read them, and for you, who somehow put out something valuable in you - continue, here or there, it doesn’t matter.
I’m sure, with the people I connected with, it was really valuable; smart. Outside this environment, nostr is still an embryo then - few want to hear the power of being with us, and everything that protocols can really do.
I learned more about the Bitcoin universe here, than in many other research I had done in the past. I made good colleagues here, people who daily welcomed me and helped me - or sympathized with my grades. In the broad scenario, it’s good to be here!
Dialogue with intelligent people, you will become intelligent. Talk to ignorant people, it won’t be long before you become one.
In #nostr you have a great chance to...
Become smarter, as long as you are on Twitter/X; you are on the lookout, waiting for those who will mock or discuss the post!
On Twitter, we are used to being hostile, the platform induces us to this, silently in our brain. While in nostr we evolve gradually, when talking to other users.
Eu sou um cara mega positivo. Até quando tenho certeza que algo não está certo e provavelmente dará errado, visto toda a análise padrão; eu sempre penso que alguma reviravolta pode acontecer.
Essa é uma condição chata, pois muitos não entendem meu astral - e por vezes, me veem como chatão. Eles por algum motivo, gostam de ser pessimistas e reclamam com frequência.
Parabéns por essa conquista! Você com certeza mereceu essas férias, continue motivado amigo; dias como esse tendem a se repetir, se estiver na vibração certa.
Parte de tudo que há de maravilhoso neste universo, está a nossa disposição; basta aprendermos a observar essa beleza. 🫂💜
A perfect note! If you are not fluent in our language, translate it and read it. Learning the importance of financial education, primarily, is first of all an ability not to lust; not to unnecessary consumerism; to spend less than we receive - so that we can have a healthier and more frustrating life.
Get this code from @idsera !
Living above your earnings to show others that you can this or that, is the perfect recipe for failure.
Very few people will really be able to be free geographically and financially, coming the dream sold on the internet of passive income, investing R$300 reais per month and nothing more.
What I need to say: if you do this for a long period, it will not be very difficult, if compared to the individual who does not do the same and depends exclusively on the INSS.
But no daydreams!
Eu concordo bastante com seu pensamento. Mas eu sinto que preciso acrescentar um ponto: o hábito de poupar pequenas quantias, o faz ter a capacidade de entender que é possível ir mais longe (fazendo um crossover com suas palavras). Se qualificando de alguma maneira, tendo um emprego melhor e usando esse hábito do pouco, para melhorar a sua energia de poupar mais, investir melhor.
Acredito fielmente que é possível ter uma boa vida; conheço pessoas no meu ciclo de amizades que não vivem de rendimentos, mas tem um pelo patrimônio. No pior cenário, basta liquidar uma parte e a vida continua. Agora, viver de rendimentos, pouco provável — mas com um patrimônio legal, sim!
Gosto de conversar com você por isso, manja das paradas. Particularmente, tenho minhas metas mês, mas se não der, não tem problema. Bora viver! Criar experiências! Eu sou mega positivo, sem neuroses. A mesma coisa é com quem faz dieta e não se permite comer um churrasco na casa de uns amigos, pelo propósito.
A verdade é: gente chata e neurótica não é boa sobre nenhum aspecto! ☺️
“Reality shock: if you dream of living from such “passive income”, you will depend on what you know? Active income, for many years! Have a job, to receive money, to be able to increase your asset base, which will pay you income. The rest is furious talk.” - Daniel Galdini
I really like the backstage of the movies. And how about this one, James Cameron, Leonardo DiCaprio e Kate Winslet no set de Titanic 1997.
Cryptocurrency brokers will have to deduct tax from 15% to 22.5% at source.
* Rule applies to national brokers.
According to accountant Ana Paula Rabello (DECLARING BTC), there is room for interpretation that any income in operations, such as fixed income tokens offered by national brokers, can be collected in the month in which they occur, at market value, even without the withdrawal to the bank.
“This type of operation is subject to withholding tax, which may be used as a hard finger tax on crypto operations, similar to what happens on the stock exchange.” #Federal Recipe #Brazil #IRPF #Crypt #bitcoin
I have no idea how complex it should be, to manage a multitude of users who, if in some way, ask for help to solve serious problems - or else, for the help of simple things.
But I’m sure this quality of seeking feedback from your users is very valuable. That’s what differentiates companies, from corporate groups. And @Alby today took a step towards this quality, when she sent me an inbox message on Twitter/X. #gn #nostr #bitcoin
Although this is a network that there is a lot of didactic content about #bitcoin; and it is an imperious environment for this, #nostr is not an exclusive network about Bitcoin, for Bitcoin. And if we want new valuable users to be contemplating us with their good grades, we need to multiply this analysis.
I have seen many “influencers” saying that investing in real estate funds (Fiis brasil) is a terrible vehicle, that stocks are a much healthier way to enrich and increase your assets.
What a disservice for a person to say that. THIS IS FAR FROM TRUE! Even if we consider that it is a new investment vehicle, its starting window so far, shows that the long term has become very faithful to its purpose; which is to generate income and as a characteristic of a good allocation, an increase in equity.
I’m not the one saying, research it! #finance #marketmoney
Quem vive apenas de internet, ou debruçado sobre ela em algum aspecto; não quer a liberdade. E eu já pensei sobre isso; e cheguei a essa conclusão.
Todos eles não querem a liberdade, querem expor que estão sendo reprimidos, apenas.
Mídia; like; engajamento… só!
Umas das coisas que o mercado de capitais me ensinou é que não existe almoço grátis. “Laranja madura à beira da estrada, ou está podre ou estragada.”
Esse é um ditado muito popular aqui no Brasil, não sei se é em outro lugar. Mas chove DM em minhas redes sociais, quando falo de como invisto meus recursos… Sempre me oferecem robôs de ganhos “consistentes”, de rentabilidade absurda - totalmente irreais, ao meu entendimento.
Meus amigos, não caiam nesse golpe. Pessoas com má fé, estão tentando levar o seu suado dinheiro. Busque conhecimento com fontes verificadas, com livros de preferência.
Eu sou meio cético com o que não entendo. E crítico com o que sei. Não me deixo levar com esses ganhos malucos, que me oferecem! Por isso eu nunca cai nesses golpes.
Faço meu feijão com arroz. Ações BR, FII’s, stocks, Reits e uma pequena muito pequena parte em Bitcoin (acho que 2% só).
Voce é bem ousado, visto os 50% em #bitcoin. Mas vou te falar, o mundo é dos mais ousados com certeza (skin in the game).
Gosto da recorrência mensal dos dividendos de FII’s — o que somados, tem aumentado significativamente meu patrimônio. ☺️
With the market falling, increase your positions. Whether in stocks, real estate funds, Reits or stocks; without forgetting your value reserve — #bitcoin.
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