Someone recently asked if I was happy.
Sure, I'm grateful to be so privileged that I'm likely in the top 0.1% of humans with regard to quality of life.
But I'm not satisfied. I can not relax until I see the authoritarians driven before me and I delight in the lamentations of their sycophants.
I have a feeling this will age well.
Thanks to folks overloading the term "regarded" to route around censorship, now whenever I see someone using it for the original meaning, I have to do a double take and use context clues to determine which meaning is intended. 🤡
Plenty of reasons but top ones:
1. The multisig tech matured to the point we were confident building on it.
2. Consistent increased demand from current and potential clients.
3. Massive growth in stablecoin ecosystem.
There are some degens who are trading testnet coins and other testnet tokens for real value and they're upset about my griefing attack this week.
They've been taunting me that I'm wasting my resources on the attack.
Little do they know that the 563 blocks I've mined on the past 3 days only cost me $0.03 worth of electricity. 😏
Nor do they suspect what's coming next!
Has anyone had success adding muscle while on a low carb diet? In my experience it's great for losing fat but is a huge challenge for gaining muscle.
If so, what's the trick?
I have a theory that if a sufficiently decentralized test network remains in operation long enough, it will accrue value.
While we can't kill testnet3, we can abandon it to the degens.
It should be borderline illegal for a server hosting provider to only offer Linux versions that are 4+ years old. Becomes a huge pain in the ass to build recent C++ software with obsolete libraries!
Bitches managed to lose the other $49,500 even more than it was lost last week. It was at least appearing in the balance of one of the 401K providers. This week it's not showing up on either end!
In the most fiat possible resolution to this month-long ordeal, I found my account manager's boss and emailed him, explaining my frustration. An hour later and the account manager had magically fixed all the account balances.
If you ever need to feel better about your romantic life, just watch Love on the Spectrum and it will cheer you right up!
I was told that you're supposed to mellow with age, but I feel like the older I get, the more radicalized I become from observing my government's actions.
Bitches have found $500 of my $50,000
Bitches managed to lose the other $49,500 even more than it was lost last week. It was at least appearing in the balance of one of the 401K providers. This week it's not showing up on either end!
Notes by Jameson Lopp | export