Yesterday the dermatologist that my primary care sent me to for this painful itchy blistery rash I have suffered with for 4 months has finally started to acknowledge that I was right all along and it's my blood pressure pill doing this to me. Only because I decided to stop taking it and the rash is finally starting to clear up. Nothing else made it go away. They could have saved me 4 months of hell if they had believed me. Today I see my primary care to be prescribed a different BP med.
@cf82808b Oh that's nice to have people to share books with. I only know other horror readers online, I have nobody in real life to share horror books with.
@cf82808b Good luck. I hope it works for you. I've always had anxiety too but for me the worst of it is having to deal with anything medical related so I've never asked for anything for mine. I avoid doctors as much as possible.
@cf82808b the male turns into a moth. The female stays a worm and makes this bag to lay eggs in. It attaches it to the trees and disguises it to look like a pine cone. It lays up to 1000 eggs in that bag. They hatch in the spring and eat the trees. One of our trees is dying from them. I had never heard of them either until I saw this in my driveway. I had to google it to see what it was. My husband pulled about 60 of them off one tree in front of our house.
as far as food
I miss sour cream and onion Doritos
Genos pizza trays
Weaver Chicken Croquettes
Morton Donuts
I agree with your Other, once they find out you like something it disappears!
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