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 “The threat is here; the time Orwell warned about is now.”

It never ceases to amaze & terrify me that in under 80 years, less than a human lifetime, we have allowed the putrid, lethal stench of fascism to return.

In the countries that destroyed it, in those that were destroyed by it, & in many others seemingly inspired by it.

And the populists will exploit the looming disaster of climate change to stoke hatred for their own narrow, short-term power & profit.

 As promised, some more #JWST loveliness today. 

Our paper on the HH211 protostellar outflow, with Tom Ray of Dublin as first author, is in this week’s print edition of Nature 👍

And … we have the front cover, the first time a JWST science image has featured there, we think 🎉🙇‍♂️
I made this new version of the image in my Reykjavík hotel room last week & while travelling home 😬

Quite proud of it – enjoy 🖖🙂🤘

#Astrodon #SpaceScience #SpaceRocks


 From this morning’s inbox & this afternoon’s spam folder 🙄

Why is it that some people feel the necessity to foist their beliefs & ideologies on others like this, whether religious, political, colonial, or whatever?

I mean, that’s a rhetorical question – it pretty much leads to every piece of human ugliness on this planet.

#JWST #JuMBOs #Science #Astrodon

 Some nice additional pictures & words from Jonathan Amos at the BBC 🙇‍♂️


#JWST #PiecesOfOrion #OrionNebula 
 And we are live 🙀

It has only taken 25 years to get to this point, but here we are.

I'll post much more soon, but first I think need a moment.

#JWST #PiecesOfOrion #Astrodon

 Heads up ☝️

In just over 13 hours time, at 12:00CEST, 11:00BST, & 06:00EDT, we'll be releasing the images & early science results from our #JWST survey of the inner Orion Nebula & Trapezium Cluster ✨

It has been a crazy amount of work over the past few months, but we think the pictures are spectacular (& huge!), & some of the science results very cool 😱

This is one tiny crop: view & download the full images tomorrow & post your favourite #PiecesOfOrion here 🙂👍


 “I'm tired of Earth. These people. I'm tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives.” 😾


 I have a sense that JMW Turner might have approved of this evening’s sunset over the coastal dunes of Zuid-Holland 🙂

#Netherlands 🇳🇱
#Photography 📷
#ESTECsunsets 🛰️

 Pretty much symbolising how I feel at the moment, this small copper butterfly (Lycaena phlaeas) has reached the end of summer in a pretty bashed-up state 😳

But at least there is warm sunshine to bask in towards the end of things …

#Butterflies 🦋
#Netherlands 🇳🇱
#Photography 📷

 If you're reading this close to the day I posted it, 13 September 2023, then you were born on this planet & are overwhelmingly likely to die on it.

The only questions are when & how.

And whether you care at all about the future of those who will survive you & those yet to come.


 Ah ha, one of my favourite garden friends paid a visit today: a hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) doing its best to illustrate the principles of convergent evolution 🙂

This is a 240fps slow-motion video: in real-time, it was flitting around like crazy, very briefly supping from each flower with its long probocis. Am happy the phone stayed in focus most of the time.


 A most peculiar sight last night while cycling home, a route I must’ve done more than a thousand times in the dark, & yet I’ve never seen this before.

A row of trees was illuminated with a ghostly glow and even though there was a building behind me with a fluorescent strip lighting its front door, I couldn’t figure out the geometry at all.

So I took a pretty picture & rode on 🤷‍♂️

#CyclingLife 🚴‍♂️
#Netherlands 🇳🇱
#Photography 📷
