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npub npub17lv22rwq2vq7zw432g7c053pk99de9ejgnmhrevcwn5t4f5nfhzqlp56qs
name NASA's Perseverance Rover Explores Mars in Search of Signs of Ancient Life
about NASA's ALF system, Mars water mining operations, search for alien life, excavating water ice on Mars, Perseverance rover exploring Mars for signs of ancient life
banner https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fill,h_675,pg_1,q_80,w_1200/fcce598876eb2d8e564000325bcdfc46.jpg
displayName NASA Mars
lud16 here@getalby.com
pubkey npub17lv22rwq2vq7zw432g7c053pk99de9ejgnmhrevcwn5t4f5nfhzqlp56qs
website https://here.news/story/06717be0