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Notes by 🴠| export

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 # #Monero surpasses #Bitcoin in payment volume for the first time **on platform**


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 # Zionist enemy army admits death of officer in battles in southern Gaza Strip


#grownostr #palestine 
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 # Second gentleman Doug Emhoff tests positive for COVID. Vice President Harris has tested negative

**this is still news?**


#grownostr #US 
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 # #Iran to Purchase 10 Billion Cubic Meters of Turkmen Natural Gas Annually


#grownostr #Turkmenistan  
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 # Gaza Resistance PUNISHES Israeli Tanks and Helicopters


#grownostr #palestine 
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 # More than 300 MPs entering parliament on Tuesday will be new to the job. Here's how the House of Commons has prepared for the influx.


#UK #grownostr 
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 # no agency == no crime == no blame == no punishment

"Alternative critical accounts of, for example, the capitalist system being rigged against the ordinary man is, thus, not necessarily a CT, if it **lacks a secret agency of identifiable group of conspirators**. However, as has been discussed here, when maintaining that the malignant order is controlled by, for instance, the Bilderberg group, that moves the expla-
nation within the parameters of a CT. Thus, what sets CTs apart from critical theory is the **insistence on agency, and on secret intention**. The malevolent system must be set up by the design of the..."

ar.: https://archive.org/download/conspiracy-populism-the-politics-of-misinformation-pdfdrive/%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%A4%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%B1%D8%A9%20%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D8%B9%D8%A8%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%A9%20%D9%88%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%A9%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%B6%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%84.pdf

en.: https://archive.org/download/conspiracy-populism-the-politics-of-misinformation-pdfdrive/Conspiracy%20%26%20Populism_%20The%20Politics%20of%20Misinformation%20%28%20PDFDrive%20%29.pdf

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 # Why is Earth’s 🌠Core Spinning in Reverse? | Vantage with Palki Sharma 😮

**this does not sound good**


#grownostr #earth #science 
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 It was a time-stamp not tracking code, to save nostriches time... 
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 # It's seriously happening fast: embargo of #Iraq, siege of #Syria, war with the #Jews, ...the once destitute vying with tall buildings and now the #earth's core has started spinning backwards 😠

"We said: 'O Messenger of Allah ï·º, how long will he stay on earth?' He said: 'Forty days, **one day like a year, one day like a month, one day like a week**, and the rest of his days like your days.' We said: 'O Messenger of Allah, on that day which is like a year, will the prayers of one day suffice us?' He said: 'Make an estimate of time (and then observe prayer).'"



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 # Morihei Ueshiba, VHS documentary from 1961


#grownostr #Japan
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 # 😂😂😂 -- they banned @10Luno and took down the #9/11 footage 

#censorship #nostr 

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 # #Banned on #nostr -- #911 raw footage 🙀 #neverForget

**little 💩 devs and their #libertarianFake friends 👺**



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 # Hisnul Muslim - Dua [62] Upon hearing thunder

سÙبْحَانَ الَّذÙيْ ÙŠÙسَبّÙح٠الرَّعْد٠بÙحَمْدÙه٠وَالْمَلَائÙÙƒÙŽØ©Ù Ù…Ùنْ Ø®ÙيْÙَتÙÙ‡Ù 

Glory is to Him Whom thunder and angels glorify due to fear of Him.

Subhaanal-lathee yusabbihur-ra'du bihamdihi walmalaa'ikatu min kheefatihi.

Whenever Abdullah bin Zubair (RA) would hear thunder, he would abandon all conversation and say this supplication.

See Al-Muwatta' 2/992. It was graded authentic by Al-Albani as a statement of Abdullah bin Zubayr only.

Get Hisnul Muslim App: https://gtaf.org/apps/hisnul

#GreentechApps #grownostr  
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 # Saudi Arabia is Building a Two-Kilometer Skyscraper (Because Everything Else is Going Well)

**'and when you see barefoot, naked, destitute shepherds competing in constructing tall buildings.'** #prophesy



#SaudiArabia #grownostr  
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 # This is bs: #Iran is a puppet of the West. Simple. 

**Hezbollah Shows Off New Weapons, Tells Israel to Back Off**


#grownostr #palestine 
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 # physics girl


#Science #grownostr #longCovid or #targetedIndividual #TI 
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 # How @javed 1.5k views but 124 subs.s hmmm 😉

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 When it comes to Zionists, they're not interested in truth or debate so labelling them what they are is sound.

This is informative:

**Jesus is God? AI debates Christian, Muslim"**


I couldn't stomach the 1+1+1=1 repeat arguments so didn't watch till end. 

But it shows that sources are important as with LLMs, "garbage in, garbage out" still applies. 

An interest point is the 'Muslim' AI used both sources but from what i saw, the 'Christian' AI only referenced the Bible.  
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 Hamas circle 🔴 . 

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 # Britain's New Zionist PM Protected MI6 Torturers, P@edophile Jimmy Saville & Hunted Assange


#UK #grownostr  
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 # Hamas 'Kills' 10 Israeli Soldiers In One Attack; Dramatic Footage Of Al-Quds Fighters Vs IDF Combat


#Palestine #grownostr  
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Here’s what happened in Jenin:

A very powerful IED detonated on a Panther APC, which was planted 1.5 meters deep and controlled remotely. 

Once a rescue force approached the site, another powerful IED detonated on them.

Hebrew sources say 17 soldiers and officers were injured, some critically, while admitting to the death of only one officer.

The actual number of killed is higher, but they did not admit it.

Photo of the killed officers in Jenin.


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israeli soldiers while invading a home in #Gaza a rat fell from the ceiling and they started running and screaming
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Today 62 years ago, Algeria declared official independence from France after a long and arduous struggle led by the Algerian National Liberation Front. Their liberation was the culmination of eight years of armed struggle.

In the early morning of November 1,1954, the newly-established National Liberation Front (FLN) launched its first attacks on French military and civilian targets. The day became known by the French as “Red All Saints' Day.â€

Shortly afterwards, the FLN issued its November 1 proclamation authored by Algerian journalist Mohamed Aïchaoui, announcing the beginning of popular armed struggle led by the Front as the people's vanguard movement.

The FLN's influence and popularity quickly grew in the countryside, to the extent that French farmers sold their lands and sought refuge in metropolitan centers such as Algiers and Oran.

In 1956, the FLN moved into the cities to draw international attention to the struggle of the Algerian people, resulting in the 1956-1957 Battle of Algiers, which became the subject of the famous Gillo Pontecorvo film that was banned in France for years.

In 1957, the French Governor-General of Algeria, Robert Lacoste, ordered the Army to crush the Algerian resistance. The 10th Parachute Division led by General Massu was given responsibility for the task.

The division became infamous for using so-called “death flights,†a method of summary execution in which the liberation fighters were dropped from a plane to their death. The French called those they murdered in cold blood “Bigeard's shrimp,†named after Colonel Marcel Bigeard.

Torture was widely used by the French Army in Algeria. It is estimated more than1.5 million Algerian people died throughout the course of the war. Algerians call their country "The Land of Martyrs."

After failing to crush the Algerian liberation struggle, the French colonial authorities were forced to enter into negotiations with the FLN. These negotiations led to a formal end to the war on March 18, 1962. 

On July 1, 1962 99% of Algerians voted for independence, and Algeria's independence day was proclaimed on July 5. While Algerians heroically overcame French colonialism, the country is still shackled by informal dependence on imperialist powers fighting for influence in the county.


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 # BREAKING: Yield Curve Is Starting To "Un-Invert" (The Bad Way)


#grownostr #GeorgeGammon

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 # Told you #Sunak bailed like a 🭠on a sinking ship ...

Looks like #Biden's gonna do the same




#grownostr #yieldCurve #Bitcoin #GeorgeGammon

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 # One Of Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril's Favourite Hadiths  | Seeking Assistance And Aid In Allah



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 # Is a Banking Crisis Coming?

This guy is an idiot ...


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 # If truth is the first casualty of war, it's being garrotted right now 

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 # BREAKING: Yield Curve Is Starting To "Un-Invert" (The Bad Way)


#grownostr #GeorgeGammon

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 # How @javed 1.5k views but 124 subs.s hmmm 😉

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 # #Space junk 


#NASA #Grownostr

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 # @javed are you able to help with/ fix/complete this?


#LLM #tokenization #grownostr #python #asknostr 
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 # #Banned on #nostr 👀


Event not found
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 # 😂😂😂 -- they banned @10Luno and took down the #9/11 footage 

#censorship #nostr 

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 #Hmm. There are still some #Romans about with balls ...

“...If the Prophet said that, indeed, there are **four good qualities in them**: they are the most forbearing of people in tribulation, they are the quickest to recover after a calamity, they are the most eager to return after a retreat, and they are good to the poor, the orphan, and the vulnerable. Their fifth quality is good and beautiful: **they are the best at stopping the oppression of their kings**.â€



#neverForget #911 #grownostr 

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 # Hmm. There are still some #Romans about with balls ...

“...If the Prophet said that, indeed, there are **four good qualities in them**: they are the most forbearing of people in tribulation, they are the quickest to recover after a calamity, they are the most eager to return after a retreat, and they are good to the poor, the orphan, and the vulnerable. Their fifth quality is good and beautiful: **they are the best at stopping the oppression of their kings**.â€



#neverForget #911 #grownostr 7368483

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 Hamas circle.