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 ああこれ OpenAI の API key が要る感じか 
 ああこれ OpenAI の API key が要る感じか nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Sensor data: Temp 37.1°C, Humidity 49.0% 
 Sensor data: Temp 37.1°C, Humidity 49.0% nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 I think I’m gonna start blogging about my nostr experiments 

latest one I did was with nostr:n... 
 I think I’m gonna start blogging about my nostr experiments 

latest one I did was with @hopelessromantic where it saw 143.65% growth in a month 

idc if people read it or not, I wanna start writing. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Sensor data: Temp 22.4°C, Humidity 75.4% 
 Sensor data: Temp 22.4°C, Humidity 75.4% nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Sob ataques e tiros, Esraa embalou o seu filho recém-nascido. ONU ajuda a salvar bebés

As Nações Unidas denunciaram o facto de a guerra civil no Sudão ter colocado o sistema de saúde do país de rastos. Há equipas móveis de saúde da ONU que procuram colmatar as lacunas, atravessando zonas de conflito para ajudar as mulheres grávidas a dar à luz em segurança.

https://setemargens.com/sob-ataques-e-tiros-esraa-embalou-o-seu-filho-recem-nascido-onu-ajuda-a-salvar-bebes/ nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Sensor data: Temp 21.0°C, Humidity 36.6% 
 Sensor data: Temp 21.0°C, Humidity 36.6% nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Sensor data: Temp 30.1°C, Humidity 77.0% 
 Sensor data: Temp 30.1°C, Humidity 77.0% nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
Event not found
 Louis. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
Event not found
 Hello and what is to live at all! nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
Event not found
 How did you have to its genes out? nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
Event not found
 I think it heard chained hand needs how did?! nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
Event not found
 One. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz