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 #PennedPossibilities 94 — What is your MC or SC's biggest secret?

Earth has someone she cares ... 
Today? Excellent! 🍺

 #WordWeavers 07: Handling of strong emotions?

Our Hero could say "again with the damn emotions? What's this? A conspiracy? To hell with everyone of you!", would kick something and storm out.

He usually "eats" his emotions, feelings, etc. He hates dealing with that, so he hides. He takes long walks to calm off. If he sees evil being done, those strong emotions are "vented" there. If not, he keeps walking. If some of the many who want him dead attacks him, well, it was self-defense…>=) 
 #WordWeavers 06: Has your MC ever done anything contradictory to their values?

His Prime Directive is "Don't get in trouble". Then he became a cop. Tell me if this isn't against that.

But, he was taught to "Do the right thing", and he has a more or less instinctive knowledge of what is The Right Thing™, that always puts these core values in conflict. He should have run the other way the day when the madman of the bomb did his show, and he didn't. "No good deed goes unpunished" is his credo. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 06: Self-published or trad-published? How's it going?

I'm self-unpublished and I plan to stay that way…=)

I write for my own amusement, and while I do intend to publish this when it's done (done, not perfect), I plan to do it on a webpage. Nothing more.

Now, that's what I want, but we don't know what can happen in the future. That it will be bad is a sure thing, though. My bad luck is that bad…=) 
 #PennedPossibilities 93
What makes your MC or SC's skin crawl? What do they hate most?

—Needles. You can put a gun against my head and I have no problem. An 8 grade earthquake? I've lived though 2 of those. Fires, car accidents, a knife against my jugular, a beating or two. No problem. But don't put a needle in front of me if you don't want to watch me tremble like jelly. As for hate, I hate bullies. And I *HATE* myself…

Our Hero 
He was called Pizza Guy for obvious reasons. Him smelling like burnt cheese wasn't one of those reasons. This guy was "created" using a new kind of techno-magic. The idea was to give people magical powers, controlling them with cybernetic implants. It worked, but not in the way they expected. The mannequin they used was brought to life, and ended-up looking (and smelling) like this. He's a very nice guy, though. So nice is he that they don't want to send him to war…
 #WordWeavers 03: How do you convey your characters' emotions?

Telling what they're feeling, hopefully in a "show" rather than "tell" way…=)

My favorite/the easiest is when they're really angry or excited, because THEY SCREAM! =) 
 #PennedPossibilities 90
Disabilities, anyone?

—Having your original body, completely burned by an explosion, stored in a glass tube, supposedly being reconstructed to a healthy state, and living in an artificial "perfect" body which is always "fighting" against you, plus some PTSD, counts as a disability?

Our Hero

I've been enjoying permanent back pain since 15, plus the 2 heart attacks from 2 years ago, that made my doctors tell me to "never run, even to save your life". But I'm fine…=) 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 03: Should a writer have a face shot on their book cover or within their book?

I'd rather being shot in the face (tank killing caliber, please). But since we're being serious here, I'd take the caricature route too. I'm not fan of being photographed. I could also use either the once posted picture of Evangelion's Gendo "Father of The Millennium" Ikari, or that of Oh, My Goddess!' Tamiya senpai. Both images apply to me…>=)


 nostr:npub1mfgp8vr0d2kgcd5jq4a8eme4javl2pvk7qxp6w3ekpxsw9vpnwsq97zv6k There's a lot to be said fo... 
Yep. Good thing is I'm always having ideas for the story. Bad thing is I'm always having ideas for the story…=)

I'll add everything that comes to mind, wish to be able to keep it as I'm writing. If it can't be kept, well, it's Machete time (the sword, not the character) =) 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 02: How often do you write in a typical week? How do you find the time?

I try to write every day. Sometimes it's just a few lines, sometimes a few pages (of different sizes because I write in whatever notebook I have on hand). Sometimes it's backstory, sometimes it's scenes. Sometimes it's the idea I had on bus or at the supermarket. But it's a daily event.

I just make time, even if it is when I should be sleeping. My Feline Overlord helps me by not letting me sleep…=-| 
 #PennedPossibilities 89
Do your characters believe in happy endings?

—Of course! For other people. Everyone else has a happy ending in in their futures. Me? Ha! I can't even have a decent ending. I'm sure these wackos will never let me die, so, yes, but no. Happy?

Our Hero 
 #WordWeavers 02: Most intriguing character? Why?

In story, it would be the Engineer. The only things people know about him are that he's the true owner of the time-ship and all of Maistro's tech, he's a consumate but honest liar, and that he must be ugly as sin because he has never let anyone see him in person. Or in hologram.

Here in the surreal world, that would be The Universe. He is an antagonist even though he's always helping the characters. Or at least not causing them more trouble…=-| 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 01: Intro/Shameless self-promotion/WIP/What's it about?

Ixtli here, from Iztaparrata to the world. Unpublished writer/author/whatever. This WIP's been a WIP since late 2015. It's about a group of people with superpowers, non-standard bodies, and a very bad attitude, in a reality more or less similar to ours, between Next Sunday, A.D. and 20 Minutes Into The Future. There's high tech, magic, deities, multiple realities, time travel, corruption, and lots of dead bodies…=) 
 #WordWeavers 01: MC from the perspective of Dear Villain

—He was useless as a cop. Always finding new ways to avoid work, always believing no one would notice. Idiot. If he wasn't… Then, the only time he did something useful, he was killed, then he joined those cultists and now he refuses to give me info on them. Since when did he has the balls to do that? Why should he be loyal to those deviants? But he does a good job there, as a silencer. That I must admit.

Gen. Torres 
 #WordWeavers 30: How educated is your MC?

Our Hero drop out from school at 14. But he never stopped learning. Useless things. At 22 he got a recommendation to enter police school, which is part of the army, so you can imagine what kind of education he's got. He majored in "computers", and managed to get an administrative "plaza" (a union job, the kind that can never be fired no matter what you do, or you don't do). He spent 10 happy and lazy years at that job, until the Event where he died…=) 
 #PennedPossibilities 87
Glass-half-full or glass-half-empty?

—What fucking* glass? I have no fucking glass! Listen, these geeks wants me to see everything in a positive way. Ha! How in god's name can I do that? I can't even take a shower like normal people because of these things! Yes, I'm alive but I was alive before meeting them and I was happy! So, tell me how I should see the fucking glass!

Our Hero

* Please excuse his Klingon. 
 nostr:npub1mfgp8vr0d2kgcd5jq4a8eme4javl2pvk7qxp6w3ekpxsw9vpnwsq97zv6k Hey. I remember my cough fi... 
In those dark days it required really good planning and training. And lots of water…=)

After reading the story from Poor Boy's POV, I can only say he's must be a very good planner…>=) 

#PennedPossibilities 85 — SC POV: Tell us a quick love story. The story must end badly. CW: U... 
That hurts. But definitely they need better sound insulation. Or less blue pills…>=) 
 #PennedPossibilities 85
A quick love story.

—Girl (16) see Boy (15) at the movies, and both know they're meant to be together. Her friends don't like Boy, so they try to separate them. They run away. Her friends call her family, who call the police, who find them at a train station. Boy resists the arrest and ends up in jail. Girl is sent to to the army. Boy is later sent to a military camp to be used for training the rookies. Girl unknowingly kills him in a shooting "drill".

 #WritersCoffeeClub 17: How do you promote your writing?

I don't promote it. I write for myself, for fun, and the closest thing to "promotion" I've done has been commenting here that the WIP exists. I intend to set it free when it's readable by other people, in my (ridiculous) website, or a blog, or something like that…=) 
 nostr:npub1mfgp8vr0d2kgcd5jq4a8eme4javl2pvk7qxp6w3ekpxsw9vpnwsq97zv6k It’s really not me. 😂 
You can do it. I believe in you. And remember, it's never to late to begin a new life of revenge and destruction…=) 
 #WordWeavers 16: How are people like Dear Villain viewed in your world?

To most people, he'd be a hero, a role model, someone they'd want to have leading your country. But most of those people really don't care as long as they don't get mugged, killed or worse when they're out in the night. They're happy with him.

To other people, he's a necessary "evil", someone who must "help" them to do better business. Someone who obey and do what he's told. Like he does. They're happy with him, too…>=) 
 nostr:npub1mfgp8vr0d2kgcd5jq4a8eme4javl2pvk7qxp6w3ekpxsw9vpnwsq97zv6k I’m not the revenger type... 
Get revenge like writers do: in print…>=) 
 nostr:npub1mfgp8vr0d2kgcd5jq4a8eme4javl2pvk7qxp6w3ekpxsw9vpnwsq97zv6k 😂 I unfortunately have n... 
Valid argument. But I foresee a sweet revenge against those offenders in the future…>=) 
 #WordWeavers: Not feeling great. Ate some food that had something Im allergic to hidden in it, th... 
Take all the time you need to plot your revenge…errr…heal…=) 
 nostr:npub1mfgp8vr0d2kgcd5jq4a8eme4javl2pvk7qxp6w3ekpxsw9vpnwsq97zv6k I see how he would dislike ... 
In the Old Hag & Friends' defense, they did told the good general  *EVERYTHING* he wanted and needed to know about what was going to happen to his son, and agreed to everything. He even signed it.

Now, using examples from anime and real life, to the left, how the son more or less looked before the shooting, how he looked when he entered the medical regenerator, and to the right, more or less how he looked when he went out. Just trade the cop clothes for The Uniform™.


 nostr:npub1mfgp8vr0d2kgcd5jq4a8eme4javl2pvk7qxp6w3ekpxsw9vpnwsq97zv6k I'm curious about the cult ... 
They saved his son's life after receiving 350 bullets. The mystery is how/why did he survived that. He had to be carried to the ambulance in 4 stretchers. And 2 buckets. The Old Hag's "cult" used the medical regenerator to save him, and, if you remember, that thing can give people new bodies if the original is very ill/damaged/etc. The General wasn't happy with the results, because, he insists, they changed his son's mind (and gender). But no. His son was liberated, not changed…=) 
 #WordWeavers 07: Why did your villain become a villain?

Gen. Torres isn't exactly evil. He's one of the few honest people in the government. But seeing his son almost killed drove him over the edge. Seeing what "that cult did to him" (besides saving his life) made him swear to destroy them, and rescue his son. All the dirty things he's done to clean the armed forces and the country have taken a toll on him. He still has a right/wrong sense and respects the chain of command, but for how long? 
Liam was the liaison with the army. When the experiment failed and all except him died, one of the generals ordered him to be silenced. Not being too brilliant, the soldier charged with the mission simply pushed Liam into the room where everything happened. "Everyone here died, right?", he thought. Well, the thing growing there only needed a live brain to awake. Liam provided that. It escaped. The renaissance fair near the base were the first to meet the creature…
Event not found
His original name is Juan Cuerdas (John Strings, which in spanish is one of the many equivalents of John Doe). He has basically been the star in most of my stories, with different names and slightly tweaked characterization. His current incarnation is the entity known as Our Hero, MC in my current WIP. The character called Maistro on the same WIP, which was the original MC, wasn't based on Mr. Cuerdas. Maybe that's why he didn't work as MC and was demoted…=)

Event not found
 @d73175df @b7ab5d68 
4, 5, 6, 11, 18, 21, 29 and 31 are going to be interesting…=)

And 15 will be hard…=-| 
Event not found
Yep. More than once I've thought that this thing could work as a "series" with seasons, etc. And if, like you say, it get cancelled, I can blame and curse those damn meddling executives. I curse myself every day, so I'm used to it…=)