#birds a great egret but what’s kind of amazing is that I took this photo with about 40 semi silent 4th graders hunched behind me. It was our bird banding field trip today. The ornithologists banded a Bewick’s wren and a Wilson’s warbler at our spot on the Colorado River in the Grand Valley. https://files.mastodon.green/media_attachments/files/113/161/182/868/862/855/original/89338734318c77a7.jpeg
#SilentSunday https://files.mastodon.green/media_attachments/files/111/160/250/990/011/264/original/cb03d9dffdba929c.png
#Fensterfreitag https://files.mastodon.green/media_attachments/files/111/151/641/366/056/044/original/a67c94b4138c9cbe.png
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