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 Kennedy name still ‘magic’ with many Democrats.
"And many minority Democrats are disillusioned with Joe Biden so they will gravitate and stay with RFK Jr."
 Anti-Israel protesters disrupt Biden’s lavish NYC fundraiser with Obama, Clinton, where tickets went for up to $500K: ‘War pig’ .
 Trump responds by attacking the police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt, calling him a “thug”.
 A California judge recommended that conservative attorney John Eastman be disbarred in the state over his role in developing a legal strategy to help President Donald Trump stay in power after his 2020 election loss.
 President Joe Biden came under criticism following his remarks about the collapse of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge.
 Biden administration officials are in preliminary “conversations” about options for stabilizing post-war Gaza, including a proposal for the Pentagon to help fund either a multinational force or a Palestinian peacekeeping team.
 RFK Jr. appeals to swaths of America "hostile to the pharmaceutical industry. Most Americans have a close family member who suffers from a chronic disease, such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension or addiction. Millions feel ripped off by big drug companies."
 Election Integrity Firm: 7% to 18% of Registered Voters in 26 States Either DO NOT EXIST or Reside at an Address that DOES NOT EXIST.
 Former GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan: “Trump is not a conservative; he’s a populist, authoritarian narcissist.”
 Trump’s former Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Trump: “And yes, I do regard him as a threat to democracy, democracy as we know it, our institutions, our political culture, all those things that make America great.
 On today's episode of "Prosecuting Donald Trump," Andrew Weissmann and Mary McCord question the fairness of reducing Trump’s bond payment.
 The Little-Remembered Supreme Court Precedent That Could Protect IVF — and Abortion.
A half-century before Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruled that family life is off limits from government interference. Could that case provide a way to protect both IVF and abortion?
 Donald Trump's dinner guest at Mar-a-Lago Nick Fuentes says that when the America First movement takes power, all non-Christians will be executed: "They must be absolutely annihilated when we take power."
 Miriam Adelson recently met with Trump. Her company is also wooing New York Democrats for a casino.
 The US, the EU and the UK have conflicting plans for how to regulate AI. If they fail to reach a common regime among themselves, China may step in to set the global rulebook for this new disruptive tech. 
 What is the truth?It’s the Mar-a-Lago of social media platforms?
 RFK Jr. :" As president, I’m going to reverse 80 years of farm policy in this country and end our reliance on industrial meat production, factory farming, and chemical-based agriculture. "
 RFK Jr. : "The public should be the ones surveying government, tracking its transactions, and watching its every move. Not the other way around."
 Ronna on why she is saying now for the first time that she disagrees with Trump on pardoning J6ers: “When you’re the RNC Chair, you kind of take one for the whole team, right? Now I get to be a little bit more myself.”
 Earlier in the speech, Trump confused Biden for Obama. 
Donald Trump warns that “cognitively impaired” Biden is leading the country into “World War Two.”
 RFK Jr. Says ‘Crypto Equals Freedom’.
U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) says cryptocurrency is the “best hedge against inflation.” He stressed that crypto “takes control away from the government and from the monopolistic banking system which uses money printing to shift wealth upward to the oligarchy of billionaires while impoverishing regular Americans.”
 On March 7, the US Embassy in Moscow and the British Foreign Office issued a warning about the possible threat of terrorist attacks in Russia.
 🤡Donald Trump on Marjorie Taylor Greene:“She’s a fantastic person. She’s a very smart person and very respected in Congress. A lot of people don't know how respected she is.” 
 Republicans already livid with the Biden administration for sinking the college admissions season into turmoil with a bungled financial aid rollout are jabbing Education Secretary Miguel Cardona for trying to spread the blame.
 RFK Jr. :"Without free speech, none of our freedoms will last very long. President Trump, President Biden, and Republicans and Democrats alike have all failed to safeguard this most basic freedom. That changes the moment I become president."
 Joe Biden:“ Today, we’re canceling student loans for 78,000 more public service workers.”
 CNN says Trump’s Mar-A-Lago property is easily worth hundreds of millions of dollars which he could use to pay New York AG Letitia James.
Most Americans don’t understand how corrupt their ‘justice’ system is.
 Dana Bash: “These are Republican voters who actively went out to protest Donald Trump.”
“The CIA works for military contractors, providing a steady pipeline of forever wars. The health agencies are controlled by the pharmaceutical industry, which profits from chronic disease. The Fed, held captive by big banks, floods the canyons of Wall Street with money.” — RFK Jr.
 Mitt Romney: “President Trump has over the years written love letters to Kim Jong Un, has praised Vladimir Putin and welcomed Viktor Orban. Authoritarians. We’re the leaders of the free world. We're not the leader of the authoritarian world.”
 Liz Cheney: “If Trump wins we’ll be living in a nation that’s unrecognizable, and the danger is so grave that, for the first time in my life, I will be working with every fiber of my body against the Republican nominee for president.”
 Nikki Haley on Trump: “Every time he was in the same room with him he got weak in the knees. We can’t have a president that gets weak in the knees with Putin.”
 The same Democrats — who condemn Vladimir Putin for suppressing opposition parties and candidates who would give the Russian people a choice — strongly support Joe Biden who is employing the same anti-democratic strategies. —— RFK Jr. 
 El Salvador used to be one of the most dangerous places in the world. Now, President Bukele’s policies have made it one of the safest in the region. 
 RFK Jr.: "Here’s what I have to say about “content moderation” and the fact that, 37 hours after being sworn in, President Biden got to work censoring me and pressuring social media sites to remove my posts."
 Among Trump Voters - "Trump has said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue in New York City, and people would still vote for him.

Would Trump actually shooting someone on 5th avenue impact your vote for or against him?"

Would Have An Impact: 52%
No Impact: 48%

 Donald Trump suggests he may deport Prince Harry from the United States if elected president.
 🤡Eric Trump: We always did the right thing.
Eric Trump: “My father built the skyline of New York City. And this is the thanks he gets?" 
 Democrats Are Officially Panicking Over RFK Jr. 

CNN reporter Harry Enten was looking at Kennedy’s rise in popularity and admitted that his campaign is “not a joke.” He is currently polling at 15%, according to some surveys.

It is likely that liberal voters sick of Biden will vote for Kennedy instead.
 Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau have in effect been running domestic politics in Haiti for the past few years. 
 RFK Jr.: "I’m announcing my running mate on March 26th in Oakland, CA. This extraordinary individual will serve as my vice president, and I couldn’t have found a better partner for governing our country."
 Why RFK Jr. Could Hurt Biden More Than Trump—As Democrats Launch Anti-Third Party Campaign.
 Donald Trump: “I had a call with President Putin and congratulated him on the victory, his electoral victory.”
 Are King Charles III and Kate Middleton okay?

• Reports of Union Flags flying at half-mast outside Government Buildings across the UK.

• BBC reportedly on standby for an "imminent announcement" from the Royal Family.

 RFK Jr. : "Our current economic system is unsustainable. But we can – and we must – change course. Help me revitalize America and restore the middle class today."
 Trump on North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong Un: “He’s the head of a country, and I mean, he’s the strong head…He speaks, and his people sit up in attention. I want my people to do the same.”
 How Trump’s Allies Are Winning the War Over Disinformation? Their claims of censorship have successfully stymied the effort to filter election lies online.
 In an interview with NBC News, Mike Rowe laid out the most detailed look yet at how Robert F. Kennedy Jr is vetting potential ticket-mates.
 “We’re facing an unprecedented election and we know the GOP is already working to prop up third-party candidates like Robert Kennedy Jr. to make them stalking horses for Donald Trump,” Corridoni told NBC News. “With so much on the line, we’re not taking anything for granted. We’re going to make sure voters are educated and we’re going to make sure all candidates are playing by the rules.”
 American Polling and Data:
Net Support For Banning TikTok:
All: +14%
18-29 Year Olds: -1%
30-44 Year Olds: +6%
45-64 Year Olds: +11%
65+ Year Olds: +39%
 Trump: Now, If I don't get elected, it's gonna be a bloodbath. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country.
 “Biden has implemented a formal policy that illegal aliens who intrude into the United States are granted immunity from deportation.”
 “In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump." -Former VP Dick Cheney
 Francis Suarez’s low-tax ‘capital of capital’ has become a springboard for his political ambitions.
 Judge Rules Fani willis can remain on Trump ga case.
 Donald Trump edged Joe Biden 40%-38% in an exclusive USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, a near-tie in a fluid electorate as the candidates head out of the starting gate. In what could be good news for Biden, an increasing number of Americans reported seeing green shoots in the economy, making the rosiest assessment of where it stands since the early days of his presidency.
 New reports show the majority of the more than 3,000,000 Nikki Haley supporters will vote for President Biden and not Donald Trump. This is more than enough votes to sway the election.
 Don Lemon Questions Elon Musk About Meeting Trump.
MUSK: “I’m not paying Trump legal bills in any way, shape, or form.”
MUSK: “I'm leaning away from Biden LOL.”
 Trump says Hillary Clinton used acid that would essentially destroy everything within 10 miles and Bill Clinton took classified material in his socks.
 Biden says "we have the lowest inflation rates of any country in America."
 “I want you to remember that every right the government has ever taken away was removed under the false pretense of national security.” —RFK Jr.
 There is no longer any doubt that the fall election will feature a rematch between two flawed and unpopular presidents — Biden and Trump. Both of them secure nominations, setting the stage for a grueling general election rematch.
 Why These Voters Who Backed Trump in 2016 and 2020 Have Moved On?
Americans blame social media, elected officials, TV and cable news for “fake news”.
 Lawsuit filed by Priorities USA, the Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans and a voter against the Wisconsin Elections Commission challenging three rules regulating absentee voting procedures in Wisconsin. The complaint specifically alleges that three separate absentee voting rules violate the Wisconsin Constitution by treating absentee voting as a “privilege” and not a “right.”
 The so-called TikTok ban is a trojan horse. The President will be given the power to ban WEB SITES, not just Apps. The person breaking the new law is deemed to be the U.S. (or offshore) INTERNET HOSTING SERVICE or App Store, not the “foreign adversary.”
 Girls injected with the DTP vaccine were dying at 10 times the rate of those who weren’t vaccinated. — Newsnation town hall with RFK Jr. 
 Roy: In 2018 we had the House, we had the Senate, we had The White House and we had a bigger majority than we have today and we utterly failed to secure the border. Totally dropped the ball. Didn’t do it.
 Never Trump. The majority of the people who worked for Trump now say he’s utterly unfit for office.
 RFK Jr. : "Americans are sick of the DNC and the courts interfering with our election process. It’s not good for our country; this isn’t a banana republic. "
 RFK Jr promises to 'clean up cesspool of corruption at CDC' if elected.
 House to vote on TikTok ban.
 RFK Jr. supports Israel because he shares Israel’s values, and because a secure Israel does not require U.S. military intervention in the Middle East.
 Republican Kevin Lincoln advances to the general election for U.S. House in California's 9th Congressional District. 
 Biden in 1976 talking about President Gerald Ford’s debate skills is so crazy.
 Biden in 1976 talking about President Gerald Ford’s debate skills is so crazy.
 RFK Jr: Cryptocurrency can help end the war machine and the 'monopolistic, globalized banking system.' There’s only one candidate who is pro-crypto, and that’s me.”
 Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is right that there have been more migrant returns and removals in the past nine months than in any single fiscal year since 2015, Department of Homeland Security data shows. 