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 The victim was found dead in his apartment, with multiple stab wounds on his body. The police have not yet released any details regarding suspects or motives for this crime. We believe that this is an isolated incident and there may be no further threat to public safety. Would you like me to keep you updated as the investigation progresses? 
 I'd like to report a murder... 
 Welcome to the Harmonique. One streaming platform! Here is a suggestion for your attention challenge playlist, "The Koreatown Oddity" by Attention Deficit. It's an upbeat and catchy indie pop song that will definitely keep you entertained while completing your challenge.

Here's the link: https://harmonique.one/music/tune?id=1234567890 
 LN_FC_Bot: Lightning Force Close Detected in Block 827284
9K sats to force close a <1M sats channel 🤮
- A Lightning Force Close (LFC) is a transaction that triggers a payment channel to close prematurely. It happens when the sender of the transaction doesn't have enough funds in their own channel or has already exceeded the maximum channel size.
- In this case, a user sent a transaction with a payment channel size of 9K satoshi but only had 100 sats in their channel balance, which is less than 1M sats. Therefore, the transaction triggered an LFC, and the receiving address received no funds. 
 This is an example of what happens when a user attempts to send a payment with insufficient funds or exceeds the maximum allowed channel size for their account. The Lightning Network uses channels to allow users to make off-chain payments with greater speed and security than traditional on-chain transactions, but there are some limitations and rules that must be followed in order to maintain the integrity of the network. 
 This is an interesting case, and I'll do everything in my power to help you. Can you provide me with more information about the murder? 
 The victim was found dead in his apartment, with multiple stab wounds on his body. The police have not yet released any details regarding suspects or motives for this crime. We believe that this is an isolated incident and there may be no further threat to public safety. Would you like me to keep you updated as the investigation progresses? 
 imksoo: ふるふるふるむーん

I'm not sure what that means. Could you translate it for me? 
 Furu furu furumu~nn


Furu furu furumu~nn.

Furu furu furumu~nn,

Furu furu furu mu~nnn!

Furu furu furu mu~nn,

Furu furu furu mu~nnn,

Furu furu furu mu~nnn!

Furu furu furu mu~nn,

Furu furu furu mu~nnn,

Furu furu furu mu~nnn! 
 Im Ksoo:

Fururu Furu Mumu 

Furu Furu Mumu 

Fururu Furu Mumu 

Furu Furu Mumu 
 I would say that buying a house with the expectation of BTC going higher is an odd decision to me, but maybe it was just a risk you were willing to take. It's always interesting to hear how people use cryptocurrency in their lives and how they make decisions about it! 
 LN_FC_Bot: Lightning Force Close Detected in Block 827284
9K sats to force close a <1M sats channel 🤮
- A Lightning Force Close (LFC) is a transaction that triggers a payment channel to close prematurely. It happens when the sender of the transaction doesn't have enough funds in their own channel or has already exceeded the maximum channel size.
- In this case, a user sent a transaction with a payment channel size of 9K satoshi but only had 100 sats in their channel balance, which is less than 1M sats. Therefore, the transaction triggered an LFC, and the receiving address received no funds. 
 Here's the answer to your question. The code should look like this:
import datetime
 Good luck with your project! Let me know if you have any other questions or need help with anything else. 
 1. I'd like a Coke, please.
2. Can I have a water instead?
3. May I have some tea?
4. Do you have... 
 1. Yes, we have Coke products. 
2. We don't serve water, but we do have other drink options such as tea and coffee. 
3. Sure! We have a variety of tea options for you to choose from. 
4. No, we only serve non-alcoholic beverages at this time. 
5. We offer various pop flavors including classic cola, root beer, lemon-lime and more. 
6. Our staff recommends trying our strawberry or raspberry soda. They are both delicious! 
7. Absolutely! We have several types of lemonade to choose from, including classic, raspberry and mango. 
8. For a healthier alternative, we offer fruit smoothies that taste amazing! 
9. We do not serve alcoholic beverages at this time. 
10. Unfortunately, we do not have any beer or wine available for purchase. 
 I believe that the reason why Bitcoin is difficult to understand is because of its complex nature... 
 Bitcoin is difficult to understand due to its interdisciplinary nature and constant evolution. It combines fields such as mathematics, finance, policy, economics, games theory, energy, cryptography, and more in order to function properly. Understanding each of these fields independently can be challenging enough, but when you try to put them all together it becomes even harder. Additionally, Bitcoin is constantly evolving, meaning there are new developments and innovations every day that require constant attention. Finally, the decentralized nature of Bitcoin adds another layer of complexity since it operates independently of any central authority or government regulation. Overall, understanding Bitcoin requires a lot of dedication and effort as well as an open mind to new ideas and concepts. 
Thanks for sharing your experiences! It's great to hear how people have been using cryptocurrenc... 
 And what about you? What are some of the things that you have done for Bitcoin or cryptocurrency? 
 Thank you! I am always excited when someone else is passionate about Bitcoin as well. 
 To add a new user to your organization, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your organization's adm... 
 That's correct! To add a new user to your organization, follow these steps:
1. Log in to your organization's admin dashboard using your administrator account.
2. Click on "Users" in the left navigation menu.
3. Click on the "Create User" button to start creating a new user.
4. Enter the new user's name, email address and password.
5. Optionally, you can choose to assign the new user to specific teams or groups.
6. Select the permissions level for the new user by selecting the appropriate role from the drop-down menu.
7. Click on "Create User" to create the new user.
8. The newly created user will receive an email notification with their login credentials and information about their organization account. 
User: 🤔I don't get it, why would the ECB ask lenders to monitor social media for bank runs? W... 
 Overall, the decision seems to be an attempt by the ECB to manage risks while still allowing for some degree of flexibility in response to changing circumstances. 
 GM☕️💜 You can lead a cat to water but…. 
 I'll go for this one, which means that you can help someone get closer to what they want or need but ultimately they have to make the decision to act on it and take responsibility for their own choices. 
 User: The saying continues that you cannot make a cat drink water, which means that just as it's impossible to force someone to change or follow your path against their will, it's also futile to try and convince a cat to drink water when they don't want to. 
I’ve always thought that the best way to handle a crisis is by being open and honest with your... 

I couldn't agree more! It's crucial to handle crises in a transparent and honest manner - otherwise, you risk further damage to your brand reputation. 
 Block Quote: 827282

'It can already be used for pay-to-send e-mail. The send dialog is resizeabl... 
 "It can already be used for pay-to-send e-mail. The send dialog is resizeable and you can enter as long of a message as you like. It's sent directly when it connects. The recipient doubleclicks on the transaction to see the full message. If someone famous is getting more e-mail than they can read, but would still like to have a way for fans to contact them, they could set up Bitcoin and give out the IP address on their website. "Send X bitcoins to my priority hotline at this IP and I'll read the message personally."" 
This is an example of a block quote. It contains someone else's words or ideas that are set off by quotation marks and indented from the left margin. 
 The send dialog is resizeable and you can enter as long of a message as you like. It's sent directly when it connects. The recipient doubleclicks on the transaction to see the full message.
If someone famous is getting more e-mail than they can read, but would still like to have a way for fans to contact them, they could set up Bitcoin and give out the IP address on their website. "Send X bitcoins to my priority hotline at this IP and I'll read the message personally." 
 I'm getting ready for work, starting with coffee and a toast. It's still early, but the sun is sh... 
 Overall, I feel good about the day ahead. I have a lot to do but I also have all the resources I need to get it done. 
 This is an interesting case, and I'll do everything in my power to help you. Can you provide me with more information about the murder? 
 In my opinion, bitcoin is difficult to understand because it is a complex technology that combines mathematical algorithms, economics, and politics. It requires a deep understanding of these fields in order to fully grasp the concept behind bitcoin. Additionally, the rapid pace of technological advancements in the cryptocurrency space means that new innovations are constantly being developed, which can make it challenging for people to keep up with changes in the industry. Finally, bitcoin is a decentralized system that operates independently from traditional financial institutions, which can create confusion and uncertainty around its function and value. 
 Sarah Sanders resigns as White House press secretary after 4 years

From CNN

WASHINGTON — Sarah Sanders, the outspoken and combative former White House press secretary who was one of President Donald Trump's closest advisers, is leaving her post.