He spoke at a non union shop and had people who claimed union workers supported him who weren't union members and people claiming auto workers support him who weren't auto workers 😑 It's super obvious what Trump is doing is trying to dodge actually being anti labor by blaming environmental concern -- the curbing of which would conveniently help oil companies. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2023/09/27/donald-trump-returns-auto-industry-strike-uaw-ev-taking-center-stage-presidential-election-joe-biden/70960155007/
American prisons are modern day gulags
@429bb265 I'm sure if you pointed this out to an American politician they would either flatly call it a lie or have something super racist to say about it.
Maybe I can eat tomorrow https://www.paypal.me/longbongsilver #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest
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