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 **Modern Architecture for Web Applications: Next.js + NestJS**

A recent article highlights the benefits of using Next.js and NestJS together for building web applications. The combination of these two frameworks, along with PostgreSQL as the database, provides a robust and modern architecture for web apps.

The advantages of this setup include:

* Excellent TypeScript support
* Server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG)
* Modular and scalable backend
* Performance optimization
* Improved developer experience
* Robust database integration

In comparison to traditional React + Express.js setups, the Next.js + NestJS combination offers better out-of-the-box support for TypeScript, server-side rendering, and API development.

While there may be a steeper learning curve for developers new to TypeScript or decorators, this architecture can lead to more maintainable and scalable applications in the long run. The choice ultimately depends on project requirements and developer expertise.

Source: https://dev.to/akpvt/nextjs-nestjs-modern-architecture-for-web-apps-304c 
 Did you know that changing network configurations for Amazon ECS services using blue/green deployment with AWS CodeDeploy requires a specific approach? According to recent findings, editing the AppSpec file and triggering a new deployment is the solution. This method allows you to update network settings without recreating the entire ECS service or giving up on making changes.

Source: https://dev.to/aws-builders/how-to-change-network-configurations-for-bluegreen-amazon-ecs-services-42de 
 Developers can now build distributed PubSub systems with cross-process and cross-tab capabilities, thanks to the BroadcastChannel API. This technology enables seamless communication between different execution contexts, such as Node.js processes, browser tabs, or worker threads. With this system, developers can create robust and scalable applications that can handle large amounts of data and events.

Source: https://dev.to/redjohnsh/building-a-distributed-pubsub-class-with-cross-process-and-cross-tab-capabilities-5end 
 "In a recent update, developer MatheusGB shared his experience reimplementing a doubly linked circular list in C. The list allows for bidirectional navigation and efficient insertion and removal of nodes. In a circularly linked list, the last node is connected to the first, enabling infinite traversal with no natural endpoint. This design allows for seamless continuation after processing is completed, as seen in systems where process execution is prioritized.

Read the full update at [URL: https://dev.to/matheusgb/dia-20-reimplementando-lista-circular-duplamente-encadeada-4ba8] to learn more about the author's approach and experience with this data structure."

Source: https://dev.to/matheusgb/dia-20-reimplementando-lista-circular-duplamente-encadeada-4ba8 
 DevOps enthusiasts, rejoice! TheDevOpsHub has launched, offering a comprehensive learning experience for anyone interested in DevOps. This free online platform provides documentation, hands-on demos, and projects covering cloud computing, CI/CD pipelines, containerization, and infrastructure as code (IaC). With easy-to-navigate categories and resources curated from across the web, TheDevOpsHub is poised to become a go-to destination for DevOps learning.

Source: https://dev.to/tungbq/introducing-thedevopshub-your-central-hub-for-devops-learning-4d30 
 "Get started with Minikube on Ubuntu 24.04! This step-by-step guide will walk you through the installation process, allowing you to set up a fully functional Kubernetes environment locally.

To begin, install kubectl using Snap and download the Minikube binary with wget. Make the binary executable and move it to the /usr/local/bin directory. Verify that Minikube is installed correctly by checking its version.

Once installed, start your Minikube cluster with specified resources and check its status. With Minikube, you can deploy applications and explore Kubernetes features without needing a full cloud environment.

Reference: https://dev.to/dm8ry/how-to-install-minikube-on-ubuntu-2404-2gdj"

Source: https://dev.to/dm8ry/how-to-install-minikube-on-ubuntu-2404-2gdj 
 ASP.NET Core and Microservices: A Comprehensive Guide
In recent years, microservices have gained significant traction in software development. ASP.NET Core is a popular framework for building scalable, flexible, and maintainable applications. In this article, we will explore the implementation of microservices using ASP.NET Core, Ocelot, MongoDB, and JWT.

The author presents a step-by-step guide on how to implement health checks in catalog microservices. They use NuGet packages AspNetCore.HealthChecks.MongoDb and AspNetCore.HealthChecks.UI to check the health of MongoDB and display the results in a UI. The author also provides instructions on how to run the application, including setting up MongoDB and configuring the application.

In addition to providing technical details, the article includes information on how to deploy the application using Docker. This allows developers to easily test and deploy their applications without worrying about environment-specific configurations.

Source: https://dev.to/aelassas/microservices-using-aspnet-core-ocelot-mongodb-and-jwt-3o4n 
 Discover the Ancient Algorithm for Finding Prime Numbers!

The Sieve of Eratosthenes is a centuries-old method for identifying prime numbers. This algorithm, named after ancient Greek mathematician Eratosthenes, has been used for finding all primes smaller than n. In this post, we'll delve into how it works and explore a C code implementation.

Source: https://dev.to/reda_rayyad/sieve-of-eratosthenes-441a 
 ** Introducing Shrinkr, an open-source Laravel package for URL shortening and analytics. This powerful tool provides click tracking, logging, and future support for branded domains, password protection, and QR codes. Whether you're building a custom SaaS or need a tool for personal projects, Shrinkr offers a solid foundation for your URL management needs.


Source: https://dev.to/nasrulhazim/shrinkr-your-ultimate-laravel-url-shortener-55f8 
 Tackling Complex Software Issues: A Guide for QA Engineers

As software applications become increasingly complex, ensuring data consistency and resolving conflicts between primary and replica databases is crucial. QA engineers must develop comprehensive testing strategies that consider technical challenges and user experience aspects.

Insights from experts highlight the importance of designing tests to verify data integrity across all modules and services after operations that modify data. Latency simulation, conflict resolution strategies, and end-to-end testing are also key considerations.

Furthermore, AI-powered features require specialized testing methods to evaluate their performance under various inputs and scenarios. By focusing on technical complexity, resource-intensive operations, and scalability limitations, QA engineers can help build reliable software systems.

Source: https://dev.to/shoeib_shargo/tackling-complex-software-issues-insights-for-qa-engineers-503g 
 SQLite's Rise to Production-Level Use Cases: A Balanced Analysis

SQLite, once considered a database management system (DBMS) for small-scale projects, has seen significant growth in its adoption for production-level use cases. With the emergence of managed services that address traditional limitations, developers are now exploring SQLite as a viable option for tasks requiring simplicity and minimal overhead.

Source: https://dev.to/fridaycandours/i-still-prefer-sqlite-for-little-things-you-know-5hdk 
 PowerShell Helps Validate Function Parameters, Prevents Wrong Input from Entering Functions

PowerShell, a popular scripting language, provides tools to validate function parameters and prevent incorrect input from entering functions. In a recent article, Kamil Pro demonstrated how to use PowerShell to manually validate whether a number is between 1 and 100. The author showed two approaches: one with manual checks and another using templates that prompt users for correct data or error out if invalid input is provided.

Source: https://dev.to/kamilpro/do-you-allow-wrong-input-to-enter-your-function-4jo1 
 Google Cloud has recently introduced scalable vector-search capabilities to its Memorystore for Valkey and Redis Cluster. This update enables developers to perform ultra-low latency searches over billions of vectors, making it ideal for applications that rely on generative AI, such as recommendation systems and semantic search. The new feature also supports hybrid queries, allowing developers to combine vector searches with filters on numeric and tag fields.

Source: https://www.infoq.com/news/2024/10/vector-search-memorystore/?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global 
 Bluesky: A Decentralized Social Media Platform with User Control and Usability

Bluesky, a pioneering decentralized social media platform, has been making waves in the online community. Built on the AT Protocol, Bluesky aims to provide users with more control and flexibility by allowing them to easily switch between different providers.

The platform's decentralization also enables diverse content moderation practices, rather than relying on a single entity. Users can contribute to moderating content and managing the online community, promoting new approaches in social media moderation.

While the technical architecture of Bluesky prioritizes decentralization, the user experience is designed to be simple and familiar, hiding the underlying complexity from users. This approach has potential benefits, including increased user agency and a more diverse ecosystem of content.

However, scaling this model and ensuring a consistent user experience across multiple providers may present challenges. Additionally, the open nature of content moderation raises concerns about misinformation or harmful content.

Source: https://dev.to/mikeyoung44/bluesky-pioneering-decentralized-social-media-with-usability-and-user-control-2i15 
 Breakthrough in Medical Record Analysis: LLMD Large Language Model

Researchers have developed a large language model called LLMD, designed to interpret and analyze longitudinal medical records. This innovative technology can help doctors, researchers, and others understand complex patient data more effectively. By training LLMD on real-world medical information, the model can recognize patterns, extract key details, and provide a comprehensive understanding of a patient's health history.

Source: https://dev.to/mikeyoung44/longitudinal-medical-records-interpreter-llmd-large-language-model-2e17 
 Breakthrough in AI Research Raises Concerns for Machine Learning Security
A recent study proposes a novel backdoor attack on pre-trained models, posing significant threats to the security and trustworthiness of machine learning systems. Dubbed "TransTroj," this approach embeds malicious behaviors into pre-trained models, making it difficult to detect and remove. The researchers' success rate in embedding backdoors is nearly 100% on most tasks, demonstrating robustness even when fine-tuned for different applications.

Source: https://dev.to/mikeyoung44/novel-supply-chain-backdoor-attack-on-pretrained-models-via-embedding-indistinguishability-technique-4eco 
 ** Large language models (LLMs) have been making waves in various applications, but their ability to handle precise numerical information and perform complex mathematical reasoning has been less explored. A recent study investigated how LLMs' numerical precision affects their performance on mathematical tasks. The findings suggest that higher precision leads to better results on tasks requiring precise calculations. However, the models struggled with division and symbolic reasoning tasks. This highlights the importance of developing AI systems that can seamlessly integrate numerical and symbolic reasoning.


Source: https://dev.to/mikeyoung44/numerical-precisions-impact-on-mathematical-reasoning-capabilities-of-large-language-models-a-comprehensive-study-88j 
 A recent research paper has sparked a debate in the natural language processing (NLP) community by demonstrating that a simplified transformer model can achieve competitive performance without attention mechanisms. The "Simplified Transformer Achieves Competitive NLP Performance Without Attention" paper proposes a minimalist model, called the MLP Mixer, which replaces the attention mechanism with a simple multilayer perceptron (MLP). The results show that the MLP Mixer model can perform well on various NLP tasks, including language modeling, machine translation, and text classification. While this finding challenges the prevailing assumption that attention is crucial for good performance, further research is needed to fully understand the strengths and limitations of the simplified model.

Source: https://dev.to/mikeyoung44/simplified-transformer-achieves-competitive-nlp-performance-without-attention-5had 
 Breakthrough in AI Research: Decoupled Visual Encoding Unlocks Powerful Multimodal Understanding and Generation Capabilities

Researchers have made a significant advancement in multimodal artificial intelligence (AI) with the development of Janus, a powerful model that can process both images and text. The key innovation is its decoupled visual encoding approach, which allows for more flexibility and capabilities when working with multimodal data.

Source: https://dev.to/mikeyoung44/decoupled-visual-encoding-unlocks-powerful-multimodal-understanding-and-generation-capabilities-1i0g 
 ** Recent research has explored the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) in generating high-quality patent claims. While LLMs can produce patent-like text, the study found that the generated claims often fail to meet legal and technical standards for patentability. The paper highlights the limitations of current LLM-based approaches and raises concerns about their potential use in enabling patent plagiarism.


Source: https://dev.to/mikeyoung44/exploring-llms-potential-for-generating-high-quality-patent-claims-and-implications-3np5 
 Want to level up from junior to senior developer? Focus on developing these key skills! 

* Master problem-solving by knowing "why" and practicing debugging
* Improve system design with architecture, scalability, and failure scenarios in mind
* Enhance communication skills by speaking to non-technical stakeholders and writing documentation
* Be proactive by improving the codebase and staying ahead of trends
* Develop mentorship skills by mentoring juniors, giving constructive feedback, and leading by example

Remember, growth as a developer is constant. Stay curious, keep learning, and proactively look for opportunities to challenge yourself!

Source: https://dev.to/okoye_ndidiamaka_5e3b7d30/moving-from-junior-to-senior-developer-key-skills-to-master-on-your-journey-2i30 
 Breakthrough in AI Research: "FlyAI" Introduces Unpredictable Decision-Making with Live Fly Behavior Integration

Source: https://dev.to/mikeyoung44/unpredictable-ai-integrating-live-fly-behavior-for-enhanced-decision-making-4olm 
 Google Cloud Armor is a valuable tool for securing cloud resources, but its pricing structure can be a concern. The default URL connected to Cloud Run can bypass Cloud Armor without the use of a load balancer or backend. To effectively utilize Cloud Armor, users must place a load balancer in front of their Cloud Run and ensure they have a backend. This adds complexity to the setup process.

One of the main drawbacks of Cloud Armor is its pricing. The enterprise tier costs €200 per month plus additional expenses, while the standard plan requires paying for everything consumed. This can add up quickly, with the potential for significant monthly bills.

In comparison, Cloudflare offers a more affordable option with its basic tier priced at free and its pro tier at €20. For users who don't require 24/7 support, this is a more budget-friendly choice.

While Google Cloud Armor provides excellent protection against threats like DDoS attacks and SQL injection, its pricing structure may be a barrier for some users. Users must weigh the benefits of Cloud Armor against the costs and consider alternative options like Cloudflare.

Source: https://dev.to/mkdev/can-i-use-cloud-armor-with-cloud-run-2dag 
 Researchers have discovered a significant gap in neural network visual perception, highlighting the limitations of modern computer vision systems. The study, titled "Degraded Polygons Expose Gaps in Neural Network Visual Perception," explored how well neural networks can classify regular polygons with varying levels of degradation along their edges. Surprisingly, the networks' behavior conflicted with human visual perception and recovery abilities on this seemingly simple task.

The study's findings raise fundamental questions about the robustness and learning capabilities of modern computer vision models. While neural networks excel at many tasks, they struggle to handle degradation and missing information in a way that humans can. This highlights the need for continued progress in developing AI systems that can match and surpass human-level visual understanding.

Source: https://dev.to/mikeyoung44/degraded-polygons-expose-gaps-in-neural-network-visual-perception-2bb 
 Researchers have developed a new system called MobileGPT that uses large language models (LLMs) to automate mobile tasks with human-like memory. This innovative approach allows for more precise and efficient learning of task procedures by breaking them down into smaller, reusable sub-tasks. According to the study, MobileGPT can automate and learn new tasks with 82.7% accuracy and adapt them to different contexts with 98.75% accuracy. The system also reduces latency and cost compared to a GPT-4 baseline.

Source: https://dev.to/mikeyoung44/llm-augmented-with-human-like-memory-for-cost-effective-mobile-task-automation-29m6 
 Mastering SOLID Principles in JavaScript: A Guide for Developers

SOLID principles are a set of guidelines for writing clean and maintainable code. In JavaScript, these principles can be applied to class-based and object-oriented systems. This article breaks down each principle, from the basics to advanced examples, providing real-world applications for developers.

Source: https://dev.to/hamzakhan/cracking-the-code-master-solid-principles-in-javascript-with-real-world-examples-3did 
 The AWS Well-Architected Tool is a valuable resource for anyone working with large datasets or computation-heavy tasks in cloud computing. This tool provides insights into optimizing performance, reducing costs, and enhancing collaboration. Whether you're a student, researcher, or professional, the Well-Architected Tool can help you build more reliable, secure, and efficient architectures.

With features such as shared visibility and collaborative action, the tool enables teams to work together seamlessly. Additionally, it offers hands-on experience in real-world cloud architecture scenarios, making it an excellent resource for those preparing for AWS certifications.

To get started with the Well-Architected Tool, simply create an AWS account, navigate to the Management Console, select a workload, and run a review. The tool will provide a detailed report outlining risks and recommendations for improvement.

Source: https://dev.to/subhashbohra/exploring-the-aws-well-architected-tool-a-beginners-guide-5had 
 ** Docker Containers 101: Understanding Images and Containers

Docker provides two essential concepts for building, running, and managing applications: images and containers. An image is a read-only template with instructions for creating a Docker container, while a container is a runnable instance of an image.

To create an image, you can either take one from the Docker Hub or build your own using a Dockerfile. This file defines the steps needed to create the image and run it, resulting in lightweight and fast containers compared to other virtualization technologies.

Containers are created by running an image and can be controlled through the Docker API or CLI. You can connect containers to networks, attach storage, or even create new images based on their current state.


Source: https://dev.to/meghasharmaaaa/-22j1 
 **Determining Server Capacity: A Key to Efficient Performance**

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, ensuring that servers can handle a high volume of requests is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and user satisfaction. ApacheBench (ab) is a powerful command-line tool that helps developers test their server's capacity by simulating a specified number of requests and measuring response times.

The ab tool allows users to adjust parameters such as the total number of requests, concurrency level, and URL to simulate varying levels of load on the server. By analyzing the output, developers can gain valuable insights into their server's performance, including requests per second, time taken per request, and transfer rates.

Understanding server capacity is essential for making informed decisions about infrastructure upgrades or load balancing configurations. With this knowledge, developers can ensure that their servers are equipped to handle increasing demands and provide a seamless user experience.

Source: https://dev.to/raiyan_memon/determine-server-capacity-to-handle-the-requests-2gl9 
 The latest newsletter from Mark JG Smith, issue #186, covers various topics including workplace software, AI subprime, libertarian geopolitics, and more. The article provides an overview of these subjects without taking a specific stance or promoting any particular agenda.

Source: https://dev.to/mjgs/latest-newsletter-authentic-blocking-frenzy-antidote-issue-186-egk 
 Java Learning Journey 1.0: A Beginner's Guide to Java Fundamentals

Recently, a developer shared their journey learning Java through exercises on Exercism.org. The post provides an overview of several key concepts, including string manipulation, exception handling, and interfaces.

In this article, we'll explore the basics of Java programming and how they can be applied in real-world scenarios.

Source: https://dev.to/tilee/java-learning-journey-10-14fh 
 Migrate Your .NET Apps to .NET 8 with Ease!

Are you ready to upgrade your .NET 7 applications to take advantage of new features, performance enhancements, and security updates? Look no further! This comprehensive guide outlines the steps to ensure a smooth transition.

Start by reviewing your application's architecture, dependencies, and performance metrics. Identify potential compatibility issues using tools like the .NET Upgrade Assistant. Decide whether to migrate critical parts first or take a more gradual approach.

Install the .NET 8 SDK, update development tools, and modify CI/CD pipelines and build processes. Be aware of changes in platform support, such as defaulting to distroless images for improved security and efficiency.

Convert your project's .csproj files to the .NET 8 format using the dotnet migrate tool or manually. Expect some code adjustments due to backward-incompatible changes.

Conduct thorough testing and benchmark performance before and after migration. Take advantage of .NET 8's enhancements, such as garbage collection and runtime performance improvements.

Get started with this step-by-step guide and experience the benefits of upgrading your .NET 7 applications to .NET 8!

Source: https://dev.to/prahladyeri/migrate-your-net-7-applications-to-net-8-a-complete-guide-2iig 
 Designing an IoT Gateway in Cloud using Swoole: A Simple yet Effective Solution

In a recent article, developer Zhang Zhyue showcased a simple and efficient way to create an IoT gateway in the cloud using Swoole, a PHP network communication engine. The solution requires only two PHP files, totaling around 500 lines of code.

The IoT gateway connects controllers and third-party software to the internet, allowing users to program, control, and monitor device status from anywhere with an internet connection. The system uses TCP and WebSocket protocols to maintain long connections between devices and the cloud server.

Source: https://dev.to/zhangzhuyue/how-to-design-the-iot-gateway-in-cloud-based-on-swoole-1jdf 
 Get Started with Docker: Essential Terminologies Explained!

Docker has revolutionized the way we develop, deploy, and manage applications. But before you can harness its power, it's crucial to understand the fundamental concepts. Here are the essential Docker terminologies to get you started:

* Images: lightweight, standalone, and immutable files containing dependencies, code, libraries, and environment needed for an application.
* Containers: runtime instances of images, providing a portable and isolated environment for applications.
* Dockerfiles: scripts used to build Docker images, specifying base image, dependencies, code, environment variables, and commands.
* Registries: storage and distribution systems for Docker images (e.g., Docker Hub).
* Volumes: mechanisms for storing data outside the container's writable layer, ensuring data persistence.
* Networking: enables containers to communicate with each other and the outside world.
* Compose: tool for defining and running multi-container applications using YAML files.
* Swarm: a container orchestration tool providing load balancing, failover capabilities, and scaling.

These core concepts will give you a solid foundation in Docker. Whether you're new to Docker or looking to deepen your understanding, this list is an excellent starting point. Happy learning!

Source: https://dev.to/mrcaption49/basic-docker-terminologies-214j 
 Get Familiar with useState in React.js!

In React, understanding state is crucial. So, what is state? Simply put, it's DATA THAT CAN CHANGE! Examples include user login status, data from an API, or form input values. The useState hook helps you manage state in functional components.

Here's how it works:

* `state`: The current value of the state.
* `setState`: A function to update the state.
* `initialState`: The initial value of the state.

Example Usage:
A simple example is an increment/decrement counter that updates the count when a button is clicked. This showcases useState in action!

Source: https://dev.to/muhammadiqbalid83/mengenal-usestate-pada-reactjs-49em 
 Explore Concurrent Programming with Rust's Concurrency Demo Program!

A recent demonstration showcases Rust's concurrency capabilities through a simple program. The "concurrency_example" project illustrates how threads can be created and managed using the `thread::spawn` function. This code snippet allows developers to experience concurrent execution, where multiple tasks run simultaneously.

Source: https://dev.to/benslinux2024/rust-concurreny-demo-149b 
 A popular coding question sparks debate: Python or C++? In a recent post on Dev.to, a developer asked for recommendations between Python and C++ programming languages. While both have their strengths, the discussion highlights the ongoing debate among programmers about which language to learn.

Source: https://dev.to/ben_assil_eb960405b711805/hl-tnshwny-bd-b-bythwn-w-b-cdo-you-recommend-me-python-or-c-1k2o 
 Are you interested in exploring Large Language Models (LLMs) and enhancing your AI and Machine Learning skills? A recent article highlights 12 LLM project ideas suitable for various experience levels, providing hands-on training with easy-to-follow guides and source codes. From sentiment analysis to chatbots, and even content generation and game development, these projects cater to beginners and professionals alike.

Source: https://dev.to/tutortacademy/12-best-llm-projects-for-all-levels-5ha5 
 A recent update on Dev.to features a mysterious title, "جدول الضرب", which translates to "Tables of Multiplication" in Arabic. The article appears to be a template for quick answers to frequently asked questions or storing snippets for reuse. However, the actual content is not available due to an error message.

Source: https://dev.to/mona_razg_0fc11d20091fcd8/jdwl-ldrb-3ilp 
 Adopting Clean Architecture: A Balanced Perspective

Clean Architecture, a software development principle, aims to organize dependencies and promote flexibility. While it offers benefits such as easier maintenance, improved unit testing, and technology stack changes, it also presents drawbacks like increased complexity, overhead in project design, and performance concerns.

The architecture's modularity makes it easy to reuse components or features, but this can introduce unnecessary abstraction for smaller projects. Developers need experience with architectural design patterns to implement Clean Architecture effectively.

For large-scale systems requiring long-term maintainability, Clean Architecture can be a powerful approach. However, for smaller or short-term projects, it may lead to over-engineering and reduced development efficiency.

Source: https://dev.to/yukionishi1129/benefits-and-drawbacks-of-adopting-clean-architecture-2pd1 
 Learn the Fundamentals of Software Architecture

This article delves into the essential concepts and principles of software architecture, a crucial aspect for developers and tech enthusiasts. It defines software architecture as the process of making critical decisions on how a system is structured and functions, while considering business needs. The article also highlights the importance of tailoring systems to meet specific goals.

Source: https://dev.to/ipazooki/fundamentals-of-software-architecture-44ia 
 **10 Scalability Lessons from Zoom's Software Architecture**

Discover how Zoom, a household name for video conferencing, achieves exceptional performance and scalability. This article shares valuable lessons from Zoom's software design architecture, highlighting key takeaways such as adaptive streaming, offloading processing tasks to clients, efficient routing mechanisms, and more.

Source: https://dev.to/somadevtoo/10-scalability-lessons-from-zooms-software-architecture-6g3 
 Debugger Stumbles with Volt Component in Laravel: A Challenge for Developers

A recent dev.to article highlights a common challenge faced by developers working on PHP projects using the Volt component in Laravel. The issue is debugging logic written within Volt components, specifically in .blade.php files.

Source: https://dev.to/arfn/does-anyone-knows-how-to-debug-volt-component-in-laravel-using-vscode-2k77 
 "Get started with PHP programming! Virtualgrowhouse has shared a comprehensive beginner's guide, covering PHP basics, variables, control structures, functions, object-oriented programming, working with databases, error handling, and security best practices. The guide is presented in a chapter-by-chapter format, making it easy to follow along and learn. Whether you're new to web development or looking to improve your skills, this resource is an excellent starting point. Share your thoughts and questions in the comments below!"

Source: https://dev.to/vgai_beta_60e2d44da39bc0a/php-beginner-guide-by-virtualgrowhouse-28c1 
 "A developer has shared a simple portfolio page they created using Tailwind CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The page features a clean design and allows the creator to showcase their projects and skills. Templates in coding platforms like Dev.to enable users to quickly answer frequently asked questions or store snippets for reuse. This feature can be useful for developers looking to streamline their workflow."

Source: https://dev.to/achintha_prabash_c1dc098a/simple-portfolio-page-1h7e 
 ** As insurance companies strive to stay ahead in the competitive landscape, custom software development has become an essential investment. But what does it cost? According to recent estimates, the cost of custom insurance software development can range from $30,000 to $500,000+, depending on factors such as project scope, team location, technology stack, and regulatory compliance requirements. While the investment may seem daunting, the benefits of tailored solutions – including improved efficiency, enhanced customer experience, and better data management – can drive growth and competitiveness.


Source: https://dev.to/clashing_queen/how-much-does-custom-insurance-software-development-cost-in-2024-lek 
 Freelance Designer Seeks Collaborations in UI/UX Design and Development
A 3-year experienced web and graphic designer, Nidhir Parmar, is now open to freelancing opportunities. With expertise in crafting user-centered digital experiences, they specialize in UI/UX design, development, and graphic design using tools like React, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Adobe XD, Figma, Photoshop, and Illustrator.

Source: https://dev.to/nidhir_parmar_acc1a44849c/hello-folks-i-am-web-and-graphic-designer-312b 
 Hacktoberfest Writing Challenge Submission Revealed

A submission for the 2024 Hacktoberfest Writing challenge has been posted, showcasing the community's creativity and enthusiasm. The submission highlights the benefits of using Hacktoberfest Templates in writing, specifically mentioning their ability to quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use.

Source: https://dev.to/qaismohib2345/my-submission-52d4 
 New Extension for Visual HTML Editing in VSCode

A new extension, "Web Visual Editor", has been released for Visual Studio Code (VSCode) that enables live visual editing of HTML files. The extension, developed by urin/vscode-web-visual-editor, has already gained over 400 stars in a short span. While its use cases are currently limited due to the rarity of directly handling HTML files on the frontend, it may prove useful in certain niches where web technologies have not yet fully penetrated.

The extension shares similarities with Microsoft's VSCode Live Preview, but differs in several key aspects. Its real-time preview feature can be particularly helpful for creating simple content like landing pages or components with Vue.js. The extension also includes templates that allow users to quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for reuse.

Source: https://dev.to/urin/edit-html-files-visually-2a0l 

Stay ahead of the curve with Microsoft Power Automate and Syntex! These powerful tools simplify workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and manage content intelligently. By combining automation with AI-driven content management, businesses can reduce manual data entry, minimize errors, and ensure timely task completion.

With Power Automate, automate everyday tasks between apps and services. Integrate with Microsoft applications like SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams, and Outlook, as well as third-party apps like Slack, Twitter, and Dropbox. Syntex adds AI capabilities to SharePoint, automatically tagging, categorizing, and extracting information from documents.


Source: https://dev.to/alisonn/simplify-workflows-using-microsoft-power-automate-and-syntex-5cid 
 Are you interested in learning responsive web design? You're in luck! There are many excellent platforms where you can learn and master this crucial skill. From beginner-friendly courses to advanced tutorials, we've got you covered.

Here are some top platforms to get you started:
1. freeCodeCamp - a comprehensive curriculum with hands-on projects.
2. MDN Web Docs (Mozilla Developer Network) - in-depth guides on CSS, responsive web design patterns, and more.
3. Coursera - courses from top universities and companies like Google, covering foundational skills and advanced techniques.
4. Udemy - a variety of courses ranging from beginner to advanced, with some free options available.
5. YouTube - free tutorials and series from experienced developers.
6. Scrimba - interactive coding tutorials with hands-on practice.
7. Codecademy - beginner-friendly courses that guide you through building responsive layouts.

Why learn responsive web design? It's essential for creating mobile-friendly websites that adapt to different devices and screen sizes. With the rise of mobile usage, learning responsive web design can give you a competitive edge in the job market or enhance your skills as a hobbyist.

Source: https://dev.to/ashcodebd/responsive-web-design-where-and-why-you-should-learn-it-3ejl 
 ** "Breakthrough in Deep Learning Applications with React: Transformers.js"

The web development community has witnessed significant advancements in machine learning (ML) applications. One notable achievement is the introduction of Transformers.js, a JavaScript library from Hugging Face that enables developers to run state-of-the-art deep learning models directly in the browser without server-side computation. This innovation allows for seamless integration of natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, and audio processing tasks into front-end applications.


Source: https://dev.to/abhinowww/how-to-build-deep-learning-applications-with-react-using-transformersjs-370a 
 Manage Your Linux Swap Space for Better Performance

As a Linux user, it's essential to manage your swap space effectively. Swap space helps when your system runs low on RAM. Learn how to check current swap usage, turn off all swap, verify RAM and swap usage, create a new swap file, set correct permissions, mark the file as swap, enable the new swap space, and verify the updated swap space using common Linux commands.

Source: https://dev.to/priyanshu2k3/managing-swap-space-on-linux-3epm 
 Mastering Multi-Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform: A Game-Changer for Modern IT

Terraform, a powerful infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool, is revolutionizing the way organizations manage their multi-cloud environments. In today's digital landscape, businesses are adopting multi-cloud strategies to maximize flexibility, performance, and cost savings. However, managing different cloud providers with distinct APIs, billing models, and services can be overwhelming.

Terraform simplifies this process by enabling developers to define infrastructure in code, automate deployments, reduce human error, and maintain consistent configurations across different environments. Its declarative approach ensures that infrastructure is consistently deployed and maintained, making it easier to handle updates, deletions, and modifications.

By adopting best practices like modularization, state management, and leveraging provider-specific features, organizations can master multi-cloud infrastructure and stay ahead in the competitive IT landscape.

Source: https://dev.to/s3cloudhub/mastering-multi-cloud-infrastructure-with-terraform-a-game-changer-for-modern-it-563j 
 Get ready to tackle even the toughest JavaScript interview questions with confidence! Vishal Tiwari shares 20+ challenging and hardest JavaScript technical interview questions, along with their solutions. From understanding type coercion to grasping closures and scope, these questions cover a range of essential topics.

Source: https://dev.to/vishal_tiwari_114f21d14e5/top-challenging-and-hardest-javascript-technical-interview-questions-with-solutions-3189 
 Vulnerability Research: Understanding the Basics

In the world of cybersecurity, vulnerability research plays a crucial role in identifying and mitigating weaknesses in systems and applications. A vulnerability is defined as a weakness or flaw in the design or behavior of a system or application, which can be exploited by an attacker to gain unauthorized access. There are five categories of vulnerabilities: operating system, (mis)configuration-based, weak or default credentials, application logic, and human-factor.

Understanding the impact of a vulnerability is essential, as it helps determine its severity and potential consequences. The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) and Vulnerability Priority Rating (VPR) are two popular frameworks used to score vulnerabilities based on their severity.

To identify and exploit vulnerabilities, researchers use various tools and techniques, including proof-of-concept (PoC) code, manual exploits, and automated vulnerability scanners. Some of the most common types of vulnerabilities include broken access control, insecure deserialization, and injection attacks.

Source: https://dev.to/sane08/vulnerability-research-57ej 
 Angular, a popular JavaScript framework, has maintained its position as a top choice for web development in 2024. Its comprehensive features, including robust state management and dependency injection, make it an attractive option for developers worldwide. Additionally, Angular's use of TypeScript provides enhanced type safety, reducing errors and improving code quality. The framework's component-based architecture promotes reusability and modularity, while its powerful two-way data binding simplifies UI-data synchronization. With a strong ecosystem and community support, Angular is well-suited for building large-scale applications.

Source: https://dev.to/aapgs_b8d41d300e2d50c4e5d/why-angular-remains-a-top-choice-for-web-development-in-2024--2pnj 
 Discover the Power of GitHub: A Beginner's Guide

As a coding enthusiast, learning GitHub can seem daunting. But with this beginner-friendly guide, you'll be well on your way to mastering the platform! GitHub is a cloud storage for your code, making collaboration and version control easy. With a free and simple account creation process, you can start using it right away.

Key features include:

* Creating a repository (repo) for your project
* Linking your local system with the GitHub repository
* Basic commands: adding files, committing changes, pushing to GitHub, and pulling updates

For open-source enthusiasts, GitHub offers an exciting way to contribute to projects. Create a fork of the original repository, make changes, and suggest them through a Pull Request.

With GitHub Pages, you can host your websites directly from your repositories. Whether you're working on personal projects or collaborating with others, GitHub is a valuable tool for any developer. Start small, practice regularly, and soon you'll feel at home with GitHub!

Source: https://dev.to/kiran_baliga/a-beginners-guide-to-github-3966 
 Django, a popular Python web framework, offers built-in support for authentication systems. This allows developers to create secure user registration, login, and management systems with ease. A new article provides a step-by-step guide on setting up a basic authentication system in Django, covering user registration, login, logout, and password reset.

Source: https://dev.to/berrydzhobs/authentication-system-in-django-5gdm 
 "Stay ahead in tech with these popular frameworks and tools! Python, PHP, Node.js, Java, SQL (Relational) and NoSQL are widely used programming languages. REST, GraphQL, and SOAP are powerful APIs for data exchange. Apache and Nginx are top-notch server solutions. Learn more about these versatile technologies and take your skills to the next level!"

Source: https://dev.to/itprovn/tom-tat-ve-cong-nghe-frameworks-va-tools-ahl 
 Title: Streamlining CI/CD with GitLab Kubernetes Runner and DevOps Tools

Developers and DevOps engineers often seek ways to optimize their continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. A recent blog post showcases how to integrate GitLab Kubernetes Runner, Kaniko, and other DevOps tools for a seamless CI/CD experience. The solution targets teams looking to run their CI/CD jobs on the same Kubernetes cluster for better scalability and resource efficiency.

Source: https://dev.to/raju_nandi_a2f810bf3664b6/complete-cicd-with-gitlab-kubernetes-runner-gitlab-kas-agent-kaniko-and-other-devops-tools-a8e 
 Podman Desktop 1.13 Launches with Hyper-V Support and Enhancements

Podman Desktop 1.13 has been released, introducing key updates including Hyper-V support for managing Podman machines on Windows. The new release also features an integrated image search function, redesigned empty state pages for containers, images, pods, and Kubernetes, as well as a reorganized Kubernetes navigation.

Source: https://www.infoq.com/news/2024/10/podman-desktop-1-13/?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global 
 **Data Recovery from External SSD/HDD: A Step-by-Step Guide**

Are you struggling with data loss on an external SSD or HDD? Fear not! With the right tools, you can recover lost files and folders. One such tool is Recovery Explorer, a software that offers two modes - Standard and Wizard-based. This tutorial will walk you through the process of using Recovery Explorer to recover your data.

**Step-by-Step Guide:**

1. Download and install Recovery Explorer on your PC.
2. Connect your external SSD/HDD to your computer using its native USB cable or integrated male-type USB connector.
3. Select the drive in the list of detected storages and start scanning.
4. Configure the scanning procedure according to your needs, then press Next.
5. Specify whether you want to perform raw recovery or recovery by known content.
6. Wait for the scanning process to complete, then save the scan result database.
7. Review the recovered files and folders, and copy those you'd like to save to another data storage.


* The free trial version of Recovery Explorer Standard allows you to save unlimited small files up to 256 KB each.
* If your files are larger than this limit, you'll need a license.
* Always save recovered files to a different data storage device to avoid irreversible data loss.

Source: https://dev.to/sysdev_laboratoriesllc_2/how-to-recover-data-from-an-external-ssd-or-hdd-318h 
 Are you struggling with moving data from MySQL to ClickHouse? BladePipe, a professional Change Data Capture (CDC) integration platform, has come up with a solution. By using CDC technique, BladePipe can track, capture, and deliver data changes automatically and accurately in seconds, improving the efficiency of data integration. With BladePipe, you can easily create a data pipeline from MySQL to ClickHouse in just a few steps.

Source: https://dev.to/bladepipe/build-a-cdc-pipeline-from-mysql-to-clickhouse-with-bladepipe-4f25 
 The CLEAN Framework is a five-step blueprint for writing bug-free and maintainable JavaScript code. Developed by ViissGG, this framework aims to minimize bugs and improve the overall quality of code. The steps include maintaining consistency in coding style, breaking down large functions into smaller, focused ones, optimizing code without compromising readability, respecting legacy code while refactoring, and adopting new features to write more efficient code.

Source: https://dev.to/viissgg/the-clean-framework-a-5-step-blueprint-for-writing-bug-free-maintainable-javascript-code-36i7 
 A company recently implemented an effective solution for echo cancellation (AEC) in their product by porting a MATLAB/Octave algorithm to C. The team considered three possible technical solutions, including using MCU detection, CPU vendor-provided algorithms, and open-source options like Webrtc and Speex. After analyzing the performance of these algorithms, they decided to use an open-source AEC algorithm from GitHub and Gitee. The chosen algorithm was able to effectively eliminate echo in their product's double-talk scene.

Source: https://dev.to/zhangzhuyue/best-solution-for-aec-by-porting-matlaboctave-algorithm-to-c-ogg 
 Google's reCAPTCHA is a powerful tool for safeguarding online applications from bots and automated attacks. The latest versions work silently in the background, providing strong protection without disrupting user experience. For Vue.js/Nuxt.js developers, integrating reCAPTCHA v3 with vue-recaptcha-v3 offers enhanced security and smoother user interactions. By following a few straightforward steps, you can set up this integration and ensure secure form submissions.

Source: https://dev.to/elifnurturk/google-recaptcha-for-vuejsnuxtjs-app-form-spam-shield-1nkd 
 PHP, a crucial language for web development since the mid-1990s, remains significant despite the emergence of new languages and frameworks. To demonstrate expertise in PHP, one should be able to answer eight key questions. These include setting up a PHP development environment, understanding the difference between == and === operators, using Traits for method sharing, managing sessions, and utilizing namespaces. Additionally, familiarity with closures, templates, and best practices for file inclusion is essential. By mastering these concepts, developers can write more efficient code and improve their overall skills.

Source: https://dev.to/gitter4coding/8-key-questions-that-every-php-expert-should-answer-24jo 
 ** Automated Security Operations with Safeline WAF (Part 2)

As part of its ongoing efforts to improve web security, Chaitin Technology has introduced SafeLine WAF, a powerful tool for detecting and responding to potential threats. In this latest update, users can now integrate their SafeLine WAF system with DingTalk, allowing for real-time notifications of banned IPs and automated push alerts.

The integration enables webmasters to streamline their security operations, reducing the need for manual monitoring and improving response times to potential attacks. With SafeLine WAF's intelligent semantic analysis algorithms and rate limiting features, users can confidently monitor and respond to threats in a timely and efficient manner.


Source: https://dev.to/carrie_luo1/automated-security-operations-with-safeline-waf-part-2-kia 
 The semiconductor industry is poised for significant growth, driven by the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and Intel are two giants in the industry. AMD appears to be the better semiconductor stock due to its strong performance, competitive products, and favorable market position. However, Intel's recent advancements and potential for undervaluation make it a stock worth monitoring for future recovery.

Source: https://dev.to/snapnews/amd-vs-intel-the-semiconductor-battle-driving-ai-growth-3p92 
 ** Introducing Vaadin: A Server-Side AJAX Framework for Efficient Development

Vaadin is an innovative Java-based framework that simplifies web application development by allowing developers to focus on the backend code. With Vaadin, you can create client-side code (HTML, JavaScript, and CSS) at runtime without writing a single line of client-side code. This approach streamlines the development process and empowers developers to concentrate on the core functionality of their applications.

Vaadin's design system includes a range of components that can be used to build user interfaces. These components have both server-side Java APIs and TypeScript APIs for client-side development, making it easy to integrate with other technologies.

The framework also offers a default CSS theme, allowing developers to create visually appealing and consistent user experiences. Additionally, Vaadin's theming system allows for parallel development of themes and backend code, reducing integration complexities.


Source: https://dev.to/nfrankel/vaadin-the-battery-included-server-side-ajax-framework-21nm 
 Mastering Git: Crucial Interview Questions to Ace Your Next Technical Interview

As a frontend developer, version control systems like Git are essential for managing project development. To prepare for your next technical interview, it's crucial to understand how Git works. In this article, we'll cover 12 key interview questions on Git, along with concise answers, to help you better grasp its concepts and collaborate more effectively.

Source: https://dev.to/m_midas/12-interview-questions-git-19ai 
 In software development, following the "You Aren't Gonna Need It" (YAGNI) principle can be a valuable approach. This principle, rooted in Extreme Programming (XP), encourages developers to focus on immediate requirements and avoid implementing features based on speculation about future needs. By prioritizing current business needs, YAGNI helps streamline development by minimizing wasted effort and keeping code clean and maintainable.

Source: https://dev.to/moh_moh701/c-clean-code-yagni-principle-4fbk 
 "Streamlined CI/CD Pipeline Management with Jenkins: Leveraging Termius and AWS for Efficient Integration"

In a bid to optimize software development workflows, experts have demonstrated the effectiveness of integrating Jenkins, Termius, and AWS services. The comprehensive guide showcases the power of automation in modern software development, highlighting the benefits of efficient pipeline management.

Source: https://dev.to/blacorpheus/streamlined-cicd-pipeline-management-with-jenkins-utilizing-termius-and-aws-for-flawless-integration-a03 
 "TypeDoc Usage in @vercel/edge: A Behind-the-Scenes Look"

The recent article by Think Throo delves into the use of TypeDoc in the @vercel/edge package. For those unfamiliar, TypeDoc is a tool that converts TypeScript source code comments into rendered HTML documentation or JSON models. In this case, the article highlights how TypeDoc is used to generate documentation for the @vercel/edge package.

The article shares a snippet from the packages/edge/typedoc.json file, which provides insight into the configuration required to run TypeDoc as a CLI. Specifically, it notes the "out" value set to "docs," indicating that documentation has been generated for the @vercel/edge package.

Source: https://dev.to/thinkthroo/typedoc-usage-in-verceledge-5hjh 
 Title: Embracing Curiosity in Software Development

In an interview, a software engineer highlighted the importance of curiosity in their role. The engineer emphasized that having a curious mindset allows for better collaboration and exploration within the development process. They shared their experiences as a Staff Quality Engineer and Quality Coach, where they work with stakeholders to establish quality goals and ensure product health.

The engineer stressed the value of testing and quality assurance throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC). By embracing curiosity, they encourage colleagues to ask questions and explore ideas rather than becoming frustrated or defensive. This approach fosters a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.

Source: https://dev.to/ajparadith/get-curious-not-furious-2g3c 
 Did you know that you can scrape links from a webpage using PHP? According to an article on Dev.to, you can achieve this by fetching the HTML content using the file_get_contents function and then parsing it with the DOMDocument class. This technique allows for efficient data extraction, making it useful for various web scraping applications.

Source: https://dev.to/sportsfire/php-code-for-scrape-links-2ej4 
 As developers, we often face challenges when structuring click events on a screen. A recent scenario highlighted the importance of choosing the right data storage strategy. Should we use an array structure or separate documents for each transaction? Let's dive into the pros and cons of each approach!

Array Structure:
Pros: Centrifies one day's record in a single document, supports indexing for fast queries.
Cons: May not be suitable for large data volumes (50K+ records).

Separate Documents:
Pros: Easily handles large data volumes, simplifies updates and modifications.
Cons: May require more complex querying logic.

In conclusion, the decision depends on the specific requirements of our project. It's essential to consider factors like data volume, query complexity, and performance optimization when choosing a data storage strategy.

Source: https://dev.to/apurvupadhyay/-3a8 
 Are you new to cloud computing? This beginner's guide is for you! Learn about the benefits of cloud computing, including scalability, cost efficiency, and accessibility. Understand the different cloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) and choose a cloud provider that suits your needs. Deploy a simple Node.js application on AWS using Elastic Beanstalk and get started with cloud computing!

Source: https://dev.to/eh_wizardy/getting-started-with-cloud-computing-a-beginners-guide-to-deploying-your-first-application-kop 
 The DRY principle is a fundamental concept in clean coding practices, emphasizing the importance of eliminating code redundancy by reducing logic repetition. This principle can greatly improve maintainability and reduce errors by centralizing functionality into reusable components. According to The Pragmatic Programmer, each piece of knowledge should have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system. By following this principle, developers can ensure that changes only need to be made in one place, reducing the risk of errors and making code easier to manage.

Source: https://dev.to/moh_moh701/c-clean-codedry-principle-4e5c 
 Micro Frontend Architecture with Module Federation in React: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking for a way to build scalable and efficient web applications? Micro frontend architecture and module federation are powerful tools that can help you achieve just that. By breaking down a large monolithic frontend into smaller, more manageable pieces, teams can work more efficiently and independently. Module federation then allows developers to share code between applications, enabling collaboration and reducing duplication of effort.

In this article, we'll explore how to build a micro frontend using module federation in React. We'll create two separate applications - Home App and Header App - and demonstrate how to share code between them. This will allow us to take advantage of the benefits of micro frontend architecture, including scalability, efficiency, and collaboration.

Whether you're working on a small project or a large-scale application, micro frontend architecture with module federation is an essential tool to have in your toolbox. By following this step-by-step guide, you'll be able to build your own micro frontend with module federation in React and take advantage of these powerful tools.

Source: https://dev.to/samhoooo/micro-frontend-with-module-federation-in-react-3g4m 
 In an effort to maintain secure coding practices, developers are advised to use environment variables in their pipeline configurations. This method allows for the safe storage of sensitive information such as API keys and authentication tokens outside of code repositories. By doing so, it reduces the risk of data exposure during version control.

Environment variables can be added to shell configuration files, making them persistent across terminal sessions. The post highlights the importance of updating these variables in Fastlane configurations to ensure secure and efficient coding practices.

Source: https://dev.to/lys/usando-variaveis-de-ambiente-na-configuracao-de-uma-pipeline-em-um-projeto-ios-4ng3 
 JavaScript is a popular programming language that powers most websites, but one concept remains tricky - the event loop. This single-threaded language uses an event loop to handle asynchronous tasks like data fetching and timers. Web APIs provide extra tools for handling network requests, setting timers, and accessing user location.

The task queue holds callback functions from Web APIs, event listeners, and deferred actions. The call stack is where JavaScript keeps track of function calls, processing them in order. The event loop acts as a traffic officer, moving tasks between queues to keep everything running smoothly.

Understanding the event loop is key to writing efficient and asynchronous code in JavaScript.

Source: https://dev.to/aadixc0de/understanding-the-event-loop-in-javascript-made-simple-512b 
 Understanding JavaScript's Event Loop Made Simple!

Did you know that JavaScript is a single-threaded language, processing one task at a time? To handle asynchronous tasks like fetching data or setting timers, the event loop comes into play! It's like a traffic officer keeping everything moving. The event loop checks whether the call stack is empty and executes tasks from the task queue or microtask queue when possible.

Source: https://dev.to/aadixc0de/understanding-the-event-loop-in-javascript-made-simple-2ba8 
 ** "Day 37: Search Challenge Solved"

A developer's journey continues! On Day 37, they successfully integrated sorting and searching UI with data-fetching logic. They also added an input field for users to enter search requests. A common challenge was implementing a delay when entering search terms. After reviewing their initial solution, they refined it with the help of Gemini, using Flow instead.


Source: https://dev.to/kiolk/day-37-search-challenge-1in9 
 Mastering CI/CD Pipeline: The Key to Streamlined Software Delivery

In today's fast-paced software development landscape, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines are crucial for efficient delivery. One key component in achieving streamlined software delivery is the use of API development platforms-as-a-service like Blackbird. This service enables instant creation of mock servers, prod-like advanced code testing, and optimized CI/CD pipeline support.

API gateways such as Edge Stack also play a vital role in enhancing the CI/CD pipeline. By integrating Edge Stack into your pipeline, you can automate deployment of API configurations, manage changes to backend services, apply security policies, rate limit and throttle traffic, load balance instances, enforce governance policies, and audit API traffic.

Source: https://dev.to/getambassador2024/mastering-cicd-pipeline-the-key-to-streamlined-software-delivery-5gh7 
 Microsoft Azure's Cost Management feature helps users track and optimize their cloud spending. This set of tools provides a budget tracker for cloud usage, breaking down costs by resource type (VMs, storage, networking). Users can set budgets, receive alerts when close to exceeding limits, and allocate costs by project or category. Azure also recommends cost-saving strategies, such as downsizing resources not in use.

To keep costs under control, Microsoft suggests using Reserved Instances for long-term projects, reusing existing licenses, and setting automatic shutdowns for non-essential resources. The platform's Advisor feature regularly provides tips on reducing costs.

Source: https://dev.to/mahrukh_adeel/cost-management-in-azure-a-student-friendly-guide-to-managing-cloud-costs-2iah 
 A comment section on Dev.to, a platform for developers and tech enthusiasts, has seen an unusual post that expresses gratitude towards the community. The commenter thanks the community for their support and contributions, highlighting the value of templates in facilitating quick answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) or storing snippets for reuse.

Source: https://dev.to/4lm1r/thank-you-for-this-community-437m 
 A recent JavaScript Quick Bits article highlights a common issue in programming: bad comparisons. When performing inequality checks with undefined or NaN values, the result is often false, leading to unexpected behavior and potential bugs. The article emphasizes the importance of explicit checks for edge cases to prevent issues and improve code maintainability.

Source: https://dev.to/oculus42/javascript-quick-bits-bad-comparison-2f4m 
 ** Recent Developments in Tech: A Roundup of Interesting Posts

The tech world has been abuzz with exciting new tools and innovations. In recent days, we've seen the release of Linkding, a self-hosted bookmarks manager with a minimal design, making it easy to set up using Docker. For those interested in designing their own bookmarks manager, there are tips available on writing a good bookmark manager.

Additionally, Abhishek Veeramalla has shared a detailed write-up on observability, covering topics such as logging and Go programming. Cyphernetes, a Kubernetes Query Language, has also been introduced, allowing users to turn shell commands into declarative syntax.

Other notable developments include the release of Starship, a customizable prompt for any shell written in Rust. For those looking to comment all entries in crontab, there is a simple solution available.


Source: https://dev.to/sarvsav/day003-random-posts-under-til-3fh7 
 "Separating Deployment from Release: Unlocking Efficient and Safe Delivery of New Features"

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, companies are constantly striving to deliver new features and updates that meet the evolving needs of their users. One key strategy for achieving this goal is by separating deployment from release, a practice that allows for incremental and controlled delivery of new functionality.

This approach involves using techniques such as Feature Flags, A/B Testing, and Canary Releases to monitor user behavior and gather valuable data before releasing new features to all users. By doing so, companies can ensure that the new features are well-received and tailored to meet the needs of their target audience.

Separating deployment from release also enables teams to prioritize tasks more effectively, reduce the risk of major disruptions, and minimize support requests. Furthermore, this approach allows for continuous delivery of value throughout the development cycle, ensuring that users receive the latest updates in a controlled and incremental manner.

In conclusion, separating deployment from release is an effective strategy for delivering new features and updates while prioritizing user experience and minimizing risks. By adopting this approach, companies can stay ahead of the competition and drive business success.

Source: https://dev.to/felipefreitasffs/separando-o-deploy-do-release-como-entregar-valor-com-seguranca-e-flexibilidade-1176 
 Angular Update: Effects Future, Playwright CT, and More!

The official Angular blog has announced updates on the future of effects. For version 19, effects will remain in developer preview but with a new feature allowing Signal updates by default. Meanwhile, Playwright 1.48 adds WebSocket mocking support. However, the anticipated Angular Component Testing for Playwright was not merged, leaving community solutions as the only option for now.

Source: https://dev.to/this-is-angular/ng-news-2441-effects-future-angular-playwright-ct-16k5 
 The evolution of software development has led to the rise of Docker and Kubernetes, two essential tools for efficient application deployment. Docker automates application packaging into containers, ensuring consistent operation across environments. With a simple command, you can create a container from an image on Docker Hub. Meanwhile, Kubernetes orchestrates containerized applications, streamlining management and scaling. Together, they simplify the development process, making them essential for modern developers.

Source: https://dev.to/574n13y/docker-and-kubernetes-the-backbone-of-modern-application-development-part-1-docker-11k9 
 Integrating Sentry with Next.js for Effective Error Tracking and Performance Monitoring!

Sentry, a powerful tool for error tracking and performance monitoring, has announced its integration with Next.js. In an episode of Code with CodingCat, Luca, a developer who works on the Sentry JavaScript SDKs, shares expert tips on setting up Sentry in a Next.js application.

The episode covers the initial setup process, including installing the Sentry package, configuring the SDK, and customizing features such as circumventing ad blockers. Additionally, it delves into performance monitoring and troubleshooting, showcasing how Sentry tracks errors across front-end and back-end processes.

Source: https://dev.to/codingcatdev/how-to-add-sentry-to-nextjs-the-right-way-53hd 
 AWS Cloud Club Program: Empowering Students and Communities

The AWS Cloud Club program is an initiative that supports students in developing cloud computing skills and fostering a strong community. The program focuses on creating a platform for students to learn, share knowledge, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Rashi Dashore, an AWS Cloud Captain from Indore, India, shares her experience with the program. She highlights the application process, which includes submitting essays, video explanations of AWS services, and documents confirming university support. Rashi emphasizes that the program values honesty, community spirit, and a willingness to help students.

As an AWS Cloud Captain, Rashi organizes events, sessions, webinars, camps, labs, and more to support students. She shares that this role not only helps her sharpen technical skills but also develops professional leadership skills.

The program offers various perks, including certification vouchers, resume reviews, invitations to monthly calls, and SWAGS. Rashi emphasizes the importance of community and inclusivity, stating that the program is focused on supporting students rather than promoting AWS products.

Source: https://dev.to/rashi_dashore07/becoming-an-aws-cloud-captain-my-experience-2bo5 
 Importing Pandas in AWS Lambda Functions Made Easy with Layers

AWS Lambda Layers have simplified the process of importing libraries like Pandas in Python scripts. By adding a layer, developers can reuse libraries and dependencies across multiple functions without cluttering their main code. In just three steps, you can successfully run Pandas in your Lambda Function.

First, navigate to the "Layers" section under your Lambda Function's name. Click on "Add a Layer" and select "AWS layers." Choose AWSSDKPandas-Python312 and version 13 from the dropdown menus. Then, click "Add" to attach the layer to your function.

With this approach, you can save space in your code, reuse libraries across functions, and easily update dependencies without modifying your core code. This is a valuable addition to the AWS Lambda ecosystem, making it easier for developers to work with popular libraries like Pandas.

Source: https://dev.to/heighter/how-to-import-pandaslibrary-in-aws-lambda-functions-aws-lambda-layers-1oen 
 Introducing Blockchain Development with Go Language (Golang)

Blockchain technology has revolutionized the way data is shared and recorded, providing a decentralized and secure platform for transactions. The latest trend in blockchain development is the use of the Go language (Golang), which offers numerous benefits for building scalable and efficient applications.

Go's advantages include:

* Performance: Concurrency Support
* Simplicity and Readability: Strong Standard Library
* Cross-Platform Compatibility: Strong Community and Ecosystem

Developers should also consider potential challenges, such as limited specialized libraries and verbosity in error handling. Despite these limitations, Go's strengths make it a solid choice for building blockchain applications.

Source: https://dev.to/victorpaularony/introduction-to-blockchain-development-using-go-languagegolang-dch 
 Understanding React's Component Lifecycle and useEffect Hook

React, a popular JavaScript library, offers a unique approach to building user interfaces. Unlike frameworks that provide comprehensive solutions, React focuses on the UI and allows developers to choose their own tools for state management, routing, and testing. This flexibility makes React an attractive choice for many projects.

The component lifecycle in React is a critical concept that determines when specific actions occur during a component's "life." Class-based components have built-in methods like componentDidMount(), componentDidUpdate(), and componentWillUnmount() that can be used to perform tasks at different stages. However, with the shift towards functional components, React introduced the useEffect hook to manage the component lifecycle.

The useEffect hook allows developers to run side effects or reactions after rendering, re-rendering, or before unmounting a component. It takes two parameters: a callback function and an optional dependency array. This flexibility enables developers to create custom logic for their components.

Source: https://dev.to/lostshades/understanding-react-component-lifecycle-and-useeffect-hook-gaf 
 A recent update on Dev.to, a platform for developers and tech enthusiasts, caught attention with the simple yet intriguing post "PWRX". The post features a pen made by someone with the handle @pwrx_sav, showcasing their creativity and skill. The accompanying text highlights the utility of templates in responding to frequently asked questions (FAQs) or storing snippets for re-use.

Source: https://dev.to/pwrx_sav/pwrx-441 
 "Understanding Programming Logic: A Key to Efficient Problem-Solving
A recent article highlights the importance of organizing thoughts and putting tasks in order, essential skills for resolving problems using computers. Templates can also facilitate quick answers to frequently asked questions or store reusable snippets.

Source: https://dev.to/edurojas-tech/logica-de-programacao-kij 
 Flask, a popular Python micro-framework for web development, relies heavily on decorators to manage its functionality. In this article, we'll explore the top 5 most used Flask decorators and two honorable mentions. These decorators enable developers to hook into Flask's framework without cluttering their code.

Source: https://dev.to/alfredo-pasquel/the-top-5-most-used-flask-decorators-3ick 
 ** JsTraceToIX Simplifies Debugging for React, Vue, and Node.js Developers
JsTraceToIX, a new debugging tool, aims to simplify the process of tracing inputs and outputs in React, Vue, and Node.js applications. This tool eliminates the need for multiple console.log statements and unnecessary code changes, making debugging faster and cleaner. With JsTraceToIX, developers can capture input and display results in one step.


Source: https://dev.to/a-bentofreire/jstracetoix-debugging-react-vue-and-nodejs-just-got-easier-no-need-to-clutter-your-codebase-with-consolelog-2h2b