Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸 | export

Youtube -> Piped/Invidious/PokeTube/CloudTube/ViewTube/Tubo
Reddit -> Teddit/Libreddit/Redlib 
Translate -> LibreTranslate/Mozhi/SimplyTranslate
TikTok -> ProxyTok
Youtube Music -> Hyperpipe
Bluesky -> Skyview
Tumblr -> Priviblur
Twitch -> SafeTwitch/Twineo
Instagram -> Proxigram
IMDb -> libremdb
Bilibili -> MikuInvidious
Pixiv -> PixivFE
Fandom-> BreezeWiki
Pinterest -> Binternet
SOundcloud -> Tubo
Bandcamp -> Tent
Tekstowo.pl -> TekstoLibre
Genius -> Dumb
Medium -> Scribe 
Quora -> Quetre
GitHub -> Gothub
Gitlab -> Laboratory
Stack Overflow -> AnonymousOverflow
Reuters -> Neuters
Snopes -> Suds
Urban Dictionary -> Rural Dictionary
Goodreads -> BiblioReads
Wolfram Alpha -> Wolfree Alpha
Instructables -> Indestructables
Maps -> OpenStreetMap

(Anwendungsliste stammt von dieser wunderbaren Browsererweiterung: https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/libredirect/ ) 
Event not found
 That bundle is probably nice, thanks. However those websites are the most phenomenal piles of trash I've ever seen on the internet (in the last month) and I'll absolutely rip all the purchased videos and content from them to never, EVER deal with them again.

Hope those companies pay better for their partner links than they code.