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Notes by Sato | export

 all the real knowledge is hidden in archives
even basic uni shit is garden walled 
 Nuclear is back. 

1. Google backs the construction of seven small nuclear-power reactors in the ... 
 need to pollute to profile and track the goybooks 
 museums re faaggotized history strapped by fake historian nazi garbage

politcally correctoid genocidal pedophikes  
 money only amplies the innate faggotry of its holder 
 microshit users are cucked faggots 
 Debt is the fuel that keeps the matrix running. 
 debt is ok, but (((usury))) 
 Clearly written specifications are becoming just as good as code, now that the more advanced LLMs... 
 coders will become a thing of past like wagons 
 not 1 nopebaby wasnt fucked by diddler and joined the pedo club 
 gaytheists believe birds just decided to flap its wings 1000rpm

 the whore cant sing dance or act

just sucks jew cock for fake streams 
 pornography isnt speech if code isnt speech

the double think propagandists of the west need to be extinguished 
 the dog fucling west must stop

their child trafficking needs to end

they are a nuissance to decency 
 police are military and the enemy is the tax golem who pay for servicea such as drug trafficking, sex trafficking, parking ticketa, rape and murder, etc 
 now every jew in the west is a target for the millions lf muslims theyve imported

expecting more atracks in synagogues and hollywood pedo towers

netandyahoo silence after getting bombed probably means his clone is getting rebooted 
 its always the westernized far from conflict jersey wearing faggots who cheer for more bloodshed across the world for their amusement and profit 
 the race between jews and muslims is who will own the child trafficking market

pedo religions for hell bound faggots 
 6 gorillion more electrolytes its what plants crave 
 the health slop faggotry marketing less calories is idiocracy irl

 diddy did your favorite pop face and so did a few hundred goblin jews 
 Hello 🇯🇵 
 fat bastard lasgna wen 
 if you support hamas or israel terrorism grab a gun and fuck off to the middle east you degenerate faggot

the meat grinder welcomes your aids ridden ass 
 living a better life than everyone else to flex yoir superiority is the only legitimate path yo happiness

if you can maim steal rape and kill indirectly with your decisions all the better 
 amerigoblins followimg their leaders example
a nation of faggots
 dying empires final desperate gasp
hell awaits the hegemon
 what 8s a grifter
what is a faggot
what is hellbound 
 walsh is a massive faghot 
 fuck both muslim and jew terrorists

and fuck you if you like one side becuz youre a useful idiot 
 so tired of these industry pedo feds like diddy mrbeast and hollyjews

defund the media 
 muslims and jrws will never get along

theyre competing on who can be the biggest kid fucking terrorist religion 
 mudlim "brotherhood" funds israel to kill mjslim children 
 muslims are the biggest cucks in the world

cant even overcome a few miion sewer dwellers 
 coffee drinkers are psychotic cancerous subhumans addicted to raping dogs 
 faggots like calling lifes seasons

faggot you die and burn in hell call that four seasons 
 boomerfaggots will burn in hell forever dor what theyve done to the world by their wndless faggotry and avarice 
 israel losing its nation and economy because they love raping muslim men and eating babies is literally hitlet 
 ukr economy is gone, birth rate plummeted. its over and they would have fared a million times better makong a deal 3 years ago. onstead nato and judensky genociding entire generations 11-80 of native ukranians 
 diddly putting put all the names of his pedo associates

might aswell pit the entire silicon valley and wallstreet faghots on blast 
 straoght dudes who anal are p much sodomites

most men are now faggots on their way to hrt 
 the kia coup of ukraine and sibsequent child rape traffocko g has caused this nato war against decency

now diddler is paying the price by raki g the fall for his kia brothers

the azog faggotry mist end  
 just get out of ukraine and the war ends. so true hang the natogroids from raping ukraine children and its done overnight. too bad their bankrollers are canibals 
 its like germany wants to be raped by russia again. better than the muslim nato army thoughbeit 
 the hardest money will win 
 the diseased infested cat whore doesnt care about innocent cats being murdered

typical psychopaths who support palestinian genocide

not a word on the real atrocities 
 only subhuman svum "work" for government

mass media is government sponsored propaganda 
 jews are vile demons that worshop molech and money 
 bitcoin is the hardest money

paper and metals are fake  
 worldwide child trafficking eould disappear if all major cities vanished from existence

really shows the value of concrete temples and their inner workings 
 of course working 50% for free to fill your slave masters coffer is free and liberating

and paying 50% tax to eat and sleep is a privilege reserved for the wage class 
 a dog would make a better president than every elected pedo in the west

people would actually like their leader 
 paying an income tax for waging is defacto slavery 
 the deep pedocrat state is trying to kill the frontrunmer 
 mmm yes goyum enjoy your moobie slop and tiktok slop

enjoy the poodcasts of grifting 
 boomer scum sucking the youth dry by raping them young then milking them for goibucks 
 iran on the cusp of nuvlear weapons for 50 gorillian years according to reports 
 "threat to (((our))) democracy" = threat to their inbred banker pathocracy 
 most ppl are skinwalkers. wearers of a thousand human disguised masks. ready to jump at every oortunity to rape, kill, steal for their masters 
 "self made" is the gayest representation of western decay. you didnt bild shit you stole some fags source and hired ppl on other crooked fist capital

like calling obama a self made president. no faggot you were groomed like every other puppet 
 Saying ai is stealing is like saying being inspired and making art in someone’s style is steali... 
 copyright exists and trillion dollar corps arent exempt just becuz they are big data thieves

either make everything copyright free or pay for it 
 is just a cohencidence everything on store shelves causes irreversible dna damage leading to cancer

those chemicals just happenedto slip into eberytjing!!! 
 soyciety is the scam which grants serial psychopaths unlimited access to blood sacrifice of the opioid masses

every body in a infoctrination trance 
 so mamy teachers, priests, camp counsellors, pediatricians, etc are pedos

whats the correlation other than strange adultoid subhumans volunteering to hang around minors without supervision

what a fucking mystery 
 you die because you are alive

you are alive because ...

tink about dis 
 if rus v usa happened

ny and la would be instantly vaporized leaving the economy disappear overnight 
 the whorification of humanity has consequences of total soyim annhilation 
 the nsa spies on every device and cany stop le gangs

they fund and organize the trades 
 video game graphics are horrible

shitty classical computers holding the world back 
 argentines fag pedo prez sold off the nafions gold and poverty rises to historic highs

liberartian jewish protocol 
 all pedo anglo aprtheid statists burning in hell w lizz 
 keep building 
 its over 
 the government creates serial killers druv dealers and let them run free until the public catches on 
 coffee is a narcotic sold by the state mafia using slave labor for production

all serial killers, psuchopaths, school shooters drank a cup a day to commit crimes 
 cuntry leaders make the hard decisions like murdering 90% of their people for a billion dollars from the pharma corps 
 shorts prepared for reckoning 
 is blaxkrock dumping bitxoin and shorting the markets

is the us economy going thru a 1917 style controlled demolition to harbinge the cbdc 
 eating tacos isnt a quirky personality 
 london has done great pr to make british culture look cudly and nice

when in reality their empire still enslaves and genocides more pepple than any other in history

nazis are angels in comparison to the anglo jew demons 
 israel slaughtering us citizens with impunity

just like 911

usa land of the zog cattle

 Eventually the game of musical chairs ends. "VanEck will close and liquidate its Ethereum futures... 
 what do you do when cbdc replaces cash

take the microchip or leave society 
 a bunch of nato pggers were blown up while trafficking children in ukraine

this is another pearl harbour and israel must pay 
 poverty up since that homo sold all their gold to londonistan

libertarians are traitors 
 elon rage posting at brazil is funi

brazil would fuck up us in an axtual war