Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by a6e2b8d6 | export

That is fiat mindset. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Nostr is only active group on lightning?  
 Nostr is only active group on lightning?  nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 meh. jack is no AaronSw

my guess is it will be like this:

reddit isn't as good as jack's client... 
 meh. jack is no AaronSw

my guess is it will be like this:

reddit isn't as good as jack's client which isn't as good as nostrudel which isn't as good as the old days of reddit nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 เคลีย noise ซะหน่อย รับมาเต็มๆ 2 วันตึงๆ 
 เคลีย noise ซะหน่อย รับมาเต็มๆ 2 วันตึงๆ nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Hopefully mine would go off first so you'd have some warning the problem is getting closer to you... 
 Hopefully mine would go off first so you'd have some warning the problem is getting closer to you and there's still time to get rid of yours nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 公交女煞笔你去找当地警察脱次衣服,一次不行就持续,牢饭怎么会少你的,你丫想吃,你就多吃点 ​​​,蹭饭都不知道去哪,煞笔 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 But this means no electronics are safe. Pager, walkie talkie, phone, laptop, anything with space ... 
 But this means no electronics are safe. Pager, walkie talkie, phone, laptop, anything with space in it for cooling has space in it for explosives nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 あると便利なリンベトルア nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Like an internal combustion vehicle can't be rigged to blow?

Avoiding all the modern computerize... 
 Like an internal combustion vehicle can't be rigged to blow?

Avoiding all the modern computerized internet-connected car stuff seems more important nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Gonna go out on a limb an say that bitcoin will never see 58k again 
 Gonna go out on a limb an say that bitcoin will never see 58k again nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 vmess://ewogICAgImFkZCI6ICIxMDQuMjAuMjUuMTY2IiwKICAgICJhaWQiOiAwLAogICAgImhvc3QiOiAiY2RuMi5mcmVlZ3JhZGVseS54eXoiLAogICAgImlkIjogImQ2YjZkOTgyLWQ1MmYtNDY1YS1iOTg4LTg1NjcwYjIzZjY0YSIsCiAgICAibmV0IjogIndzIiwKICAgICJwYXRoIjogImdpdGh1Yi5jb20vQWx2aW45OTk5IiwKICAgICJwb3J0IjogMjA1MiwKICAgICJwcyI6ICJSZWxheV/wn4+BWlot8J+HqPCfh6ZDQV8xODQgfDQwNi42OU1iIiwKICAgICJ0bHMiOiAiIiwKICAgICJ0eXBlIjogImF1dG8iLAogICAgInNlY3VyaXR5IjogImF1dG8iLAogICAgInNraXAtY2VydC12ZXJpZnkiOiB0cnVlLAogICAgInNuaSI6ICIiCn0= nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
Event not found
 I to what! nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
Event not found
 I. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
Event not found
 Up to who what they are? nostr.fmt.wiz.biz