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Notes by Lady Fawkes | export

 I don’t understand why the tech platforms don’t just stop all EU service for a while and watch as the people demand it back and attack their government for denying them their social media drip… I’m just saying, it would work. 
 I am not at all surprised that people informed enough to be in #bitcoin and on #nostr are often v... 
 I am having trouble parsing what’s real from the massive amounts of propaganda that is being put out now.

My understanding, prior to the invasion and subsequent horror, is that Palestinians overwhelmingly support Hamas. They are their elected leaders and polls from as recent as June 2023 show great public support for them, with less than 15% preferring Fatah. If this is who they voted for and still support, one can only conclude that the vast majority support the annihilation of Israel.

Obviously there are historical reasons for their support. What we see now, from both sides, seems to be the same ancient lies, told in a modern way.

Objectively, The territory of Gaza was lost in 1967, when Israel captured it in war. By the laws of war, Palestine doesn’t technically exist at all and Palestinians are occupying land that is no longer theirs. Hamas is a terrorist organization that has a platform of ‘death to Jews’. This is all objectively true. None of it, however, says what we should do about it. 

So I err on the side of caution, don’t get involved. Have kindness and warmth for those effected, pray for them, but otherwise, there isn’t anything any of us can do. 
 This is a question I can answer objectively because I’m an historian. While I didn’t focus my studies on this part of the world, the history is key to the current crisis.

The Israelis captured the Gaza Strip and other lands in the area during the Six Day war in June 1967. The reason for going to war then was just. Egyptian forces invaded the Sinai Peninsula. So yes, when a country is invaded by a foreign army, a war is just. The capture of land in a war is just conduct. The Israelis then held the land during the Yom Kippur War in 1973, when a coalition of Arab Nations attacked them. My reckoning is that by the laws of war, this is incontrovertibly Israeli land. Each war that involved Israel has been started by the Arab Nations in this region.

If we are being honest, it has nothing to do with the land and everything to do with religion. They hate each other for worshipping a different God. That’s the real problem and it’s sad. 
 I thought I was being generous by going back to anytime before 2005, when Israelis left Gaza completely. The Gaza Strip was offered to Jordan and Egypt who refused to take it. It has been under the control of Hamas, a terrorist organization that was elected in a landslide victory in 2006. They enjoy massive support from the Palestinian people. Their charter quite literally calls for the extermination of Jews and the Jewish state.

I think it is shameful to draw a moral equivalence between the intentional murder of thousands of civilians and the situation in Gaza. Hamas intentionally kills Jews because they hate them. They went into Israel to kill people. There was no military purpose in this, nothing to be gained from this. I saw the videos that Hamas released on their own social media. This was barbarism on a civilian population. They raped and murdered human beings and were proud of it. There is no moral equivalence to be drawn. Even taking a middle line on this seems like an act of evil. 

These are sad and dark days, and there are more to come. 
 Read The Red Queen. Awesome book that details the programming that is hard wired into human reproduction. It goes into that very subject and explains the data you just cited. Your analysis is basically correct, but there is some nuance in why. 
 In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I'm on the side of the Christians and the innocents. And the... 
 I have seen many other Christians relating the conflict in Israel to the New Testament, specifically Zachariah and Revelations. What are your thoughts on that? 
 They’re mostly inferring that conflict in Israel is prophesied in Zachariah 14. They think its ‘end times’ related, or at least pushing us much closer to the end times. 
 Millennial women in the West are fucked up because they were brainwashed from a young age to beli... 
 I am a millennial woman (or maybe a Xennial, the dates change based on the source), and I think this is mostly true of women who didn’t have a father in their household. The patriarchy BS is a much harder sell when girls have a good father figure at home. No one could have convinced me that my father wasn’t the protector and provider for our family. So if this man always has my best interests at heart, it makes no sense that all men worked in tandem to oppress women. Some assholes, absolutely. A cabal of systemic oppression, not so much. 
 I tend to agree with people who say that young men need a father to show them how to be a man. But they forget that young women also need a father, to show them what a man should be. Women wouldn’t procreate with losers so easily if they had a good example to look to. Some of them get lucky and marry a real man, your wife as an example. Others end up hating men bc the men they had weren’t good men and their daughters follow suit. Round and round it goes.

It’s almost as if Daddy is just as important as Mommy. The modern world seems to have forgotten that. 
 The amount of people’s net worth that is in Real estate is the most interesting thing to me rig... 
 Land. The value of the land is usually worth more than what’s on it in most places. It’s a resource we aren’t getting more of. 
 I think it will depend largely on where the land is, assuming we are still using this shitty economic model. If the system fails, land won’t fucking matter 
 Brisket took extra 1.5 hours longer than expected, now it's 1am and I'm supposed to wait 2 hours ... 
 When the smoker takes too long, throw it in the oven for a quick work around 😉 
 Are computer viruses even a thing anymore? I raw dog torrents for years and feel like I never get... 
 This makes you a hot Command Line Hero 
 Doesn’t nude mouse make more sense, since it’s wireless and lab made? Just saying… 
 Real food multiplies by design.

There should never be food shortages and it should be less expen... 
 Droughts often prevent multiplication. 
 Can we really refer to ancient technology like aqueducts as innovation? I mean, they were in use in the 3rd century BC. 
 Alright, alright. 

How often do you think about the Roman Empire, utxo? 
 Its deff weird getting used to a new tattoo on your body. This is also the first tattoo I have th... 
 Felt like this when I got a foot tattoo. Spent at least a month forgetting that I had it and kept thinking there was something on my foot when I’d wear sandals…