about | 24/7 music and sounds from the fediverse
small web, consent driven, artist populated, non-commercial delivery, license and attribution respecting, artist promoting, community radio
see the website for:
-now playing incl artists' links, fedi and license info for 3 fun channels
-listening options
-how to submit or contribute
#radioFreeFedi #radio #communityRadio #fediMusic #fediArt #fedi22 #music #diverse #consent #spokenWord #comfy
station icons: @RobCubbon
24/7 sounds from the fediverse: https://radiofreefedi.net/
blog/long form archive: https://blog.radiofreefedi.net/
new NowPlaying bot: [@rff@nowplaying.radiofreefedi.net](https://nowplaying.radiofreefedi.net/@rff )
live event streaming and hangouts: https://party.radiofreefedi.net