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 Why don't nations such as El Salvador issue debt in order to buy #Bitcoin?

Thereby following the @saylor MicroStrategy model, but for a Sovereign nation, instead of for a corporation?

The first mover advantage would be huge and they'd be driving Bitcoin adoption to support the move to a Bitcoin Standard, as fiat $, £, € continue to trend towards zero over time through money printing.

 I'm taking time this morning to be thankful for the presence of Nostr and to express my gratitude to the Devs and everyone who makes it function.

Nostr is a global, decentralized, and censorship-resistant social media

 Powerful post 🙏🏻

For me, it's easy to think I have little to no impact when I share my truth on social media.

Yet, I have been surprised by people dropping me "thank you" private messages, who never like or comment on my posts.

And likewise I've met people in person who say they make a point of reading my posts, yet they don't like or comment. 
 Spot on.
Divide and conquer is supported by an insane amount of lifelong programming.

Whilst the 'powers that were' have us arguing Red Vs Blue, they are left unhindered to continue to manipulate society, perpetuate the forever wars and advocate for increasing censorship, digital ID, CBDCs, etc to 'keep us safe' 
 Nostr and Bitcoin be like:

No Love without Freedom
No Freedom without Love


Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5lZ_JR5fSU 
 nostr:npub1jutptdc2m8kgjmudtws095qk2tcale0eemvp4j2xnjnl4nh6669slrf04x is this really that bad on ... 
 Three main factors: as to why Labour won

1) Tory govt had become so bad, so loathed, that people wanted a change. Tactical voting websites were promoted to vote for person most likely to beat a Tory.

2) Reform UK won 14% of national vote and took a lot of their vote from Tories.

3) UK's 'first past the post' voting system is corrupt. Labour won only 33% of national vote, yet got 412 seats our of 650, which is 63% of seats.

Reform won 14% of national vote, but only received 5 seats - 0.7% of seats - corruption personified.

And I heard a lot of people who didn't want Blue (Tory) or Red (Labour). They are a Uni Party, passing leadership baton to each other at elections, whilst their big business oligarch funders, paymasters, remain the same. 
Those registered to vote, but didn't, plus those not even registered to vote are larger than the Tory and Labour vote put together.

The Uni Party / Oligarch worst nightmare is  seeing these people becoming engaged and voting for a party away from Red and Blue.

Hence, I've a sneaking feeling that behind the scenes they promote "It's cool to check out of the syatem" to ensure they don't realise their voting power. 
 $10 will buy you 14,488 sats.
You need $700 to have a million sats.

100 million sats = 1 Bitcoin 
 @Jeff Booth  @LynAlden @preston with ego death capital are exemplars of this approach 🙏🏻 
 James of Invest Answers makes sense of Trump's rambling speech at Bitcoin 2024 Conference in Nashville yesterday.


Trump made some good points, whilst failing to bring it together in a way which showed he had mastered the Bitcoin brief and the nuances of the grassroots Bitcoin community - he clearly hasn't.

See my previous post on how Robert F Kennedy Jr. has put in the hours to understand Bitcoin; and is the authentic Bitcoin Presidential candidate in my view.

Link to James' video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-iDI7r1aW8 
 Well said. 
In the video James does list out Trump's 'promises'

If he wins the Presidency, let's see what he delivers.

However, in the meantime Bitcoin goes on, as Presidents come and go... 
 Why, in my view, the real Bitcoin President is Robert F Kennedy Jr. 

Comparing the two speeches, RFK Jr. Vs Trump, was Men Vs Boys.

I've posted a link to RFK Jr.'s speech below. 
It's worthy of your time.

For those who know Bitcoin, RFK Jr. is to the political arena what Michael Saylor is to the corporate arena for Bitcoin.

RFK Jr. clearly understands Bitcoin, the Bitcoin community and its strategic importance.

For example, to grasp the work of Jason Lowry on 'Softwar' is a sign of someone who's put in the hours on his Bitcoin research.

By contrast, Trump gave a rambling, disjointed speech, of someone who'd recently picked up the brief and not understood it.

He made some good points in amongst his verbiage, which were poorly communicated and frankly lacked coherence.

He didn't even mention the one million Bitcoin Treasury, which would have brought the house down in Nashville?

Whoever prepared him should be fired, and Trump himself needs to take responsibility for thinking he could ramble on and still charm the Bitcoin audience.

RFK Jr. was punchy, concise and what he said fully deserved to be on the Bitcoin stage and was worthy of the audience's attention.

Kamala Harris didn't show up and rightly so, as I doubt she understands Bitcoin, and the record of the Democratic administration has demonstrated their lack of understanding and antagonism towards Bitcoin.

She has a short window to rapidly get up to speed with Bitcoin and make a difference, but I'm not holding my breath. I hope she proves me wrong.

The Trump administration will no doubt be good for Bitcoin, but the real Bitcoin President for me is Robert F Kennedy Jr.

 A call for #Bitcoin payment expertise please
"Help me if you can, I'm feeling down"

I have a professional consulting colleague in Europe who is keen to accept #Bitcoin in their business - YEAH!

However, they can't find a Bitcoin provider who can set up subscription options for Bitcoin on their website. (Clients sign up for ongoing, regular monthly payments or subscriptions)

Please drop any ideas / contacts to resolve this in the comments.

Thank you 😊 

 Good call, but sadly not available in their country at the moment  
 I was in the audience for Jack Mallers' talk and he hit it 'right out of the park' with his presentation.

You are 'spot on' regarding the potential good Nostr can both do and stand for.

Keep on throwing your ideas out there ⚡  
 I was in the audience and it was a next level presentation.
Keep 'em coming ⚡️ 
 Frank Kafka was a writer from Prague.
Given his hard-hitting novels like Metamorphosis (1), I wouldn't say Hummus was a great match?

It's a bit like opening a Vinny Jones nail bar, or The Dirty Harry Center for nonviolence.

or Bitcoin maximalists becoming honorary members of the Dogecoin appreciation society 🤣

(1) The Metamorphosis tells the story of salesman Gregor Samsa, who wakes one morning to find himself inexplicably transformed into a huge insect and struggles to adjust to this condition

@BTCPrague I'm stiil in Prague, what a great venue.

 My seat and view of sunny 😎 Kozi square, Prague.

The best coffee ☕️ in Prague, one minute from my apartment.


 'For all we know, our love will grow
That's what the man said
So won't you listen to what the man said
He said
The wonder of it all baby'

 @BTCPrague, the biggest, most influential #bitcoin event in Europe

#FollowTheMoney - the Sound Money

 @BTCPrague, the Info point has made way for a bar.

Makes sense to me - why waste time on info when the Czechs have the greatest beer in the world 🤣

 Great panel @BTCPrague - 'The secret to becoming a happy Bitcoin couple'

Three couples share how Bitcoin is connecting them more deeply within their relationship.

Top tip: if your partner isn't into Bitcoin, then take them to a large Bitcoin meetup / conference to meet the welcoming diversity of incredible men and women in the Bitcoin community.

Insight: Bitcoin ethos of honesty and freedom will impact your relationship. 


 @StellaAssange shares at @BTCPrague how #Bitcoin funded and empowered WikiLeaks.

bitcoin is a tool of freedom ⚡️

 Thank you to @saylor for an inspirational opening #Bitcoin       talk @BTCPrague and for all that he has done, and continues to do 🙏🏻

Thanks to @streetcyber for his t-shirt - there is no second best 🙌🏻

 Thank you to nostr:npub15dqlghlewk84wz3pkqqvzl2w2w36f97g89ljds8x6c094nlu02vqjllm5mr for an inspirational opening #Bitcoin       talk @BTCPrague and for all that he has done, and continues to do 🙏🏻

Thanks to @streetcyber for his t-shirt - there is no second best 🙌🏻

 @jack mallers and @ODELL are talking about the potential of Bitcoin and Bitcoiners to bring a network growth impact to Nostr.

Is your prime commitment to growing Nostr or growing Twitter followers?

Watch here:

 Fabulous range of events here at Adopting Bitcoin in Arnhem, Holland this week

Screening of 'Dirty Money' at Vue Cinema was one of many highlights.

Great group of people too 👍🏻 


 Message for road users (lots of cyclists) here in Arnhem, Holland is clear:

Fix the money, Fix the world

I'm here for Adopting Bitcoin Arnhem

 There is no control of the system by having more wealth AND all prices fall forever relative to b... 
 Thank you  @Jeff Booth, appreciate your comment.

I agree that over the longer term an honest ledger will support and encourage a higher level of consciousness.

I'm curious about what may happen in the transition period.

Who holds the big bags in Bitcoin right now? How will they make use of the massive wealth transfer coming their way? If they are of the Rockerfeller, Rothschild, etc ilk then I don't anticipate them using their wealth windfall for the greater good of all in the short run.

Also during this transition period we know through your 'The Price of Tomorrow' book that the technology and AI boom will lead to millions losing their jobs. Majority of whom are struggling right now and don't hold Bitcoin. How will they manage the transition?

I'm anticipating that Bitcoin's honest ledger will lead to a change in government structures and systems, as inherent corruption is exposed and rejected.

With the possibility of honest democracy, possibly more local and community based, I'm hopeful that those impacted by technology and AI can be supported and empowered to a new thriving way of living, that I probably can't see right now.

As a Chartered Accountant, Warwick MBA, ex acting Director within Barclays Bank and an Interfaith minister I do feel that conscious leaders will emerge and I myself feel the spiritual uplifting nature of Bitcoin - yes money and spirituality do go together for me 😊 

Finally, thanks for all that you're being and doing Jeff.

I shared your video  'Navigating Humanity's Greatest Paradigm Shift' with a senior executive coach this week and they came back to me and said: "Loved this video David! So insightful…"

 This is a seminal Bitcoin article by Jeff Booth in my view

If Bitcoin does become the foundation of a new monetary system, I have a question that I don't hear being discussed in Bitcoin circles:

Does the foundation of a new Bitcoin monetary system require the large Bitcoin bag holders to embody conscious leadership for it to fully succeed?

Will those holding large amounts of Bitcoin merely take over from existing wealthy fiat oligarchs, hoarding Bitcoin spoils for their own egoic Bitcoin wealthy pleasures and power trips?

I'm proposing that if the ascension of Bitcoin is not matched by an ascension in consciousness of those holding large amounts of Bitcoin, then we run the risk of moving to a sound money system whilst still having unsound egos in control.

Let me explain further:

Under the present fiat monetary system we have a number of extremely wealthy business moguls, oligarchs with foundations, wealthy family dynasties, etc who wield a tremendous amount of power and influence in society.

If Bitcoin takes over we will see evidence of a massive transfer of wealth, with those invested early with over 1,000 bitcoin, potentially becoming billionaires in old fiat $ terms very quickly.

There will have been a massive wealth transfer, but from a consciousness perspective we run the risk that one bunch of unsound egos has merely replaced another.

If this so? What may I have missed? 

And why is no one talking about this Bitcoin wealth elephant sat in the middle of the current bull run room?

Would love to hear the views of anyone who wants to contribute.



 Good point; and I do think there is a practical reality of wealth transfer with any transition to Bitcoin which needs to be spoken about with openness and transparency.
 Live at River Plate - possibly the best rock-n-roll audience this planet has ever seen. 

Will the Zeus Network introducing Bitcoin liquidity to Solana similarly go down in history?

 Love your book 'Check your financial privilege'

It widened my focus from a "stack more sats" western wealth perspective, to a "use more sats" human rights and human thriving perspective.

 Haven't seen this. Thank you Joe ⚡  
 A message from 2035 by  @Jeff Booth

I loved this talk by Jeff Booth, creator of this video
He's a priceless contributor in the Bitcoin space in my view

Well, well, well. 
After Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan has consistently rubbished Bitcoin, calling it 'a pet rock', saying he'd never touch it.

It appears he was lying, or maybe he's been travelling on the Road to Damascus over the last few weeks?

JP Morgan now disclose ETF holdings of the 'pet rock' Bitcoin.

What is it they say? 

First they ignore you,
then they laugh at you,
then they fight you,

...and then they buy bitcoin 
 "For me, Bitcoin is the earthly manifestation of the spiritual ascension in human consciousness."

Absolutely 🔥 

I ran a Bitcoin workshop last weekend where we explored the spiritual aspect of Bitcoin, including looking at the Gene Keys for Bitcoin based on date and time of the Genesis block - they are amazing  🌟 

I also played part of this video, ' The Legendary Treasure of Satoshi Nakamoto;  which is outstanding:

Once I asked the question "What is Money?" it took me on a deep spiritual quest. I had to unlearn what I'd been taught as a Chartered Accountant, a Warwick MBA and realign myself to how Bitcoin provides a building block for all to thrive. 

And now I find myself advocating for a Bitcoin future, which honours the freedom, abundance and beauty of each person I meet. 

 "For me, Bitcoin is the earthly manifestation of the spiritual ascension in human consciousness."

Absolutely 🔥

I ran a Bitcoin workshop last weekend where we explored the spiritual aspect of Bitcoin, including looking at the Gene Keys for Bitcoin based on date and time of the Genesis block - they are amazing 🌟

I also played part of this video, ' The Legendary Treasure of Satoshi Nakamoto; which is outstanding:

Once I asked the question "What is Money?" it took me on a deep spiritual quest. I had to unlearn what I'd been taught as a Chartered Accountant, a Warwick MBA and realign myself to how Bitcoin provides a building block for all to thrive.

And now I find myself advocating for a Bitcoin future, which honours the freedom, abundance and beauty of each person I meet.

 I agree. I have met Richard Rudd and he's a down to earth guy, who has developed the Gene Keys as an amazing tool 💥

Thank you for the zap ⚡️ 
 Yes, the Legendary Treasure of Satoshi Nakamoto is great.

Wonderful to hear you speaking of "Bitcoin is the earthly manifestation of the spiritual ascension in human consciousness", as I don't feel so crazy. Not that I'm crazy you understand...

But as a Chartered Accountant, Warwick MBA and ordained Interfaith Minister, Bitcoin has brought my financial / business and spiritual conscious leadership worlds into alignment.

Jeff Booth talks about Bitcoin as an honest ledger which can't be manipulated. This honest ledger supports the expression of conscious leadership for the benefit of all, in my view.

Whereas the fiat money, manipulated, "money printer go brrrr" ponzi scheme ledger enables corrupt leaders to "do their toxic self-interest thing"