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Notes by antifragilemoney | export

 What’s more deleterious:

A lie that almost only you believe
A lie that half the population bel... 
 What problem do you have of telling kids about santa claus? 

 I wish I could find a woman who believes in me as much as nostr:nprofile1qqstnem9g6aqv3tw6vqaneft... 
 Based on my made-up categories, this is how I would split our most known apps. Also... Microapps ... 
 Anyone know what these categories mean? 
 coffee somehow makes me both tired and explosively anxious at the same time 
 Are we doing Uptober today? 
 God candle down to 51k? 
 How does a normal person get to know what this is? Do they have to download some sort of ecash app and copy and paste this blob in there? 
 My hardest laugh out loud moment whilst alone this year was when Marty read that MMA fighter's line "I buy bitcoin with..." given the context earlier in same episode

 This is it, you got it lol 
 Im interested but wouldnt want to dox my nostr / nym profiles

 Really the same person? Anyone know? .

 My hardest laugh out loud moment whilst alone this year was when Marty read that MMA fighter's line "I buy bitcoin with..." given the context earlier in same episode

 Mucho buenos dias 
 In the 1990s I used to write the HTML for my web site by hand.

I still do, because I've yet to f... 
 Dissapointing, im remembering imagining all the possibilities circa 2005 of a future WYSIWYG program that delivers on designing diverse types of amazing websites intuitively along with simple organized code in its source. 
 starting to suspect not being addicted to caffeine is actually a competitive advantage for jetlag 
 Wait, what really? I had a goal for years of someday really getting into weed...finally in 2024, i did it... though maybe only hit my bong once a week but i dont feel these negatives

 Yah...speaking of, lust feels like an inescapable vice 
 My son (8) and I are reading books beside each other, sharing a blanket, in silence drinking tea... 
 Silence? No one is reading out loud? I gotta try this. 
 10 days now without weed:

 - sleep is 10x better, wake up fresh
 - motivation much higher 
 - de... 
 Wait, what really? I had a goal for years of someday really getting into weed...finally in 2024, i did it... though maybe only hit my bong once a week but i dont feel these negatives

 What other things do you think Satoshi moved on to? 
 Premature death 
 I used to know this rich girl that had a sunken living room at her parents house. 

We would hang... 
 Ive never seen, known, nor experienced a sunken living room 
 My son who is under 10 bet me that he could read the1000 pages of the lord of the rings trilogy b... 
 Yah right little buddy 
 What’s the second best “digital asset”? 
 No better shitcoin than the us dollar 
 This is exactly why we will get a homegrown American fascist movement that will be outside and be... 
 Yesss, yess 
 thoughts on voice notes? Would anyone use them? 
 Breaking: space cat bankrupted by replenishing charging cables his cats chew to pieces 
 every once in a while i remember im responsible for making things happen and i pull out a sheet o... 
 Recently installed a time tracking app on my phone and have been really disciplined about accurat... 
 I am too weak 
 What are ppls experience with using this? 

I havent tried. 

 I once had a dream so vivid and that caused me such anxiety that it has burned itself into my mem... 
 I have this same f'in recurring nightmare every 2years for past decade++

Why cant I just settle in my mind I am DONE & forever complete with college? Why do I constantly get the fear of missing the final of the classes i forgot about during the semester or quarter? You think getting honors would put my mond at ease, but nooooo.

 New spam filter idea: block any note containing more than 2 emojis. 🖕🏻 
 Keep nostr 40+ only. And keep insta and the tok alive indefinitely. Let us die out. Right? 

 Perspectives no one cares about: a group of probably 20 ppl beside me and e at our regular Italia... 
 I have a relative like this. So embarassing to be around. 
 Cant help but be proud of the happy dance of the rebellion as the mug, grenade, and chicken succesfully put to death infiltrators from the empire & secured the land as wizard/witch used spells to successfully locate the terrified & hiding giant flacid phalluses to then gather them together & truck them away to safety. The leader of the empire, lady canhead, raises a frustrated fist in the air as her battle was lost only moments after obtaining the double pointy spike weapon of terror which now however has been rendered useless. 

 How can i find anyone under "capitalism"? 
 Testing rg 
 Testing r g 
 I blocked & hid them 
 ...whenever they pop up... 
 Are we technically on the dark web? 👀 
 Why cant this be considered clearnet or freeweb?
Why cant insta, FB, X, youtube be darkweb or slaveweb? 
 Are you bitching about Spam on Nostr?

Compared to what? Email?!  I can't even have an UNLISTED e... 
 Wait, how do i get kyc-free vpnblock-free email that works with smtp/pop clients? 

 Adopt me. I still havent been.  
 Lol. Took me a second. Needed that in quotes to catch the "character speaking" 
 My twitter account banned before the elon twitter buy still isn’t reinstated despite many attem... 
 Is linux on a laptop not secure? What about multisig between a laptop & phone? 

 A 6102 like exec order and if the state deems "bitcoiner" is good enough for the "who you are" part? 
 Is linux on a laptop not secure? What about multisig between a laptop & phone? 

 I’ve done a lot of incredible stupid and poorly thought out things in my life. Sometimes I run ... 
 Did you lose a bet and dared to post something ending with a word like gangrenous?