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Notes by jacksparrow | export

 Try replacing YouTube.com with vid.puffyan.us or any other INVIDIOUS instance  
 You can even click and download the video. I'd it doesn't work on this instance, try another instance  
 Try replacing YouTube.com with vid.puffyan.us or any other INVIDIOUS instance  
 Tey using invidious. Example:

 Im not Russian but I live in Russia since 2012 and I totally support your analysis. Its consisten... 
 I showed your theory to a Russian person I know who likes Ucranians a lot and she confirmes that your theory is the only theory that makes sense in her head, a she said Russians and Ucranians are a usually a family

She also sent me the video below. It's in Russian so I cannot translate it, but I bet someone here will help you:


#russia #ukraine 
 1- You said the democratically elected governmen in Iran was overthrown by US. This got me interested. Whích year was this? Do you have any source on that?

2- I believe it would not be good if US overthrown also the current regime, as this would leave a power vaccum and many groups would try to fill it, making creating a civil war like what happenned when US tried to take Assad out from Syria. Then ISIS came to take power, and the same in Lybia, where many groups are trying to fill the power vacuum thru violent means.

PS: You are probably a libertarian, so you might have other perspectives which doesnt include solutions made by big governments 
 Thanks for the link, nice to know!

Nice to learn new things in #nostr!! 
 @Vitor Pamplona

Since my last update of #amethyt (yesterday I think 0.80-7-Play) I see that under the 'bell" icon, the replies to posts being shown don't show the exact post from person A replied by person B, but it shows as I'd person B replied person B.

Only when I click on the post it correctly shows that B was replying A 
 netanyahu taught me if a city holds even one person with antiwhite feelings then white people are... 
 #we should make lessons learned from Neytaniahu. 
 Nazinyahu, for Jewish supremacy and the final solution with Palestinian rats!

Heil Bibi!

(This is ironic) 
 Is a mix of race and religion. If you read the old testament, they started as a people (race/tribe) and created their religion.

So if you are descendent of them by blood and atheist, you are Jew.

If you are descendent of them and chooses their religion, you are Jew.

If you are descendent of them and chooses any other religion or atheism, you are #jew.

But if you never had biological ascendents with them (your family is china since 200 thousand years) and you chose their religion, you are Jew.

Thus, being Jew mean you have "their blood" (didn't choose it) or you accepted the religion that People from that blood created (it's your choice).

And this doesn't imply automatically that you are a Zionist.
 Maybe to make it easier we can say " I hate neytaniahu or likud or Knesset or just any institution". 

Like this stupid People that think that Israel=Jews will stop annoying you 
 of course we came all from Monkeys thru natural selection+slow genetic mutation, so we can say we are all from the monkey race.

What Iam just saying is that jews are a subset of people from Egypt which later bound together, and all of their offspring and from the religion they created.

If I name it race, or fenotype, or blodgroup, its just me trying to find a word for that.

 i2p is very interesting except that it is a single piece of Java software rather than an open pro... 
 There's i2pd in C++ and invizible pro for android 
 16. Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.

17. Hamas rejects the persecution of any human being or the undermining of his or her rights on nationalist, religious or sectarian grounds. Hamas is of the view that the Jewish problem, anti-Semitism and the persecution of the Jews are phenomena fundamentally linked to European history and not to the history of the Arabs and the Muslims or to their heritage. The Zionist movement, which was able with the help of Western powers to occupy Palestine, is the most dangerous form of settlement occupation which has already disappeared from much of the world and must disappear from Palestine. 
 Just be careful, as once I saw a video of a guy complaining to Hamas that he has no freedom (or something like that) and he said to Hamas that according to their chart he should have his freedom.

Then the Hamas guy argued that "the chart is something, but the reality is other".

Dont take for granted what they say. Its surely better than reading it from Western media, but better yet is to try to see their actions, not their words. 
 nostr:npub1mmfwxp0jkw6un7hf75k0p8kpemm4smau2c4m8ea2w7r7v52lhjusx4eknq Ααααηαηαηα. Now t... 
 In #amethyst all messages are automatically translated  
 You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy books and that’s kind of the same thing. – Anonymous 
 Specially computer science books :) 
 I am getting close to giving a more detailed assessment on Israel/Hamas, as it drags on.

And it ... 
 Thats why everybody is muting you, because you curse too much.

 The same way that the "radicals" from Bolsonaro passed thru the government on 8 Jan:because the government allowed it so it could start censoring and demonizing the other side

Hitler did the same when someone burned the german parlament.

If you search for the Times of Israel, you will see that neytaniahu has been financing Hamas since a long time, because it benefits him:Gives the country an enemy to fight, and weakens the palestininans, because it competes with the Palestinian Autorhity.
 Very good, thanks!!! 
 Stop your cheap propaganda!

Telling that their freedom should be destroyed by your way of living is just telling that you are a psychopath  
 Putin: #Ukraine doesn’t exist, we are wiping them off the map.

Western Leaders: You will absol... 
 Putin killed in 2 years what Israel killed in 3 weeks  
 Genocides happened everywhere in Nazi Germany and Jewish made a genocíde memorial for them only and let Slavs and gipsies out of the memorial.

So why now do they want to pretend it's about mankind? 

The world doesn't spin around them.

They claim to be a democracy and the chosen People, so they have to deal with the expectations and criticism towards a self proclaimed democratic country. 
 Yes, the problem is not being Jewish, is being Apartheid.

The problem also is that as Israel itself has a racist definition andWs(for Jewish), any misbehaviour of Israel can be coupled with the Jewish Race, meaning it's misbehaviour will attract anger towards Jewish, and the criticism of the misbehaviors will be interpreted as anti semitism.

So it's their fault they crated a racist state 
 If you fell for the whole 

Catholic priests are all pedo’s garbage

Or the all muslims are ter... 
 Probably the atheist politicians striving for Communism  
 בקיבוץ בארי שכיכב בפוסט שלי היום נמצאו 108 גופות של ישר... 
 I'm sorry for your loss 
 Just use #nostr, where no moderator can censor you. Its designed to be #censorship resilient. It assumes at  some point servers will try to sabotage you, and has all mechanisms to bypass that 

For Android use Amethyst client. For iOS use Damus. On the web use nostrudel.ninja

Everything you write goes to your followers thru many parallel servers, and if one server blocks you your message still flows thru all other servers on your list. So it's censorship resilient.

And if one server blocks you you don't loose your ID, previous posts and followers: your ID is only yours, it's not owned by any server 

You can create your sever if you want, but you don't need. 

#grownostr #journalism 
Event not found
 Write this in english  
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 And in US elections! 
Event not found
 I see you.

You were on my  self made mute list for cursing, but on my new account I didn't put you there yet.

I'd you were censored probably it's not by any client, but by individuals who don't want to hear you 
 You are acutely cute on the picture while screaming, but chances are it's not your real photo  
Event not found
 1- You said the democratically elected governmen in Iran was overthrown by US. This got me interested. Whích year was this? Do you have any source on that?

2- I believe it would not be good if US overthrown also the current regime, as this would leave a power vaccum and many groups would try to fill it, making creating a civil war like what happenned when US tried to take Assad out from Syria. Then ISIS came to take power, and the same in Lybia, where many groups are trying to fill the power vacuum thru violent means.

PS: You are probably a libertarian, so you might have other perspectives which doesnt include solutions made by big governments 
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 David star is the new swastika 
Event not found
 Probably a typo 
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 Fuck Neytaniahu  
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 Wow, so true and simple! 
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 Thanks for the picture!