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 The first month of psyops you're like, "the fuck is this?"

then you develop a sense of trust to the psyops with veiled half-truths and indirect messaging.

then it goes full scale bat shit crazy mode.

but after the 2nd year of this, it grows old fast.

nothing happened.

fear-inducement fails to work.

it becomes less about trust and more about hyperanalyzing for cognitive stimuli.

once the situation is correctly analyzed it is disposed of and forgotten. 
 Psyops weakness is the result of poor reasoning ability.

cognitive ability helps one parse the situation into its fundamental components and act rationally 
 Fear can be mititgated by parsing the horror films into creep music, macabre blood scenes, fear invoked by death and the unknown, etc.

Fear is something I swallow for breakfast.

Behind every horror film is the fear of death.

Death is nothingness.

No anger, no shame, no anything.

Just dead.

No consciousness to even contemplate what it's like. 
 I think it's less likely that math is a form of white supremacy and MORE likely that you have a LOW IQ 
 I fucking hate the Left so much.

I don't like how Big Tech has us by the balls.

We shall overcome. 
 I will not be silent.

Self-interest is all about not being ashamed of who you truly are.

Capitalism is the key to a successful world.

 I'm a virtuous Republican. Always will be.

Bad things happen when I betray who I truly am.

I don't need the fake news trying to scare me.

I am fearless. 
 I am entitled to my own opinions, thank you very much.

If I ever betray my conservative nature, I end up like Tom Nichols a bitter RINO and fake Republican with a small dick and a massive temper. 
 I will never betray who I truly am.

Fuck South Park's politics.

Left-wing pussies who never held a gun. 
 It's abundantly clear that what I crave most is freedom to express myself. 
 Demonrats are putting us on a HIGHWAY TO HELL

 Joy Reid looks like the cast of "planet of the apes" 
 I will never self-censor.

I'mma just be me.

I don't need anyone's approval but my own. 
 At least there's free porn.

No need to even meet a woman. 
 Heil Hitler!

Vermoussen die Juden ausrotten!!! 


James Bryant Conant (president, 1933–1953) pledged to reinvigorate creative scholarship at Harvard and reestablish its preeminence among research institutions. Viewing higher education as a vehicle of opportunity for the talented rather than an entitlement for the wealthy, Conant devised programs to identify, recruit, and support talented youth. In 1943, Conant decided that Harvard's undergraduate curriculum needed to be revised so as to place more emphasis on general education and called on the faculty make a definitive statement about what general education ought to be at the secondary as well as the college level. The resulting Report, published in 1945, was one of the most influential manifestos in the history of American education in the 20th century.[30]

In the decades immediately after 1945, Harvard reformed its admissions policies as it sought students from a more diverse applicant pool. Whereas Harvard undergraduates had almost exclusively been upper-class alumni of select New England "feeder schools" such as Exeter, Hotchkiss, Choate Rosemary Hall and Milton Academy, increasing numbers of international, minority and working-class students had by the late 1960s altered the ethnic and socio-economic makeup of the college.[31]

Not just undergraduates, but the faculty became more diverse, especially in its willingness to hire Jews, Catholics and foreign scholars. The History Department was among the first to hire Jews and how it contributed to the university trend toward professionalism from 1920 to 1950. Oscar Handlin became one of the most influential professors, training hundreds of graduate students and later serving as head of the University Library.[32]

During the 20th century, Harvard's international reputation grew as a burgeoning endowment and prominent professors expanded the university's scope. Explosive growth in the student population continued with the addition of new graduate schools and the expansion of the undergraduate program.  
 Glenn = Gaston 
 Some research supports the idea that increased prefrontal cortex activity quiets the amygdala.

All I know is that Beetlejuice is way worse and we're not leaving anytime soon/. 
 After enough trauma, I wonder if the brain neuroplasticity makes the amygdala essentially dead. 
 dude. I can't feel fear. 

There are cases of human patients with focal bilateral amygdala lesions due to the rare genetic condition Urbach-Wiethe disease.[86][87] Such patients fail to exhibit fear-related behaviors, leading one, S.M., to be dubbed the "woman with no fear". This finding reinforces the conclusion that the amygdala "plays a pivotal role in triggering a state of fear".[86]  
 "amygdala has been destroyed by this disease" 
 I will vote for anyone that defends the 2nd amendment.

I need to have guns as a means of self-defense and safety.

The wolves are armed, regardless of law.

But as a law-abiding citizen, it is essential that we strengthen the 2nd amendment and vote accordingly 
 Peace is only gained through strength.

"speak softly and carry a big stick" 
 Peace has made Americans grow weak and flabby and start to wear flip flops and grow fat and unencumbered by the fact that we have so many enemies.

We must continue the struggle. 
 Back to the Cold War 
 I will utilize my freedom of speech to bolster American interests and increase the defense of our nation.

FBI has access to everything. 
 We need Hollywood to go back to Cold-War movies.

We need Americans to find a common enemy. 
 I don't want a stumbling, mumbling, rambling, pop and dad.

I want a strong, forceful, and powerful male leader to lead America as a Commander-in-Chief. 
 Voting for Trump is a matter of national security.

We, as Americans, need a strong Commander-in-Chief.

Biden is weak.

He's just a politician who plays into Putin's hands.

Trading an arms dealer prisoner for a trans person from Russia?? Come on, stupidass Joe.

Trump is strength.

Peace through strength. 
 You're a mean one, Mr. Swift,
You really are a heel!
You're as cuddly as a cactus,
You're as charming as an eel, Mr. Swift.
You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel!
You're a monster, Mr. Swift.
Your heart's an empty hole!
Your brain is full of spiders,
You've got garlic in your soul, Mr. Swift.
I wouldn't touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole!
You're a vile one, Mr. Swift.
You have termites in your smile!
You have all the tender sweetness
Of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Swift.
Given the choice between the two of you
I'd take the seasick crocodile!
You're a foul one, Mr. Swift.
You're a nasty wasty skunk!
Your heart is full of unwashed socks,
Your soul is full of gunk, Mr. Swift.
The three words that best describe you are as follows, and I quote:
“Stink! Stank! Stunk!”
You're a rotter, Mr. Swift.
You're the king of sinful sots!
Your heart's a dead tomato splotched
With moldy purple spots, Mr. Swift.
Your soul is an appalling dump heap
Overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable
Mangled up in tangled up knots!
You nauseate me, Mr. Swift,
With a nauseous super “naus!”
You're a crooked dirty jockey,
And you drive a crooked horse, Mr. Swift.
You're a three-decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich
With arsenic sauce! 


 "David's funeral" sketch I've learned to laugh at.

I could turn this into " i felt it was homophobic and mean."

Or I could brush it off and grow thick skin.

Eddie Murphy, SNL made of my FUNERAL.

Like, death.



But you know what?

SNL has free speech and they are entitled to say anything legally they wish.

They may have severely hurt my feelings.

But you get over it.

 Eddie Murphy, take it from someone who was the target of countless homophobic slurs by SNL, in the words of the great George Carlin "It's important to not give a shit."

I've been targetted mercilessly.

I even broke my piano key in anger at SNL/

Eddie Murphy, you gotta get used to criticism as well as accolades.

Take a joke, man 
 It's abundantly clear that Windows and X.com make me incredibly pissed.

I wish everything was accessible with Tor.

The internet has a long, long way to go in terms of making everything more private and secure.