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 Narges Mohammadi, currently in prison, is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2023, "for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and her fight to promote human rights and freedom for all".
 Good speech.
Reportedly by some Zahra Mousavi. I don't know which or further details.

Video CW: on and against some of the most severe State abuses

 Putin's head propagandist Margarita Simonyan yesterday on Simonyan's own show (pic: screenshot) proposed nuking Russia, more specifically Siberia, saying there is nothing wrong with a nuclear explosion over Siberia and that because it is hundreds of kilometers away [uhhm, people do live in Siberia...] there will be no resulting nuclear winter, no resulting cancer deaths, but all radio electronics and satellites will be disabled to take revenge on the "West".

Obviously astounding lunacy, so I hope I won't have to comment in detail...

“We'll go back to something like 1993 – with wired telephones. We lived wonderfully... I forbid my children from having gadgets, then I won’t have to explain why everyone has gadgets and they don't", selfish Simonyan went on to explain.

Today, politicians and others are responding e.g. calling for prosecution for suggesting nuking Russia.

 Armita Gravand, 16, is in a coma at hospital after being beaten in Tehran's metro/subway over not wearing the sexist regime's brutally imposed hijab, reportedly by the regime's agents.
Special Forces of the Iran-regime's repression are stationed outside the hospital, undoubtedly out of fear of righteous rage from the people for a plausible repeat of the murder of Jîna/Mahsa Amini.




 "Greenland women ask Denmark for compensation over involuntary birth control
between 1966 and 1970, 4,500 intrauterine devices were fitted into women and girls as young as 13, without their knowledge or consent"
 "NO TO NATO! – No alliance with fascists"
"Swedish weapons murder – Stop the weapons export"
"No to NATO – Yes to PKK"
"Not one soldier! Not one rifle! Not one crown [=coin] to NATO's military!"
"Mobilize for the climate not militarism"
"Women Life Freedom"

Some of the slogans and banners at the demo against NATO-membership in Stockholm today, as reported by the Firat News Agency (ANF).
The article should be translated tomorrow.

 "Boğaziçi University's [[like Turkey's Harvard] community has marked their 1000th day of protesting against President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's rector appointments"
Students have been jailed for months and academics fired for resisting this appointment by decree in violation of academic freedom. 
 I don't really know (and don't care enough to check) why, but a recently recurring question online, now even in major news-media, is "how often do you think about the Roman Empire" and apparently people identified as men think about it... a lot, in some cases they claim "daily".
What is not brought up much it seems is questions like "what are those thoughts" and "what was the context that may have triggered them?".

I probably "think about the Roman Empire" on average at least once a month, because it is brought up in university lectures on archeology, etc and the most common thoughts I have on the topic is that imperialism, authoritarianism and genocide is bad and the Roman Empire caused immense harm wiping out previous cultures for its own benefit leaving a tradition of "glory" in subjugation and militarism while the "positives" are questionable and when real would probably have spread anyway and I wonder what would have happened if e.g more trade-oriented Carthage or confederation-based Germanic/Celtic tribes would have won instead of more military conquest, occupation and eradication-based Rome. 

People going on and on about how the Roman Empire was somehow "good" on the other hand, either whitewash or promote some of the worst acts through human history and tend towards actual Fascism. 
 And again, it's a day of widespread protests against inhumane conditions for pensioners under the Iran-regime, primarily regarding the below starvation level pensions which hasn't been inflation adjusted for many years of extreme inflation, so that essentials like cooking oil has had price increases of >100% some months, but the regime chose to drastically increase oppression enforcement and funds for imperialist ventures instead of food for the people.

Here's one of the many protests today, in Ilam, western Iran:

 "Hand in hand against hate" said pro-LGBTI+ advertisement.
"Nuhuh! We like persecution!" decided the State Railways of the Republic of Turkey, apparently. Filed a criminal complaint against the "KAOS GL" (Kaos Gay and Lesbian Cultural Research and Solidarity Association),
entirely in line with government policy and the dictator's recent main propaganda line of "war on LGBT".

 Nurses went on strike today in Isfahan, central Iran, as a continuation of their fight to get their owed wages and other problems.

 @6fa57bb1 Capitalism runs on misery.
Without misery, it can not force the people to accept exploitation for others' opulence and other inhumane conditions that are motor of Capitalism.
Unemployment, currently resulting in risking malnourishment, loss of shelter, deficient healthcare, death, is just the mechanism to regulate some of that misery. The misery is the fuel. 
 Turkey's war of aggression continues also this night, with artillery bombardment against civilian residential areas yet again, as several times a week for years, in the town Ain Issa (Spring/Well of Jesus) in the autonomous North and East Syria (a.k.a. "Rojava").

 Things that bring a little smile into life.
Seeing a bottom worst ethics, ecology and anti-labor multinational mega-corporation one has boycotted for well over a decade suddenly tumble a day.
Keep going. Only 92.6% to go...

 How about a huge mushroom cloud to start off a Thursday morning?
Seen by people in Saratov, SW Russia. Would worry anyone.

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, via the government's RIA Novosti, further via the SOTA news agency, it is a fire due to depressurization of the Peschany Umet-Storozhevka gas pipeline.

 Iran's "The Death Penalty; Main Tool of Political Repression in the Year of Woman, Life, Freedom Movement
Between September 2022 and September 2023, authorities executed at least 697 people, a 36% increase compared to the same period the previous year."
 For what would have been the 34th birthday:
"[...] if you read these lines, then most likely I died fighting against the Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

I am a member of the Combat Organization of Anarcho-Communists (BOAK), and I will still remain this after my death. [...]

I tried my best to contribute to the victory over dictatorship and to bring the social revolution closer. And I am proud of my comrades who fought and fight in Russia and beyond. [...]

I hug you all.
Dmitry Petrov",
co-founder of the BOAK anarchist group in Russia, co-author of Hevale (https://hevale.nihilist.li/about_english/ research project on the "Middle East" in general and Western Kurdistan ("Rojava") in particular), editor of e.g. "Life without a State: The Revolution in Kurdistan" and member of Kurdish self-defense units,
participant in the Maidan revolution, co-founder of the Resistance Committees aiding antiauthoritarian leftists resisting Putin's aggression in Ukraine at the front.

Killed on April 19, 2023, while defending against far-right authoritarian Putin's aggression in the battle of Bakhmut, Ukraine.

Read it all, plus interviews, etc in English, here:

Memorialized worldwide and in the biography book https://activedistributionshop.org/activedistribution.org/wordpress/?p=1329 "Dmitry Petrov: A Life in Combat".




 'Signs showing detained and missing people reading "Where are they?" at Jose Domingo Canas memorial house in Santiago, August 16.'
	Ivan Alvarado/Reuters

More on the ongoing 50th anniversary memorializing of the victims of the Fascist coup, at:
'"Truth and justice": 50 years later, memorializing Chile's 1973 coup

During the 17-year dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet, some 40,175 people were executed, detained and disappeared, or tortured as political prisoners.'

 A new gallery:
"Chile marks 50th anniversary of 1973 [Fascist] coup

The violent coup by Augusto Pinochet against socialist President Salvador Allende on Sept. 11, 1973, ushered in two decades of military rule and mass arrests, torture and disappearances."

 Do you have too much time on your hands now that we have solved world peace, world hunger, oppression, political corruption, climate change and states?

Don't worry! Now the government of the United States of America https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3513171/the-department-of-defense-launches-the-all-domain-anomaly-resolution-office-web/ has launched a new website to help you get bogged down in the quagmire of UFOs https://www.aaro.mil that you'll never "solve" but will have a virtual infinity of information that you extremely likely won't be "the one" to find the huge piece of evidence of whatever you think might be in there, but can certainly get occupied with that instead of urgent shit for the rest of your life in the pursuit of conspiracy theories and unhappiness.
 As you probably know, the regional elections are underway already in some parts of Russia.
Several reports of... "oddities", but this was the most amusing one I have seen so far.
Look at how orderly just a particular stack of ballots are, after having been dropped into a ballot box in Pushkino, ~30km NE of Moscow, while the other ballots in the same box kinda fell haphazardly from the top slot. Weeeird, huh. Aaaalmost as if someone was stuffing ballots into the box, but literally, hmmm? :-D

I've only seen more blatant electoral fraud under the Erdoğan-regime's several latest elections.

 A mob of Russian Nazis in Moscow beat up a fellow Nazi, because they thought the Nazi was anti-fascist

After the attack the assaulted Nazi explains to the assaulting Nazis actually being a member of the Nazi "Rusich" group (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusich_Group) currently fighting for far-right authoritarian Putin's imperialist war of aggression in Ukraine, similar to the "Wagner" Nazi-gang.

- I am Rusich!
- [...] White Power?
- White Power!!!
- Why didn’t you say it before?
- Don’t you see? It's written all over me! (turns to display xenophobia all over the back)

 Baloch women spraying antiauthoritarian protest slogans in the city Gorgan/Astarabad, capital city of the minorities majority Golestan province, current northeast Iran.

Balochistan's southwestern part is currently held as Iran's southeast, where the protests sparked by the murder of Kurdish woman Jîna/Mahsa Amini by the regime's immoral "morality police" in Tehran still continue in mostly huge Friday protests consecutively every week for now soon a year, in spite of repression including huge actual massacre.

 The actress Kosar Eftekhari is one of the very many people that lost eyes due to the ordered intentional aiming of shotgun fire to people's faces during repression of the "Women! Life! Freedom!"-protests against the Iran-regime, again as during previous major protest waves.

According to JinHA, the Women's News Agency a picture was published on Instagram of the actress now walking the streets of Tehran still refusing to have choice of headwear dictated by the brutally sexist regime, but now with the eyepatch which has become so common due to the regime's ongoing crimes against humanity.

I never link to Instagram (it is Facebook).
It seems the page in question, with 34k followers, now only displays an error-message anyway.

 Many times "pirated", cracked versions of computer games have been not just "the same" as buying through the official publisher, but the cracked version actually better since crackers have fixed genuine game bugs in the official version, increased performance by removing quality deteriorating copy protection present in the official version, removed parts of the copy protection that will cause instability not just while playing the game but adding constant system instability even after the game has been uninstalled or added some other extra value, so those that did NOT pay actually got a significantly better product than those that did.

Additionally, if someone pays for a game through Steam or similar instead of GOG, the product they bought can years later just be removed from existence through some corporate greed, so the customer doesn't even really own what they bought, but just rented it, whereas a "pirated" game installer can of course be archived locally and reused however many times the user wants to.

This is even worse.
"Rockstar Games reportedly sold games with Razor 1911 cracks on Steam", but the real cracked version was actually fine... whilst the official publisher's distribution of the cracked game had broken the crack, leaving the game nigh unplayable.
Event not found
 In case there's anyone feeling unsure about ordering stuff from some place online they don't know about, I can tell you that I just got my order in the mail from https://sabotage.ninja and everything is of apparent good or very good quality.

In support of @d7a87a82, @0d89fb64, @3c866890 and @316b8f2c, I got:
• Hoodie “Solidarity Collectives”
• T-Shirt “Pramen cross-stitch” ABC
• T-Shirt "Bread! Salt! Land! Freedom" in belarusian Pramen
• T-Shirt "Reistance Committee"
• Sweatshirt "ABC Logo"
• Keychain
• Patch «Resistance Committee Supporters»
