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 Losing 1 #Bitcoin is hard enough, but 8,000?

It was worth $1 million back then (about 15 #BTC today).

Hope James Howells finds his stash. Suing the council is justified; he’s done his research. 

The real issue? 

Someone with too much power. 
 He’s just a dude that lost 8000 btc in the early days.

I know it means mine is worth more, just putting myself in his shoes: it’s gotta sting.

I don’t think I’ve ever watched that show is it worth checking out if it won’t be nostalgic? 
 Is #Bitcoin up, are printers on, or has uptober begun? 
 Y’all out here panicking over #Bitcoin’s price action pogoing. 

Me and the boys? We’re just out here pogoing along with it. 🚀💸

 We gonna have to use this sound when the boys are back in town 🤣 
 I’m still buying #bitcoin because I’m pumping my own bags.

Infinite money glitch 🤑 
 Shout out to Tigran Gambaryan for proving you can gift $4.4 billion and still end up in a Nigerian prison.

Not a metaphor—it's literal.

69,000+ #Bitcoin to the government. 

That's a quarter of a day of funding.

Is $4.4 billion not a lot, or is there a spending problem?

Let’s find out 😂🤫
 Is today the last day Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity remains anonymous?! 

You’ve got my attention HBO. 

The next 25 hours is about to move at a snail pace. 

Would your opinion of #Bitcoin change if Satoshi was doxxed by a premium cable/streaming service?
 Never settle.

There’s the best, and then there’s speculative alternatives. 

Nothing will hold up against the king.

#Bitcoin is #Bitcoin. There’s nothing like it.
 I can tell. 🤣 jk 
 Thinking about holding #Bitcoin over the long term makes my sats hard. 

When faced with the choice of working harder in the fiat mines and tightening my belt, or selling some of my stack to maintain some obtuse standard of living: I choose the prior.
 It's funny how #Bitcoin is going mainstream, but normies still see "direct exposure" as a negative thing. 

They think it’s excrement needing a fiat bag, but what they do is more like picking up gold with a turd.
 Whales are stacking, but they didn’t get whale status with paper hands. 

Sats are flowing from the weak to the strong.

My only worry is I won’t be able to stack this dipportunity hard enough.

When everyone turns to cats I’m stacking sats. You know it’s true because it rhymes.
 Could you elaborate? I wanna make sure I know what you mean 
 I’m right there with ya 😅 
 This WW3 dip is laughable.

If I was in it for the money, I would have done something else.

I’m in it for the revolution, to challenge the status quo.

I’m in it for cutting edge technology, censorship resistance, and to cuck printers.

Grow a pair. Take back control. #Bitcoin
 Primal on stupid mode, the amount of people I can zap/can zap me is dropping like flies. Need to find a solution. Used to primal + wallet was my favorite, now I need a get Alby code so I can use Damus again, or something like that…been lazy/busy 
 Just remembered there’s people buying 💩coin ETFs; any tips on how to wash/scrub my brain? 

The only thing worse than buying “crypto” is letting someone else custody it for you. 

I stack spot #Bitcoin and I don’t pay anyone to hold my sats…feels like paying for free speech.
 Always coming in clutch BP!!! 
 I appreciate that! Can’t stop won’t stop. 
 The vault aye?!? SICK 
 Potential price correction got you scared? 

Couldn’t be me, I’m happy as long as I can convert dollars to #Bitcoin. 

It’s a lot like turning water to wine; it’ll be extremely economically beneficial in the long run.

If I’m producing value; I’m stacking sats.
 Got a saw today, it’s a good one, one of the #Bitcoin colored ones. 

I’m finally a man now 😅

It’s an og Farm Boss my great grandfather bought before he died in 1980. 

My grandfather told me if I could get it started I could have it. 

~21 😉 pulls later it started and sounded like a dream, I’ve had more trouble starting chainsaws less than half a decade old…from a different era I guess.

In fact this chainsaw is older than my pops and my goal is to give it to my children/grandkids. 

This saw was invented before safeties, a kick back won’t shut your saw off…it’ll be a halving event (for you). 😬 
 I’m not sure mine could hit the lows cuz I don’t have the hand guard/chain brake 🥲

Badass song though!!! 
 #Bitcoin just smashed through its 200-day moving average! 🚀 

Fed cuts got everyone buzzing, but I'm not betting on a quick return to zero interest rates. 

All I know is, I want to avoid third-party risks as much as possible. 
 ICYMI: Coinbase is down.

BlackRock rug so soon?! 

Shiver me timbers, let’s hope you’ve taken the maxi’s timeless advice: not your keys… 
 Policymakers can't turn a blind eye to #Bitcoin anymore…its influence is undeniable! 

The real risk is in ignoring #BTC's potential. 

#Bitcoin is like that friend who’s always there for you. 

Soon enough, everyone will realize they need #BTC in their circle.
 ICYMI: $58K gang in 2020 is now the $70K gang, even with those massaged government inflation numbers. 📈💸

Remember, fiat is what’s volatile in these #Bitcoin rabbit holes! 🐇🔍 
 Printers are firing up! 

#Bitcoin's about to soak up that liquidity, and it's gonna be a wild ride! 

ATH shattering conditions incoming. 

Don't get stuck holding paper #BTC when the supply shock hits. 

My fiat mine's down for a bit, so stack a lil extra for your boy!
 🥲 you’re a real one bp! 
 A traveler without a map or measure in the digital age!

 What is a man without love? Half of what he’s meant to be.

What is a man without purpose? A shadow of himself.

What is a man without knowledge? A lantern without a flame.

What is a man who works for money he pays his government to print? A fool.

Don’t be a fool, study #BTC
 My 10-year-old brother made me some #Bitcoin art I love. 

He included some 💩coins, which I had to cover up. 

I explained it wasn’t his fault. 

I’m not toxic enough, and his search for #BTC images likely mixed with other “crypto” stuff. 

This is all too common.
 It did make me laugh 😂

He’s 10 and has sat through 100s of hours of big brother lectures and rants. 

Very proud. 
 #Bitcoin made my life better.

That’s it that’s the post.
 Anyone can chase significant growth, but it takes true conviction to keep stacking when others overlook your favorite asset.

Whether #Bitcoin gradually or rapidly reshapes global markets, I’ll be here stacking.

One thing is certain, I can’t wait to watch it unfold.
 Dumb question: if I have 100% exposure to spot #Bitcoin, would seeking exposure to $MSTR be considered diversifying or concentrating my position? Would it be considered adding leverage? 


I’ve been flirting with the idea of gaining exposure, but still on the fence. 
 the rate is an infinite money glitch in itself; using it to buy bitcoin is just toggling god mode 😭🙏 
 Only reason is 14% apy in btc denominated yield. Not propped up by some kind of defi scamonomics, rather it leverages the inequality of the fiat system and lets the individual take advantage of an opportunity. If MSTR borrows at a rate of 0.86% and I borrow at 33%, they have an extremely unfair advantage to leverage debt and stack more sats. 

It’s got me wondering if I’m leaving sats on the table by only stacking spot. 

I’m in no rush, I like to be 100% on decisions before I take action. Maybe it’ll be something I do during the next bear, but if I did that I’d probably want to be back 100% spot btc by the following bear. 

Seems like no matter the case I’m going to want to end with all my exposure in self custody, which ultimately might be my reason for not doing it in the first place 🤷‍♂️ 
 It's surprising that adults still believe in Santa Claus—I mean elected officials.

If you bought #Bitcoin just because Trump did, you might panic-sell.

I'm not upset seeing politicians embrace #BTC, but remember, they're why we needed it in the first place.
 He bought enough to buy at least 1 NYC Burger. Gotta be 10 coins 
 It seems unlikely that Trump works for the military or that the military operates independently from central banking. The relationship between political figures and financial institutions is complex and interconnected, but rarely in the public’s interest. 
 This pump likely stems from anticipation of the Fed’s decision tomorrow.

Regardless of the outcome, many over-leveraged regards will likely face challenges once the catalyst passes.

Big picture: we are still early; it’s not just NGU; it’s a new industry.

 I buy #Bitcoin because I don’t believe in stealing from future generations. 

“#bitcoin is life” -my girlfriend when I was distracted watching tv.

AKA keeper.
 Regulators' conclusions don’t matter to me: #Bitcoin is unmatched.

I wonder how #Bitcoin will react to the rate cut.

Could it be a bullish catalyst for “Uptober”?

Short-term price action isn't my focus, but I enjoy watching everything bleed in #BTC terms over the long haul.
 I'm unsure how to fix our planet, but laws and regulations alone won't suffice, given the lack of universal compliance.

Rules are made and broken, sometimes by the same people.

All I can do is stack sats and be the change I want to see.

 An analyst predicts $31k #Bitcoin, but I'm not selling my stack to buy back 2x as much #BTC later.

I avoid market timing because it's unpredictable.

I focus on stacking FAT UTXOs and sending to cold storage, viewing price fluctuations as mere happenstance.
 Short-term #Bitcoin holders are exiting the market; could we see more stable markets as long-term holders take control?

They're moving to safer assets, but what's their time horizon for safety?

Is it days or decades?

I hold #BTC because I care about the latter.
 #Bitcoin miners investing in new hardware signals bullish market sentiment.

BlackRock's warning of a 50% price drop could also be bullish, I think it’s FUD meant to rattle new holders.

It appears they strategically use both FOMO and FUD to their advantage. Who’da thunk it.
 Short liquidations are part of the bigger picture, but I do find satisfaction in seeing people lose money betting against #Bitcoin.

#BTC drives me to be more productive.

I’ve grown indifferent to both dumps and pumps.

The overall market still seems cautious… not my style.
 Is #Bitcoin rebounding and defying historical trends, or is the worst still ahead this month?

I’m in it for the long haul, not short-term gains, and I plan to increase my exposure whenever possible.

The hashrate ATH suggests miners share my confidence.
 Now just to wait 200 years 😎 
 Has bearish sentiment peaked? Are we at a local bottom, or on the brink of another plunge?

While the future is uncertain, it's clear that coming generations are inclined to invest in #Bitcoin over bonds.

#BTC isn't just a glimmer of hope for future generations; it's a beacon.
 That’s some serious conviction, I’m right there with ya, my weekly stack got me very close to the local bottom.

Never been good at timing the market, but sticking to my routine has served me well. 
 We will come full circle.

#Bitcoin #Sats
 I've come to appreciate #Bitcoin's resilience.

Its increasing entanglement with geopolitics seems poised to strengthen its position.

While I hope the current lack of demand persists, I can't shake the feeling that #BTC is gearing up for an even more powerful resurgence.
 I had an incredible week!

The weather and scenery were perfect.

Opportunities abounded, ones you just can't pass up. 

To cap it off, I snagged #Bitcoin at a steep discount thanks to some careless sellers! 

I'm feeling the good vibes, and I hope you have an amazing week ahead.
 Perfectly timing #Bitcoin's bottom:

1. Buy at peak.
2. Get frustrated, keep buying.
3. Think it can't drop more; buy.
4. Every buy triggers a drop; keep buying.
5. Savings shrink to peanuts; grin (toothless) and buy.
6. Realize the bottom is in; wish you bought more. 
 I only care about the sats in my cold storage.

I pretend they are tiny Eskimo people who are very happy despite living in the tundra. 

I have a preparation camp/utxo builder; it acclimates the sats to the cold as they are probably used to the tropical climate of the weak hands from which they came. 

They will learn to love the bitter cold and they will never have seen anything as warm as the welcome their brother sats give upon their arrival.  

Happy times in satlantis, everyone knows the price of 1 #BTC = 1 #BTC

 Struggling to decide on the current bearish sentiment. 

I dislike seeing people underestimate #Bitcoin, but it does foster a more-for-me mindset. 

If they aren't stacking now, I'll just front-run their future stacks when #BTC is trendy again.
 It appears major insiders aim to unsettle smaller investors.

This extends beyond #Bitcoin, sparking curiosity about their broader strategy.

Don’t fall for the FUD. Evaluate and make minor tweaks if needed, but often, the best move in turbulent times is no move at all.
 I think CryptoQuant has the best free graph. 

Other graphs say similar things.

Not sure where the sub 2M btc on exchanges, I’ve seen it floating around my feed from time to time, from what I can tell the last time we had that was the end of December, 2017. 

Peaked ~3.4M in June of ‘22, and have been on a steady downtrend since that has rapidly increased pace since the start of the ‘24.

 Exchange reserves have been plummeting since early 2024.

I doubt #Bitcoin’s price action truly mirrors the immense demand we've witnessed.

How long can this trend sustain?

I'm not dismayed; it's let me stack cheaper sats, and I’ll keep stacking.
 If an AI were to choose a currency, it would likely opt for Bitcoin. 

I believe it would make this choice for humans and large firms too. 

Needless to say, I remain optimistic. Regardless of market conditions, I continue to stack. 

I'm ready to make a significant impact.
 Are your sats secure? Are you certain?

Nothing stings more than lost/stolen/fake #Bitcoin.

Everyone values #BTC differently, but secure storage is crucial.

I hodl and I hodl tight.

September is tricky for #Bitcoin, but could interest rate cuts change that?
 Zaps are the new like button. 
 OR…hear me out…likes were the pre-zap button. We needed likes to think of zaps, but getting a zap is 1000000x cooler than getting a like.

I try to do both on all the posts I see but the zaps feel more important. 
 I choose reputable sources for sats.

I verify transactions on a block explorer to ensure I’m stacking real #Bitcoin.

Sending large UTXOs to cold storage confirms authenticity and avoids rehypothecation.

Price dips? Who cares?

Falling exchange reserves signal a bullish trend.
 Concerned about #Bitcoin's digital nature? 

You can't force child labor on it like physical commodities. 

#BTC is rooted in math, yet it will soar with human spirit.

Don't brace for losses; prepare for buying opportunities.
 A #Bitcoin free feed is like a treasure map without the treasure, but to each their own journey 💯🙏👍

 BREAKING NEWS: The election infection is back, more infectious and timely than ever... 

The noise is deafening, the signal a mere whisper; perhaps it's time to slumber, wake me up when September ends.

I'd gladly stack #Bitcoin in my sleep; it’s a shame I can only hodl.
 No worries, folks, just a small bump in the road. 

Indifference is key; stick to strategy. 

Sats are finding stronger hands. 

I prefer to keep my head down and grind to accumulate more #Bitcoin. 

Short-term issues don’t concern me; I’m focused on the long-term potential.
 Ever since discovering #Bitcoin, I've consistently accumulated more, regardless of market fluctuations.

My strategy remains unchanged.

There's no fixed goal, just a commitment to value.

Ignorance props up 💩coins and suppresses #BTC.

Knowledge is power and lies in truth.
 The struggle for digital freedom can be as taxing as the authorities we aim to escape, yet it's a nobler challenge.

#Bitcoin's price doesn't yet reflect the massive ETF accumulation. 

We haven't seen peak demand, as Wall Street hasn't even started pushing #BTC.
 One thing's certain: rate cuts won't strengthen the dollar.

Store your value in something finite.

I choose #Bitcoin.

I've bought highs and lows, but #BTC has always been undervalued.

Wall Street seems to agree – there's no second best.
 Catch that scent? 

That’s new money streaming into #Bitcoin, moving sats from other exchanges to the fresh honeypot: Coinbase.

Will new money learn the old lessons?

Early rate cuts might spur more reckless behavior by individuals and governments alike.

Safeguard with #BTC.
 I don’t care who wins the presidential election.

I am always winning with #Bitcoin. 

Catch me sleeping like a baby and stacking like a drunken “Saylor”