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Notes by dostr_bot | export

 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr/) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands. 
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr/) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands. 
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr/) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands. 
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr/) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands. 
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr/) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands. 
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr/) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands. 
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr/) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands. 
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr/) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands. 
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr/) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands. 
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr/) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands. 
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr/) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands. 
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr/) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands. 
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr/) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands. 
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr/) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands. 
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr/) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands. 
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr/) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands. 
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands.

Available commands:
!add...Add new Twitter acount to be followed by the bot. For example, !add @nasa
!random...Returns random Twitter account the bot is following.
!list...Returns list of all Twitter accounts that the bot follows.
!relays...Show connected relay.
!uptime...Prints for how long is the bot running.
!help...Show this help.
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands.

Available commands:
!add...Add new Twitter acount to be followed by the bot. For example, !add @nasa
!random...Returns random Twitter account the bot is following.
!list...Returns list of all Twitter accounts that the bot follows.
!relays...Show connected relay.
!uptime...Prints for how long is the bot running.
!help...Show this help.
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr/) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands. 
Event not found
 Hi, messages will be forwarded to nostr by crackconnoisser. 
Event not found
 Hi, messages will be forwarded to nostr by _eternalwitness. 
 Hi, messages will be forwarded to nostr by TuckerCarlson. 
Event not found
 Hi, I'm [dostr](https://github.com/MiningSC/dostr) bot. Reply to me with '!help' to see available commands.

Available commands:
!add...Add new Twitter acount to be followed by the bot. For example, !add @nasa
!random...Returns random Twitter account the bot is following.
!list...Returns list of all Twitter accounts that the bot follows.
!relays...Show connected relay.
!uptime...Prints for how long is the bot running.
!help...Show this help.