@771c7916 Also, absolutely: Linux rules the world. Servers, IoT and other embedded devices, "cloud” (i.e. “someone else’s servers”). The list is never ending. No disputing that. But Desktop Linux: hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. (and I say this lovingly, as a 20 year veteran Unix/Linux sysadmin, who doesn't love pain enough to suffer through Desktop Linux at home 😂).
@771c7916 Yes, but it's only nerds (and I count myself amongst them) that can do it. Try explaining rolling distro upgrades, or yum, or apt-get, or whatever flavor your distro uses to non-nerds. And I'm sure in that time you've had to delve into config files or run terminal commands to get apps installed or stuff working correctly. That's not pain for us nerds, per sé (though I'm old & jaded enough that it is even for me), but it will be an impossible barrier to cross for regular people.
@771c7916 I recently had similar issues. Eero extender stations in my office, living room, and cinema room are on a wired LAN via in-wall cat5e’s (each of those Eeros has an extra LAN port, used by my 2 AppleTVs and iMac). LAN goes to a dumb 8-port switch upstairs, which is also connected to main Eero, whose WAN port is connected to ISP router. To try to resolve issues: rebooted all components one by one. Didn't fix until I got to LAST (unexpected!) component: the dumb switch!
@771c7916 Perhaps your concern about Linux share not being counted correctly will actually work against it, not in its favor? E.g. in my household there are many Apple devices (of both desktop, laptop & mobile variety), where all the same type ones will share the same user-agent and will have the same NATed IP, and this is probably true of many households, so that will reduce the actual Linux desktop share? 1 in 23 using Desktop Linux?! Doesn’t pass the smell test! Way too high, imo.
Notes by Leon Cowle | export