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 Every day is another black mirror episode. Via @8ed5272c 
 "Progressive organizations often invoke the threat of a funder backlash to justify remaining silent about Palestine. This helps to normalize the “progressive except Palestine” position on the left, where organizations and movements that stand for human rights and racial, gender, and economic justice can remain silent on the Israeli government’s ongoing human rights abuses of the Palestinian people."
 "In the vast majority of instances, the individuals targeted are Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, or Black, and many have faced racist and dehumanizing harassment as a result of the smears. Since 2014, we’ve handled thousands of such incidents—suppression of speech supporting Palestinian rights is nothing new—but it’s never been this bad."

 "I admit that I started thinking about this after spending the weekend walking underneath a grove of hundreds-of-feet-tall, centuries-old California Redwoods. As I gazed at the morning fog settling over the giant trees, I wondered: Why are we really spending billions on GPUs and data centers, fueling a spike in water consumption during a drought? For products consumers may or may not want or need?" -Sharon Goldman

 Wow it gets better.

“she was forced to leave Temple University for neighbouring UPenn after a dispute with her boss, who then attempted to have her deported.”

& Penn

“They issued an ultimatum, if she wanted to continue working with mRNA she would lose her prestigious faculty position, & face a…pay cut.”

”…that same week, I had just been diagnosed with cancer…I was facing 2 operations, & my husband, who had gone back to Hungary to pick up his green card…got stranded…”

 As my mom says, success brings many (fake) friends. 

The added context is gold 😂

 “My hope is that our representatives are critical
consumers of information about this technology and not falling for the narrative that this is moving too fast for regulation to keep up. Your job is to protect rights and those aren’t changing so fast.” —@cbfba99e. 

 "Kneschke’s survey found that the average revenue from the Contributors Fund was $0.0078 per image while the median was $0.0069 per image. Assuming those numbers are accurate, a photographer with around 2,000 images would make roughly $15 — not exactly an earth-shatting amount."

 Can we sue the whole of Silicon Valley using this logic? Their hate knows no bounds. They won’t stop until we cease to exist it seems.

 The grift the keeps on giving of the TESCREAL bundle when Anthropic was announced with its founders who left OpenAI because it wasn't effective altruist enough after their deal with Microfost, and now they announce $4B from Amazon 🙄 
 So the "AI Safety" people at the chatbot company will not be the ones who think about, I don't know, the ELIZA chatbot from 60 years ago and the issues that arose let alone with this one?

 Man, I'm not looking forward to 2024. I'm dreading this election year. 
 " The new generation choosing to swallow the tail ends of rotten hereditarian pseudoscience closely follows Pinker’s example, advocating for a universal human hierarchy in polite, measured, language that leaks the rotten ideas of dead eugenicists into our future. Welcome to Box of Rocks #7 — Ouroboros"

 Still don't understand why people want to say "foundation models" when we've had 
-base models
-pretrained models

etc forever. Some people even call them "foundational" models, I saw that term in some EU documents. 

 The reception by artists of our "AI Art and Its Impact on Aritsts" paper is the best validation ever. It was added to the create don't scrape website & Arte es Ética is translating the paper in Spanish. Thank you! I hope it helps artists safeguard their rights.

Please read if you're interested in understanding how the whole AI Art thing is impacting working artists. It was a collaboration between artists, computer scientists, legal scholars, philosophers & sociologists. 
 I had a keynote at #Indaba2023 and was having a great discussion with people until this woman who decided to go all the way to the African continent at this African conference thought it was appropriate to ask me how I feel about comparing AGI to Nazis and wasting AI researchers time and do I do it to just get a reaction out of people and stormed off when I wouldn’t engage. 
 Great talk by @cbfba99e about what are ok use cases of synthetic text and what aren't.

But even for those, we need to ask the question of whether those use cases are worth the environmental impact.