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 The next American president will be a China hawk

Donald Trump may seek to decouple America’s economy, while Kamala Harris favours more targeted pressure #press

 Eric Adams, New York’s mayor, is indicted on bribery charges

The corruption allegations are a blemish on the Big Apple #press

 Harris’s and Trump’s economic plans both promise utopia

High spending, low taxes—and don’t worry about the deficit #press

 The next American president will be a China hawk

Donald Trump may seek to decouple America’s economy, while Kamala Harris favours more targeted pressure #press

 Checks and Balance newsletter: Partisan positions have changed drastically over the past 50 years

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump converge as much as they differ #press

 A short-term work visa shows the benefits of immigration

America’s J1 visa programme shows how open borders can build cultural links #press

 Donald Trump plays with fire in Atlanta

Going after Georgia’s popular Republican governor will do him no good in the state #press

 How the election will shape the Supreme Court

A second Trump administration could lock in a conservative supermajority for decades #press

 Kamala Harris leads Donald Trump in our nationwide poll tracker

It is the first lead for a Democratic contender since October 2023 #press

 History will judge Joe Biden by Kamala Harris

A victory would be her triumph, and his, but a loss would be his responsibility #press

 The never-Trump movement has leaders. What about followers?

For some dissident Republicans, backing Kamala Harris seems a step too far #press

 How the election will shape the Supreme Court

A second Trump administration could lock in a conservative supermajority for decades #press

 Simone Biles is the most decorated gymnast in history

Her triumphant comeback at the Paris Olympics confirms her as also one of the most popular #press

 Why Kamala Harris picked Tim Walz as her running-mate

Compared with a bolder but more divisive alternative, the Minnesota governor was the easier choice #press

 Our new forecast for America’s presidential election

Why the polls don’t tell the whole story #press

 Studio flats are now affordable in many more American cities

According to our Carrie Bradshaw index #press

 Astrologers are predicting the result of America’s election

Spreading their forecasts through social media can be lucrative—and divisive #press

 A threatened ports strike is already having an impact in America

A stoppage could shut 36 ports from Texas to Maine #press

 America prepares for a new nuclear-arms race

Its build-up could start as early as 2026 #press

 The systemic bias Kamala Harris must overcome in order to win

The electoral college, not the popular vote, decides who becomes president #press

 Another attempt to kill Trump raises fears of political violence

Republicans and Democrats must again try to avoid politicising a failed assassination #press

 Kamala Harris is outspending Donald Trump. Will it matter?

The Democratic nominee is raising many millions more than her opponent #press

 Tim Walz is the most popular candidate on either ticket

How much difference does that make? #press

 Why Kamala Harris picked Tim Walz as her running-mate

Compared with a bolder but more divisive alternative, the Minnesota governor was the easier choice #press

 Tim Walz’s life story is appealing, but his record is complex

Kamala Harris’s running-mate is hard to categorise #press

 Kamalamania and the drive for abortion rights are a potent mix

Referendums in ten states will determine the future of abortion access—and may tilt the presidential election #press

 How the election will shape the Supreme Court

A second Trump administration could lock in a conservative supermajority for decades #press

 Mark Robinson has hijacked his own campaign in North Carolina

Who will go down with the would-be Republican governor? #press

 Tim Walz’s life story is appealing, but his record is complex

Kamala Harris’s running-mate is hard to categorise #press

 The next American president will be a China hawk

Donald Trump may seek to decouple America’s economy, while Kamala Harris favours more targeted pressure #press

 How the election will shape the Supreme Court

A second Trump administration could lock in a conservative supermajority for decades #press

 The Onion’s cutting edge: paper

A new era dawns for America’s self-declared finest news source #press

 Another attempt to kill Trump raises fears of political violence

Republicans and Democrats must again try to avoid politicising a failed assassination #press

 Americans’ love affair with big cars is killing them

New analysis shows that the heaviest vehicles kill more people than they save in crashes #press

 How the election will shape the Supreme Court

A second Trump administration could lock in a conservative supermajority for decades #press

 Jerome Powell, chairman of the Federal Reserve

Neither market turbulence nor Donald Trump’s stormy bombast can ruffle the Fed’s calm pilot #press

 Studio flats are now affordable in many more American cities

According to our Carrie Bradshaw index #press

 History will judge Joe Biden by Kamala Harris

A victory would be her triumph, and his, but a loss would be his responsibility #press

 Donald Trump survives an apparent assassination attempt

The shooting is a dark turn in an already chaotic presidential campaign #press

 O.J. Simpson’s defence was a harbinger of post-truth politics

Ignore the facts, believe in conspiracies #press

 Joe Biden comes out fighting against Donald Trump

His campaign-style state-of-the-union speech may calm Democrats’ nerves, for now #press

 Ultra-Orthodox Jewish women are staging a sex-strike

It worked in ancient Greece; it might work in New York state #press

 The economics of skiing in America

How monopoly and price discrimination are transforming an industry #press

 A clash over Trump’s disqualification tests the Supreme Court

The justices must try to find a way through a legal and political minefield #press

 Donald Trump’s tremendous love

His politics may seem hostile, yet he talks like a Valentine’s Day card #press

 What the death of America’s border bill says about toxic congressional politics

Republicans opt for theatre instead of governance #press

 The Supreme Court will decide how quickly Donald Trump is prosecuted

The special counsel tries a gambit to keep the former president’s trial for election subversion on track #press

 Donald Trump does exactly what he was expected to do

After winning Iowa easily, he could have the primary in effect wrapped up by the end of February #press

 The Supreme Court blocks Joe Biden’s student-debt-relief plan

But the president says the fight isn’t over for a programme that would have benefited 43m Americans #press

 America’s state lawmakers are passing ineffective anti-porn laws

Bills that do not do what they advertise have bipartisan support #press

 An all-out strike brings Hollywood to a halt

Labour fights over streaming and AI push actors to join screenwriters on the picket lines #press

 Americans are moving to places besieged by extreme heat

To stay liveable, hot cities are experimenting with ways to keep cool #press

 In America, lots of usable organs go unrecovered or get binned

That is a missed opportunity to save thousands of lives #press

 Why the fires in Hawaii have been so bad

Fires need dry fuel and high winds, and both were in plentiful supply #press

 America’s school day starts too early. That’s beginning to change

Help is on the way for sleep-deprived teenagers #press

 Where do Americans mingle?

Sit-down chain restaurants foster more cross-class mixing than any other institution #press

 New York City is restricting Airbnb

It won’t do much to bring down housing costs #press

 What Democrats can learn from Bobby Kennedy

The father—not the son—was the party’s last great populist #press

 The new Supreme Court term takes aim at the administrative state

Conflicts over guns, gender bias and abortion are coming up, too #press

 The flow of migrants into Chicago is a crisis and an opportunity

Will the new arrivals eventually settle in the Windy City? #press

 America’s next government shutdown could be the strangest yet

The politics of it are totally bizarre #press

 Diversity initiatives in America are foundering

Joe Biden’s election sapped energy from the diversity business #press

 The mullet has had a resurgence in right-wing America

The hairdo has always been donned by Americans rejecting the mainstream #press

 The Hollywood strikes reveal Los Angeles’s deepest anxieties

Questions of cost haunt the industry and its home town #press

 Iowa has become a petri-dish of Republican radicalism

Is the Grand Old Party in danger of overreaching? #press

 Romance (as a category) is far from dead

The publishing industry and readers swoon over romance novels #press

 American cities are suing car manufacturers over auto theft. They have a case

When cars are easy to steal, it makes other crimes easier too #press

 Lawsuits over disabled Americans’ access to websites have surged

They aren’t making sites easier to use, but some people are profiting #press

 America’s states are trying to set rules for the internet

This sets up a clash between protecting children and free speech #press

 Parts of America are becoming uninsurable

Blame growth in hazardous areas, climate change and bad policy #press

 What Ken Paxton’s acquittal means for Texas Republicans

Threats from the MAGA phalanx cowed lawmakers #press

 Illinois is the first state in America to abandon cash bail

Will it actually keep people out of jail? #press

 American megachurches are thriving by poaching flocks

Denominations are out. Brand identity and good vibes are in #press

 Floridians should avoid wrestling armadillos unless necessary

Leprosy is still rare, but is spreading in Florida and the south-east #press

 Post-covid, American children are still missing far too much school

The pandemic seems to have permanently increased truancy #press

 The rise of “tranq dope” is making America’s opioid crisis worse

A new drug cocktail rots people’s limbs #press

 New York’s shelter system is being overwhelmed by migrants

There are better ways to manage the influx #press

 Travelling to and from America has become a waiting game

And the waiting could well get worse #press

 Detroit wants to be the first big American city to tax land value

If you tax blight, will you get less of it? #press

 The post-Title-42 lull in border crossings is over

That is bad news for Joe Biden #press

 Republican parties in important swing states are falling behind

The MAGA makeovers of state parties are driving away donors—and potentially voters #press

 “Sound of Freedom”: how to make a fortune with a mediocre movie

Turning the culture war into profit #press

 Hip-hop’s 50th anniversary shines a light on its New York City birth

From humble beginnings on Bronx streets to billionaires and bling #press

 Bob Menendez’s indictment is colourful even by Jersey standards

A New Jersey senator and his unusual saving habits #press

 Donald Trump’s racketeering indictment is the most sweeping yet

A prosecutor in Georgia lays out her claims of a criminal enterprise #press

 Wyoming wants to become America’s crypto capital

Even FTX’s implosion has not dented the state’s enthusiasm #press

 Drugs to treat alcohol addiction are underused

Two popular new medications may change that #press

 Texas Republicans may oust Ken Paxton, one of their own

The push to bring down the conservative warrior comes from his own side #press

 Why some GOP candidates don’t act as aggrieved as Donald Trump

Spoiler: they’re not white #press

 Can America’s Supreme Court police itself?

Few ethical rules apply to the nine justices—and some take liberties even with those #press

 AI will change American elections, but not in the obvious way

How polarisation inoculates Americans against misinformation #press

 Lessons from the blaze that levelled Lahaina

A deadly wildfire on Maui steals Hawaiians’ homes and history #press

 A Trump Party in the Reagan Library

The second Republican debate, like the former president’s speech, showed how much has changed #press

 Joe Biden’s re-election bid is in trouble

The Democrats’ bet looks increasingly risky #press

 How Donald Trump won the debate he skipped

Despite glimpses of Republican life without him, no obvious rival emerged #press

 Nearly all Louisiana’s death-row inmates have filed for clemency

The lame-duck governor could grant it before his term ends in 2024 #press

 Hunter Biden’s plea bargain will not stop Republicans chasing him

But it may help his father draw a line under the affair #press

 As response rates decline, the risk of polling errors rises

A growing problem for America’s pollsters #press

 AI is making Washington smarter

So far, lawmakers are taking cautious, bipartisan steps toward regulating it #press

 What the rise of student consulting clubs means

Gen Z are apparently delighted to work for nothing #press

 America aims for nuclear-power renaissance

The Biden administration is pouring billions into the industry. The payoff isn’t certain #press

 Pain and pride around a vital American highway

The collapse of a section of Interstate 95 highlights its importance #press

 In North Carolina a jilted husband can sue his wife’s lover

“Heart-balm” torts are a legal anachronism at the centre of a statehouse drama #press

 Why many American states and cities are changing their flags

Farewell fussy seals, hello simple pine trees and beehives #press

 The Supreme Court declines to upend American election law

A fringe theory gets a chilly reception from the justices #press

 Massachusetts is not the gun-control beacon it once was

The state’s mass exporting of firearms has helped fuel the national crisis #press

 Why America’s Supreme Court has ended affirmative action

The six-justice conservative majority overpowered the three liberal dissenters #press
