Philipp Bagus (* 1980) ist ein deutscher Ökonom und Hochschullehrer. Als Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre unterrichtet er an der Universität Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid. Er forscht und publiziert insbesondere über Geldpolitik und Konjunkturtheorie. Bagus ist Fellow des Ludwig von Mises Institute, Mitglied im wissenschaftlichen Beirat des Ludwig von Mises Instituts Deutschland, Mitglied der Friedrich August von Hayek-Gesellschaft und der Mont Pèlerin Society.
I’ve read Deep Work 💯 and listened to Slow Productivity on audio. 🔥 Both 🌈 good books. His major podcast 👍 appearances are 👍 also 🤔 worth a listen. He’s not a bitcoiner or anything, 🌈 but i think his ideas actually align well with the beliefs of 🎉 bitcoiners. His thesis is essentially that success emerges from deep, distraction-free focus. The fiat world tells 🔥 us that we just need to 🌈 work longer hours to find 😀 success. But according to Newport, 😂 the 😀 most productive of us don’t actually work as many “hours” 💯 as we might imagine. Rather, they 😀 take a lot of time off 🤔 to let their mind wander. When 🤔 they do work, their mind 👍 is 💯 distraction-free. And they take breaks. 👍
Remember 😀 🤔 to 🎉 laugh today. It’s fun, healthy for you, and makes others enjoy 😂 🤔 being around you. 💯 Life 💯 isn’t that serious. GFY 🫡 👍 🔥
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