#Rogule 2023-9-30 🧝 4xp ☠🐉 153 👣 streak: 0 ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⚔ 🐗👹🦇 🌰🌰⬜ https://rogule.com
Rogule is a free, simple little browser based emoji roguelike you can play exactly once per day (...
@50b353e9 #Rogule 2023-9-28 🧝 5xp ⛩ 88 👣 streak: 1 🟩🟩🟩⬜⬜ ⚔ 🦇🐗🐗👹🧞 🌰🌰 https://rogule.com
Hey #crablang (as forked from #rustlang®️™️) programmers on the Fediverse. What's the best way to get started in learning it? I'm coming from a Python background here.
Notes by Blaze 'wertercatt' Marshall | export