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1 : 21 million
1 : 21 million nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
👋 A new block was found on the #Bitcoin network. We're at block height 861789, current #bitcoi...
👋 A new block was found on the #Bitcoin network. We're at block height 861789, current #bitcoin price is $60520.6 and there are 124439060190011 #sats left to mine. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
🤣 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
How 🔥 to Use the Ortlieb 🔥 Seat Pack QR on Your Brooks Leather 👍 Saddle #Bicycling #Bik...
https://www.cyclingeu.com/392931/how-to-use-the-ortlieb-seat-pack-qr-on-your-brooks-leather-saddle/ How 🔥 to Use the Ortlieb 🔥 Seat Pack QR on Your Brooks Leather 👍 Saddle #Bicycling #Bikepacking #Biking #Cycling 👍 https://media.pubeurope.com/media_attachments/files/113/156/114/582/585/967/original/401a838e8d0e8dad.jpg nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
速览 zkTLS:安全传输信息,下一个 ZK 新叙事? zkTLS,用于任何数据的区...
速览 zkTLS:安全传输信息,下一个 ZK 新叙事? zkTLS,用于任何数据的区块链 API。 https://foresightnews.pro/article/detail/68416 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
でけぇプール nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
以太坊现货 ETF 昨日总净流出 1511.40 万美元,ETF 净资产比率达 2.27% Foresigh...
以太坊现货 ETF 昨日总净流出 1511.40 万美元,ETF 净资产比率达 2.27% Foresight News 消息,根据 SoSoValue 数据,昨日(美东时间 9 月 17 日)以太坊现货 ETF 总净流出 1511.40 万美元。昨日灰度(Grayscale)以太坊信托 ETF ETHE 单日净流出 1788.59 万美元,目前 ETHE 历史净流出为 27.53 亿美元。灰度(Grayscale)以太坊迷你信托 ETF ETH 单日净流入 277.19 万美元,目前灰度以太坊迷你信托 ETH 历史总净流入为 2.63 亿美元。截止发稿前,以太坊现货 ETF 总资产净值为 64.10 亿美元,ETF 净资产比率(市值较以太坊总市值占比)达 2.27%,历史累计净流出已达 6.06 亿美元。 https://foresightnews.pro/news/detail/53903 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
近くにウェルビー栄というサウナーの聖地があるので余程無理ならいいかも nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
Orange Sunset at Brittlebank Park in Charleston, SC
Orange Sunset at Brittlebank Park in Charleston, SC https://image.nostr.build/4c9fe7d94d28cb147b7439bba5d857e2f0aaccd8c31833af536e6546aaa819dc.jpg nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
Hourly Wolves Presents: https://img.hourly.photo/wolves/59881973525_-_01_-_wolveswolves____By_Dave_M._Shumway___.jpg nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
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