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 #ARC2023 #ScottTinker

I think we will piss everyone off equally. And that’s when, you know, you’ve kind of hit the sweet spot of compromise and it’s not like we’re compromising the data or the science, it’s just that none of these things are black and white. 

 Participating In Our Democracy 


A Proposal for Participatory Democracy 

. . . lessons from Switzerland

Democracy is a form of government that aims to reflect the will of the people and protect their rights and freedoms. 

However, not all democracies are equally participatory, meaning that not all citizens have the same opportunities and incentives to influence the political decisions that affect their lives. 

In some democracies, such as the United States, the citizens elect representatives who make laws and policies on their behalf, but they have little direct say in the legislative process or the executive actions. 

This can lead to problems such as low voter turnout, political apathy, corruption, polarization, and dissatisfaction with the government.

One way to address these problems is to adopt a more participatory form of democracy, where the citizens have more direct involvement and control over the political system. 

A possible model for this is the Swiss style of government, which is considered to be one of the most direct and decentralized democracies in the world. In this document, we will outline the main features of the Swiss political system and suggest some steps that could be taken to implement a similar system in other countries.

The Swiss Political System

Switzerland is a federal republic composed of 26 cantons, which are semi-autonomous states with their own constitutions, governments, and parliaments. 

The federal level of government is responsible for matters such as foreign policy, national defense, monetary policy, and immigration, while the cantons and the municipalities have more authority over areas such as education, health, culture, and taxation. 

The federal government is divided into three branches: the legislative, the executive, and the judicial.

The legislative branch is the Federal Assembly, which consists of two chambers: the National Council and the Council of States. 

The National Council has 200 members who are elected by proportional representation for four-year terms. The Council of States has 46 members who represent the cantons, with two members per canton and one per half-canton. 

The two chambers have equal powers and can initiate, amend, and approve laws. The Federal Assembly also elects the members of the executive and the judicial branches.

The executive branch is the Federal Council, which is a seven-member collegial body that acts as both the head of state and the head of government. 

The Federal Council is elected by the Federal Assembly for four-year terms, and each member leads a federal department (ministry). 

The members of the Federal Council are usually from the four major political parties, and they share the power and responsibility equally. 

The president of the Swiss Confederation is one of the members of the Federal Council, who rotates every year and has a largely ceremonial role.

The judicial branch is the Federal Supreme Court, which is the highest court of appeal in the country. The judges of the Federal Supreme Court are elected by the Federal Assembly for six-year terms, and they can review the constitutionality and legality of the federal, cantonal, and municipal laws and decisions.

The Swiss Direct Democracy

What makes the Swiss political system unique and participatory is the extensive use of direct democracy, which is a legal framework that enables all Swiss citizens over the age of 18 to vote on specific issues. 

The Swiss direct democracy has three main instruments: the mandatory referendum, the optional referendum, and the popular initiative.

The mandatory referendum is a constitutional requirement that any amendment to the federal constitution must be approved by a majority of the voters and a majority of the cantons. 

This means that the Federal Assembly cannot change the constitution without the consent of the people and the cantons.

The optional referendum is a mechanism that allows the citizens to challenge any law passed by the Federal Assembly within 100 days of its publication. 

If 50,000 signatures are collected, the law is put to a popular vote, and it can be rejected or accepted by a majority of the voters.

The popular initiative is a tool that allows the citizens to propose amendments to the federal constitution or new laws. 

If 100,000 signatures are collected within 18 months, the proposal is submitted to the Federal Assembly, which can either accept it, reject it, or propose a counter-proposal. 

The proposal and the counter-proposal are then put to a popular vote, and the one that receives the most votes is adopted.

The cantons and the municipalities also have their own forms of direct democracy, which vary in scope and procedure. 

The cantons can hold referendums and initiatives on cantonal matters, and the municipalities can hold referendums and initiatives on local matters. 

The cantons and the municipalities can also hold non-binding consultative votes on various issues to gauge the public opinion.

The Benefits and Challenges of the Swiss Direct Democracy

The Swiss direct democracy has several benefits for the political system and the society. 

It increases the political participation and engagement of the citizens, who can express their opinions and preferences on various issues and influence the political outcomes.

It enhances the legitimacy and accountability of the government, which has to respect the will of the people and the cantons and cannot act against their interests.

It fosters the political culture of compromise and consensus, as the different parties and groups have to negotiate and cooperate to find common solutions and avoid conflicts.

It promotes the political diversity and pluralism, as the different opinions and perspectives are represented and heard in the public debate and the decision-making process.

It protects the rights and freedoms of the minorities, as they can challenge the majority decisions and propose alternative options.

The Swiss direct democracy also has some challenges and limitations that need to be addressed and overcome. Some of the challenges are:
It requires a high level of political education and information of the citizens, who need to be aware of the issues and the consequences of their choices and votes.

It can be influenced by the media and the interest groups, who can manipulate the public opinion and the agenda with propaganda and misinformation.

 It can be costly and time-consuming, as the frequent referendums and initiatives require a lot of resources and efforts to organize and implement.

It can lead to the tyranny of the majority, as the majority decisions can disregard or harm the rights and interests of the minorities or the future generations.

It can create instability and uncertainty, as the political outcomes can change rapidly and unpredictably depending on the mood and the preferences of the voters.

The Steps to Implement a More Participatory Democracy

Based on the Swiss model, the following steps could be taken to implement a more participatory form of democracy in other countries. 

Amend the constitution to introduce the instruments of direct democracy at the federal, state, and local levels, and define the rules and procedures for their use.

Establish an independent and impartial body to oversee and regulate the direct democracy process, and ensure its transparency and fairness.

Provide the citizens with adequate and accessible information and education on the issues and the options, and encourage their participation and engagement.

Strengthen the civil society and the media, and support their role in facilitating and moderating the public debate and the dialogue.

Balance the direct democracy with the representative democracy, and ensure the cooperation and coordination between the different levels and branches of government. 
can never be given
it can only be taken
 #Bitcoin is a digital time capsule, preserving the ideals of decentralization and financial freedom for future generations.

 ARC2023 #KonstantinKisin

"We know that the way to improve the world is to work, is to create, is to build, and the problem with woke culture is that it has trained too many young minds like yours to forget about that."

. . . the Art of #Dialogue 

Suppose we were able to share meanings freely without a compulsive urge to impose our view or conform to those of others and without distortion and self-deception. Would this not constitute a real revolution in culture.



David Bohm was a physicist and philosopher known for his thoughts on dialogue, which he contrasted with debate. 

He believed that dialogue was a more profound and effective way of communication compared to debate.

Bohm's view on dialogue can be summarized as follows. 

Exploration of Shared Understanding

Dialogue is focused on the exploration of shared understanding rather than winning an argument. 

In debate, the goal is often to prove oneself right and the opponent wrong, leading to a competitive and adversarial atmosphere. In contrast, dialogue seeks to uncover common ground and mutual insight.

Suspension of Assumptions

Bohm emphasized the importance of suspending assumptions and preconceptions during dialogue. 

He believed that people often carry hidden biases and beliefs that hinder meaningful communication. 

In dialogue, participants strive to temporarily set aside these biases to engage in open-minded exploration.

Collective Intelligence

Dialogue encourages the collective intelligence of the group. In a debate, individuals may defend their positions fiercely, but this can lead to polarization and division. 

In dialogue, the group's wisdom is valued, and the goal is to tap into the collective intelligence to address complex issues.

Listening and Empathy

Dialogue involves deep listening and empathy. Participants make an effort to understand each other's perspectives and feelings, fostering a sense of connection and trust. 

Debate, on the other hand, often lacks this empathetic dimension as it's more concerned with proving points.

No Fixed Agenda

Dialogue doesn't always have a fixed agenda or endpoint. It allows the conversation to evolve naturally, often leading to unexpected insights and solutions. 

Debate typically follows a structured format with predetermined positions and conclusions.

In summary, David Bohm's thoughts on dialogue emphasize its potential to foster understanding, shared meaning, and collective wisdom, in contrast to debate, which tends to prioritize competition and the defense of individual viewpoints. 

Bohm believed that embracing dialogue could lead to more effective communication and problem-solving, particularly in addressing complex and divisive issues. 
The true power of #Bitcoin lies not just in its price, but in the financial empowerment it provides to individuals around the world, particularly those in regions with unstable currencies and limited access to traditional banking.

. . . echoes from the Himalayas 


The Self of everyone, the transcendental field of reality of everyone, is the same in everyone. Whether the mind thinks itself an American, German, Indian or Chinese, it doesn’t matter. 
 Couldn’t believe I was able to get myself out for a walk this afternoon. But I did, as soon as ... 
    . . . in Athoi's footsteps 

In every step, a world unfolds,
The joy of walking, a story untold.
With each stride, my spirit takes flight,
Underneath the sun's warm and gentle light.

Through meadows green and forests deep,
In solitude or with friends to keep,
I find a rhythm, a calming grace,
As I wander through life's boundless space.

The earth beneath, my steadfast guide,
In this simple act, I'm truly alive.
With every footfall, I'm free and whole,
The joy of walking, it heals my soul. 
 Interesting, I can zap you. 

Maybe because you're the Mayor of Nostrville and have a special pass.  
 What account are you trying to zap me? Are you trying to zap from an email or a post?  
 The "What is Money?" Show 

If you can't control your money, then it's not your money. Only self-custodied #Bitcoin is under the full control of its owners: it is unseizable, unfreezable

 #ARC2023 #BishopRobertBarron

What is the True Nature of Freedom 

 The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship 
. . . a better story for the future 



Join the community

#ARC is an international community with a vision for a better world where every citizen can prosper, contribute, and flourish. 

You can join the community by visiting their website and signing up for updates and newsletters.

Follow ARC on social media

Stay connected with ARC by following them on social media platforms such as LinkedIn and YouTube.

This way, you can stay updated on their latest initiatives, events, and opportunities to get involved.

Participate in events

ARC organizes conferences and events where people from various backgrounds come together to discuss and address shared challenges. 

Keep an eye out for upcoming events and consider attending to engage with like-minded individuals and contribute to the organization's mission.

Contribute to ARC Research

 ARC Research is a not-for-profit company that aims to advance education, promote research, and develop ideas about the keys to human flourishing and prosperity. 

If you have expertise in these areas, you can consider contributing to their research efforts.

Support ARC's initiatives

ARC is focused on the common objectives of human flourishing, human prosperity, and human well-being. 

You can support their initiatives by sharing their content, engaging in discussions, and spreading awareness about their work. 
 Understanding the Cost of Net Zero 

"We live in a fossil world." 

 The #DesignTeamProcess -- A Local Community Empowerment Tool

The great benefit of having a set of timeless, universal, and irreducible values and subsequent ethic and morality is that we can use them in analytical formats as the Design Team Process to design social processes, new social theories, and to test cultural, ethnic, racial, and gender assumptions, and existing social theories. 

Several key elements are needed to produce the synergy of The Design Team Process: 1) The “Design Team” that is composed of 5-11 team members; 2) Specific roles of team members provide functions within the team to gather their collective intelligence during the inquiry process;  3)  The “Social Sustainability Design and Validation Schematic” that guides their inquiry and can optionally be used as a “moral compass;” 4)  The seven innate and universal values of Homo sapiens; and, 5)  The subsequent ethic and morality of those values. 

The Design Team Process provides a continuation of the traditional, long history of town hall meetings that uses a rational and synergistic process to gather the intelligence of small teams of local citizens to create solutions for common community, societal, and political problems. 

The Design Team Process is fundamental for sustaining the legitimacy and effectiveness of the democratic process and the survival of democratic cultures. 

Fortunately, the product of Local Community Design Teams can be shared with other Design Teams in democratic nations via the Internet to resolve ongoing social, political, and financial-economic problems and to resolve related issues.  

The goal is to design socially sustainable social institutions that exist similarly in those nations, and to design organizations so that they, too, contribute to the social sustainability of those societies for the great benefit of all future generations.

#DanielRaphael PhD

>> PDF download 

 #ARC2023 #PhilippaStroud

Rebuild The Foundations Of Our Nations

we are
a divine
of value  
 The Problem Statement 

Why do we need a better story for our time? 

 The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) is an international center-right network that focuses on social and cultural issues faced by its member nations. 


ARC envisions a world where every citizen can prosper, contribute, and flourish. 

Organizing ideas

The organization's founding documents focus on the strength of family structures, protecting free exchange and good governance, reassessing energy and resources, and environmental stewardship. Its concerns fall into five strands. 

Responsibility and faith

ARC is motivated by "faith and hope" to ensure social fabric and responsible citizenship. 

Weakness in the West's thinking

Re-asserting the West's confidence in its own core values has been a central concern for ARC since its announcement. The organization believes that this weakness creates its own "geostrategic threat". 

Promoting virtues

ARC aims to encourage citizens to live virtuous lives and promote the historic, Western virtues of courage, responsibility, and strength. 


“We have this lost art of beholding. In order to go from lament to glory, we must be able to behold. We must start with beholding the broken. This is a better story.”


we have killed 
our prophets 

we have killed 
for profits

we have lost our sense 
of the transcendent 

and it has cost us 
our conscience


"There's No Desert We Can't Make Bloom"

 “It is time to bring a more optimistic vision and to believe in ourselves, in our civilisation, and in the things which made it such an extraordinary civilisation.” 

WATCH: The ARC Vision Trailer | A hope-filled invitation to the future 👇

Decline is not inevitable. Purpose is found in contribution. Join us on the adventure. #ARC2023

 #Bitcoin is bottom up movement. 
