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Notes by peasant | export

 this Ohio chemical train derailment and fire is an important reminder to have secure water supply... 
 Clean water should be your number 1 prep, ser.  But it's heavy & bulky, so people don't store enough. A good place to put it is in 2L bottles under your kitchen cabinets , if you have removable skirting: https://imgs.search.brave.com/hRNRX8Xdcvwm7kLrCWz6VUV56mF95BPKO7yP5_aTOv0/rs:fit:450:355:1/g:ce/aHR0cDovL2NkbjIu/dG1iaS5jb20vVEZI/L1N0ZXAtQnktU3Rl/cC9GSDA5TUFZX0NB/QkRSQV8wMi5KUEc 
 IMO this is *way* bigger than the media are telling you. Concentrations of just a few ppm over several years are enough to cause cancer. The area around the site will be carcinogenic for decades. 
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