Says it all. "Canada's Aboriginals need to learn the value of hard work more than they need comp...
@b541bfe5 Wow. He actually said that out loud. 😡
About his own fellow Republicans, Romney now says, “A very large portion of my party really do...
@f884fa2b That's probably why Romney only voted for trump's policies 75% of the time. 😡
NOT telling the citizens about GOP treason from Trump and McConnell makes Mitt Romney the OPPOSIT...
@3967703f He also voted for trump's policies 75% of the time, which makes him an accomplice.
" 'What threatens to destroy New York City are billionaires trying to turn our city into a playgr...
@3967703f Amazing how the city with more of every kind of person there is can't elect a decent mayor.
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