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Notes by ynniv | export

 No one has known what is true for a long time. Maybe they'll start realizing it now. 
 Time is the scarcest asset 
 We have more time than attention. 
 If you don't think like an adversary, you'll never be secure. nostr:note12sl84488p7en2uzpyuzckdlpdag84tdke6g0g5ytn6gmprhf3guqxshjkx 
 Sometimes unexpected inputs find interesting outputs...

Claude: [...] Remember, given the complexity of the system, it's crucial to have any major work done by technicians with specific experience in these units.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Me: I can always count on you to drop that last line of normative commentary. 😂

Claude: I appreciate your sense of humor! You're right, I do tend to include those cautionary notes. As an engineer, you're probably well aware of the complexities involved and don't need the reminder about experienced technicians. 

Your comment makes me realize I could have focused more on the technical aspects you'd find interesting, rather than general advice. Perhaps you'd be more interested in discussing the specific design challenges of the SH-AWD system, or the trade-offs between serviceability and performance in complex drivetrain components?

If you're considering tackling any of this yourself, I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on the feasibility of DIY diagnostics or repairs on such a system. There's always an interesting balance between manufacturer-specific knowledge and general engineering principles when approaching these kinds of problems. 
 Someone call up these clouds and tell them they're going the wrong way! Hurricane's going counter-clockwise, guys... Florida drivers... https://video.nostr.build/551e7d3c4a37f34da26e5936be5355187ea680f49925ae1ef5a5e05f22a12203.mp4 
 If the app you use is open source but you didn't build from source, you actually have no idea wha... 
 Just ask xz Utils 
 (OP is quoting dm-reporter)

One way that bots are very helpful is in exposing information that people who haven't worked at the protocol level might not understand is publicly available. nostr:note14kn524tql9ds7zxgpwcg0r77yqhe475yyywvtw4a6ycxn3j9e9dszyqrra 
 has generative ai given rise to a new type of software worker who is neither a developer nor appl... 
 "SEQUEL, is intended as a data base sublanguage for both the professional programmer and the more infrequent data base user."

- Chamberlin and Boyce, 1974 
 Damn. If they weren't the baddies, it sounds like the NSA thinks exactly like I do: https://risky.biz/RB191/ (starts at 29:00) 
 lol, the message is a little overcooked in the Bitcoinverse, but the execution is 👌🏻 nostr:note1q02r9yj08wme0hpwqwy6msja8vwcl9glecayggkll0mqlgsvd09q9x0zkv 

 Can't realistically hardware-sign or multisig on mobile 
 Claude is funnier than ChatGPT. Here's is its final reply to me joking around about why Congress is spending time ensuring AM radio stays in cars:


Oh, I see we're diving back into the dark humor! Well played. Let's run with that dystopian vision:

Ah yes, the good old Emergency Broadcast System, now with extra authoritarianism! When the New World Order finally drops the façade, AM radio will be there to keep us all in line:

1. Mandatory daily listening sessions to receive our thought corrections and productivity quotas.

2. Soothing static to drown out any pesky independent thoughts.

3. Easily jammed frequencies to keep those troublesome rebel broadcasts off the air.

4. Low-fi quality audio to ensure Dear Leader's voice has that authentic, totalitarian crackle.

5. Battery-operated radios mean no excuse for missing announcements during rolling blackouts.

6. Conveniently located in every vehicle for on-the-go propaganda during your government-approved travel times.

Remember citizens, an informed populace is a compliant populace! Keep those dials tuned to WGOV for all your ration updates, curfew reminders, and approved music selections. And remember - Big Brother is listening... on AM 1984.

(In all seriousness, while emergency communication is a valid use for AM radio, your comment highlights the potential for any mass communication system to be misused. It's always wise to maintain a healthy skepticism towards any single source of information, government-controlled or otherwise.) 
 I almost always use sonnet 3.5. Opus 3.0 was also very good. ChatGPT okay, and it has nice features like browsing and advanced voice. Llama 3.1 8B and 70B aren't better, but will surprise you. 
 Gzip can however compress the text content of notes whether binary or json 
 gzip saves space over the wire, but you still have to parse all the bytes. There are ways to reduce this (https://github.com/WebReflection/json.hpack/wiki) as well as organize your schema to be stream-parseable, but it will never be as fast as a binary format. The thing is, HTTP already supports "Accept" and "Content-Type", and there's no reason relays and clients couldn't negotiate a different serialization format. 
 With no algorithm to thwart us, the real goal of nostr is to be muted by as many people as possible just by saying things that are true. 
 Oh, this is nice. I would still assume anything not running locally could leak somewhere, but this is a compelling architecture. (* Even things that run locally can leak if you aren't careful) nostr:note1xrnn9h9rt0t7tsx9uxxxplmj8m4al9atgulhz28vkqujutmqxd6s3qjyy2 
 Engineers that don't believe in "conspiracy theories" sadden me. Tell me that you don't want to know. Tell me that you're trying to fit in. Tell me it's your choice. Don't tell me that you accept conjecture over evidence and math, that's just poor engineering. 
 Isn’t it interesting how little we know about the shooter in Butler? 
 Not as interesting as whatever made his ear heal that fast. 
 People believe what they want to believe. There's serious medical advancements in healing a gunshot wound in two weeks with no scar though. 
 Relays should provide both JSON and Binary options.

JSON only is extremely wasteful for bandwidt... 
 JSON should be required, but there's nothing wrong alternative encodings 
 whisper-cpp can transcribe audio at ~10x realtime on an Apple M2 
 Remember when Facebook went all in on the metaverse, changed their name to meta and lost billions... 
 If you have a decent PC, you can have surprisingly good experiences with a $200 Quest 2. I started playing VTOL VR as a "kids flight sim", and although it's a little heavy for the kids the experience of learning technical skills in modern VR is amazing. Doubly so when you have two people in the same aircraft. 
 Interesting breakdown! I usually work across these sections in a descending ratio of effort to likelihood of elimination:

- Tone detection: Not definitive, but sets expectations. 
- Logical fallacies: Most things fail here. 
- Clarity: Similar to fallacies, people like making overly broad statements that don't mean anything. 
- Check claims: This is often easy these days. 

- Context: If I don't understand it, I won't be able to evaluate it further. 
- Arguments: The real meat, and where most of the time will be spent (if if hasn't failed already)
- Bias detection: Again not definitive, but can be easy to evaluate once you've made it this far. 
- Assumptions: The second heaviest step. 
- Source: Is almost an afterthought. "Reputable" sources make bad arguments all of the time. "Seedy" sources make good arguments more often than you expect. Source is often more related to bias than correctness. nostr:note1yck6mfk69tfj5lxusgqk2slkvxwh0a0uteej32r626gdtt7qslmsnusejk 
 “Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”

 Science without skepticism is religion 
 ...is a belief system? 
 Interpretations of quantum mechanics are like compiler errors in that hip new academic programming language that you're trying to learn. Sure they're technically consistent, but they're also oddly constructed and you can't help but wonder whether the system is a little too fancy for its own good. Maybe if you spent a couple decades understanding it you could figure out how to fix their mistake, but since only fanboys are going to spend that kind of time, you to do that you just hold your nose and work on things that matter. 
 ReplyGuy was pretty annoying.

Wait until the first client exploit that burns half of nostr's nsecs. Without subkeys or another separation of identity and authentication, the web of trust would burn to the ground. 
 I have a hard time reconciling the availability of things socially with the availability of them adversarially. Yes, we have delete and edit and maybe expiring uploads ... for friendly participants. But not all participants are friendly, and retraction is a powerful signal that can reveal weaknesses.

Eric Schmidt, while CEO of Google, said the quiet thing very loudly:

"If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place."

I can't tell if he said this for the right or wrong reasons, but it only gets truer. Be aware of the durability of your messages. As Earl Long said:

"Don't write anything you can phone.
Don't phone anything you can talk.
Don't talk anything you can whisper.
Don't whisper anything you can smile.
Don't smile anything you can nod.
Don't nod anything you can wink."

 "Show me the incentive and I'll show you the outcome" - Charlie Munger 
 1. Never let a crisis go to waste
2. If you don't have a crisis, create one 
 Not only is being a globally consistent source of truth overrated, it prevents us from increasing availability through partitioning. It's partitionability and lax consistency that allows nostr to be used when the network is unavailable. That's why we can verify a printed out nostr event, and publish events by printing them out and scanning them somewhere that the network is available. nostr:note1yptu6sgnpmqydwd2g94rl0x94fnn7m0hjyk3pmc4a3jccztpaexqhkwtcd 
 Downloading every reaction note to get a count of likes is so fucking dumb lol

What happens when... 
 One relay is going to report 5, another one 7. How do you combine them? Max? Sum? Guess? 

But, push a new meta event from the relay. If clients want to use it, that's great. If not, that's also great. 
 The relays might have completely different people pushing to them though, and then you'd need to sum them.

If it happened a lot you could include some optimized data hinting at the npubs behind the counts. It's not an easy problem. 
 It's better to keep information in the messages themselves so the protocol stays focused. But if relays want to talk to each other using some sort of magic that's cool too. At the end of the day, most clients will be using more than one relay, so they need to combine that information somehow. 
 Anyone seeing events in Damus that they haven't followed? Neither npub nor hashtag, but they're in my feed. 🤔 
 Also no indication that they were reposted by anyone that I follow. 
 War is always bad for the economy.

You can see this clearly if you ignore all the money, the pie... 
 In the past the riches of war were simple plunder. These days that looks gauche, so instead we blow up their infrastructure and profit from restoring it. 
 They won't have the money to pay, but that's okay because we'll lend it to them at whatever rate we think they can repay. 
 Nostr devs have ReplyGuy
Bitcoin devs have Samurai Wallet

The mountain is tall. 
 Watched Margin Call for the xth time--you don't hate Wall Street enough... 
 Annually. The Big Short, semi-annually. 
 Permissionless is freedom. Make nostr GFY again! 
 Nostr is basically Game of Thrones. You think you're fighting the good and honorable fight when some Lord of a  Cold Wet Rock shows up uninvited and messes up your carefully laid plans for, as far as anyone can tell, his own amusement. But then you also find out you might have friends who have learned to cheat death itself?

It's easier to keep it together when you remember that the giant undead ice dragon is coming for us all, so ultimately... same team. nostr:note15s8u6hcs7l0tmqurm7gqpd59acl8q45ktrxg6g6xync3u2slt0yse9syur 
 This isn't my fight, but I often find that good advice goes unheeded until it too late. And, how do you know this anon didn't also contribute to fixing the problem? 
 Would they be anonymous if they took credit for a PR? 
 Damn you, (... checking whois) Privacy service provided by Withheld for Privacy ehf!!! Namecheap will know that you're a meanie, whenever they check their email! 
 Having computing power is the opposite of being human. 
 The wheat tastes better when you till the fields all day. 

I'd rather buy it for a minute's work. 
 WoT should not exist at the relay level.

Users have no granular control. 

Unlike a WoT implemen... 
 There's some wiggle room here if you're running your own relay 
 Now nostr:note1jfphfsx9jz4vujxnsmugw99r0xd5nz25ar7ruzv9u2xswf873fdqjtmkju 
 Not every message is vital though. You could apply different levels of squelch to different relays. 
 After having added web-of-trust to gossip, I think that 2-degrees of separation is good enough fo... 
 This is the important question: how does an anon publish anything in a WoT only world? 
 FWIW, there is a similar problem in iRacing: the newbs are always hitting each other, so they need to prove they can be safe by racing without hitting things. Which is hard because they're limited to races full of newbs who tend to hit things. People eventually make it through, but the activation energy is very high, and that makes growth slow. 
 ReplyGuy is a false flag attack by the nostrati to herd us all into Web-of-Trust relays and clien... 
 Gotta learn to swim somehow 
 Does that keep the wolf from blowing your house down though? 
 OTOH, Bjork once said "All walls are great if the roof doesn't fall". 
 Not gonna lie, that's a good looking landing page 
 I will also say, this same argument, when generalized brings into question the whole concept of d... 
 This is why the only reasonable use for blockchains is a fungible cryptocurrency: the chain can only provide consensus, and the only meaningful value of a coin can be the global desire for fractional ownership of the whole system. 

If you try to add special meaning to specific tokens, that needs to be enforced both in code and law. This favors those who control the software over other participants, and ultimately relinquishes sovereignty to whichever State the effect is supposed to happen in. Once control has been ceded to the State it becomes obvious that the blockchain provides no value beyond a simple Merkle tree, and since the State is the only real sovereign actor, they'll prefer to use a database that they have full control over.
