The concept of storing capital in Bitcoin.🧡⚡️ Stablecoins are a good means of transferring and moving capital, as well as an indispensable tool during transactions, but as Paolo Ardoino himself admitted: "we can seize and roll back any transactions and funds if necessary (at the request of the federal authorities, for example, or in suspicion of illegal operations)", so any stablecoins are good and necessary, but for their own purposes. As a means of capital preservation - they are not suitable for us, just as they are not suitable for any serious investment fund or any other institution, no large, serious, self-respecting financial organization keeps entrusting its funds to steiblcoins for the long term. Why then should we trust something that can be deactivated/canceled with a single button? The concept of holding your capital in bitcoin for the long term is a more serious approach, and it's not even about the investment appeal of bitcoin. It can't be disabled. It can't be locked down. If you store your keys - the funds are yours, remember, right? And it has already started to be trusted by big capital, which is a very important sign in the world of big finance. Therefore, I myself prefer to keep funds in bitcoin, at the moment when I am out of the market, and do not participate in transactions. To help us with this, bitcoin accumulation strategies such as: "buy at the bottom", because according to statistics, those who invested in bitcoin at levels cheaper than 30000, and kept without selling, most of the time are in profit, almost without seeing any drawdowns, and even those who invested at slightly higher prices, are also most of the time in profit, because that's the magic of bitcoin, isn't it? And the second strategy is known to everyone - DCA, (dollar cost averaging), in other words - buy every month for a certain amount, comfortable for your budget, just like Salvador and Sailor do, and you will not lose. With this approach, the average purchase amount will never be high. And thanks to these strategies - increase your capital in bitcoin, in general, everything you do on the market - try to reduce to bitcoin: You entered the market, made money - buy back bitcoin, you will need to enter again, take a part of funds from your bitcoin bank. If you notice that some asset has fallen in price relative to bitcoin - make money on its growth (buy back this cheap asset for expensive bitcoin, and do the opposite when it grows, increasing your position in bitcoin). Rebalance properly, for example sometimes it works with ETH, like now when bitcoin has already gone up and ETH is still standing still. Try to accept payment for your work or some services, in bitcoin, or invest additional funds (part-time) in bitcoin when it is undervalued in the market to increase your position in it. I would also remind you that your funds, especially in large volume cannot be stored on exchanges, only while you are involved in transactions, all the rest of the time your capital should be on a cold hardware wallet (Trezor or SafePal) with open source. And your private passphrase should be kept safe and secure. Remember: Not your keys - not your coins!🧡⚡️