Oddbean new post about | logout
 I’m not sure about the verify part. What are you having trouble using? I believe there are exclusive features with Purple (like auto translate), and having a membership means you’re committed to supporting devs and freedom tech 😅 
 The address? Now that I have one what do I do with it? How do I verify my account with it? 
 #asknostr @jb55 
 To add you address go to your profile, then edit, then scroll to yhe bottom.

It can take a few min as it populates out slowly. 
 What exactly is that for, or the purpose? 🤔 
 Its a confirmation that the npub has a connection to a secondary website. It can be used as a call out, for instance i am wedgesocial@nostrplebs.com 

The idea behind it is that if it said beth@ftx  for the verification you knew they were affiliated with that company. You will notice @jack has removed his as that account is verified by other means and doesn’t really tie to a commercial entity. 
 Thanks for explanation! Any secondary website, for anything, anywhere. Just another source of verification proving one’s identity or affiliation with xyz. 
 Thanks Dan, for this detailed explanation! Much appreciated 
 Apparently it has to do with verification— I’m guessing like a blue check on X ? 
 I think that’s right, yes. 
 Thanks! I was able to add it to #Snort, but #Primal, as usual, was a total #fail as it seems to be frozen in time… none of my attempts to add new relays ever work- even paid ones and my count on those I follow remains at ZERO since I started, in spite of the fact that I continue to follow new plebs daily! #BadUX 
 This is a different purple plan than damus fyi 
 This one is for the purple verified fancy checkmark, like you have? 😅 
 Yes, I chose nostrplebs because they offered a service i didn’t have time to learn & create for myself. Its a nostr id, email address, and “call forward” lighting address that then goes to my WoS.

There are plenty of free services now but if you own a web domain the info to do it yourself is there. 
 Thanks! I checked on yours... I don’t think I’ll ever need or have a use for Purple… but your explanation proves I was completely inaccurate in my initial description lol