Oddbean new post about | logout
 So when she taps the ⚡️ under a note, how does she get to an invoice? 
  https://i.nostr.build/My5TEVGm9w3qvT77.jpg https://i.nostr.build/QFZNTuxePquDOXmV.jpg  
 Mm did all that and it’s still showing Blue Wallet as default.
We are trying with Phoenix now 
 It doesn’t change your default wallet. You need to copy the invoice and then manually open coinos and pay the invoice. 
 Mm we still never saw an invoice show anywhere.
Since she still had Phoenix on her phone we selected that as the default wallet and she was able to zap from Phoenix 👍
She receives zaps to her Coinos wallet since she has her Coinos ln address in the Nostr address field 👍 
 In Phoenix, did you find the address that has the email format? I can’t find it. 
 No I don’t think Phoenix has LNURLs (Lightning address that looks like an email address).

In the end I had my friend set up @Coinos and she entered her LNURL in the Bitcoin Tips field in @damus profile Settings.

Then since she still has Phoenix wallet, she selected it as the wallet in her Zaps settings to zap out of.