Get to know Marblex: MBX is listed on Bitget
1. Bitget Overview:
- Bitget is one of the world's leading crypto exchanges, trusted by over 20 million users across 100 countries.
- Key features included copy trading, futures trading, and a wide range of supported assets.
2. MARBLEX (MBX) Listing on Bitget
- On December 19, 2023, MARBLEX officially listed its proprietary blockchain currency, MBX, on Bitget, a global top 10 cryptocurrency exchange.
- This listing enabled users to trade and deposit MBX tokens on Bitget.
- MARBLEX also planned to unveil new collections of MARBLERSHIP NFTs – Puzzle NFTs and Lunar Animals NFTs – in the first quarter of 2024. These NFTs empowered users to stake MBX tokens, receive game coupons, and enjoy exclusive access to a dedicated Discord channel.
- To celebrate this Bitget listing, MARBLEX hosted a special event offering a giveaway of 42,000 MBX in total. Rewards were given to the top users with the highest trading volume through December 25th.
3. How to Buy MBX on Bitget:
- Sign up on Bitget and completed the identity verification process.
- Payments were made using bank transfers, debit cards, or credit cards while ensuring security through crypto wallets.
- To buy MBX on Bitget, users followed these steps:
1. Create a Bitget account.
2. Complete identity verification.
3. Choose from various payment options provided.
4. Monitor MBX in their Bitget spot account.