Melania looks happy. Nice.
She trained her how to behave properly when let out of her cage 🤙🏽
I have no idea, but I'd like to believe married people are happy. It's good for society.
I believe in the traditional definition of marriage. Unfortunately, America doesn’t share those values as a whole. No-fault divorce, is the culprit It’s the reason that 60% of marriages and divorce, in America. Because women are incentivized to divorce men because it’s “not a vibe” anymore - Instead of “until death do you part“
Florida passed some laws to help against that including permitting the Court to consider infidelity when splitting assets. Nature is healing, we can help it.
I absolutely believe in proper grounds for divorce. if there is abuse, adultery, or abandonment, those are all legitimate reasons. That is not the bulk of divorce, though.
I agree with you. The reality is marriage is hard and you have show proof of work, as they say. So is friendship fwiw, and community, and family in general. Its all hard work, nut up and put the work in. The divorce thing is a symptom of people born into a system they expect to sustain itself instead of taking responsibility for it.
There are also so many easy way outs being promoted in every direction you look too Polyamory, dating apps, childless, gays, ladies on Instagram and TikTok promoting deviant lifestyles… The woman I’m dating now, she’s the only woman in over 40 years that I’ve ever met who told me her parents were still together, and she had a happy childhood. The rest were all broken We believe in proof of work 🫶🏽