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Tony | 12 days ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +118

Excited to say that the compatibility issue between Strike and fedimints appears to be resolved 🔥

We've been working with the @primal, Strike, and Fedi teams to figure out the best way to handle this and the Strike team just informed me that they deployed an update for it. Thanks a ton @jack mallers for working through this 🙏

That now makes zaps to Mutiny+ users possible from primal! 💪 
 thanks for being patient with us and appreciate all you do 
 I really enjoyed zapping this note! ⚡ 

Thank you  @Mutiny Wallet for paving the way with fedimint integration and  @strike for prioritizing this work to ensure that all our users can interoperate.  
 I hear from @primal users that they can’t zap me. 

I have a (self custodial LN Address on BTCpay). 

Can you test zap me maybe it gives you a clue on what’s happening? Or maybe this update also solves this issue. 
 Great work 🤙🧡 
 Nice work 🫡🩵 
 Amazing 😉🤙 
 congrats primal, strike, and mutiny users! you can now play nicely together.


 Wait what? What does Strike have to do with it? I might need a diagram lol 
 Primal uses strikes API as a backend for its wallet 

 I can confirm that NOW it is working🥳🎉😎 
 Hell yeah, awesome job! 
 great seeing the strides just a few people can make.
is it possible run mutiny on ios now? 
GM 🙃  
 Yes, it is on the iOS app store now.  
 fantastic looking forward to giving it a run. 
 hi tony
having issues restoring wallet on iphone - keypad not filling seed words. has this come up as issue? is there a work around?
ios software version 15.8.2 on iphone 7.
thanks in advance. 
 hi tony
managed to get up and running with external keyboard
phone keyboard wouldn't play at all. fyi
thanks for all the efforts your team have put in 
 That's iOS. If you have an external keyboard then internal one won't show up.  
 good to know. this was added after the fact as I couldn't get phone keypad to input. i can see the headaches you guys have trying to make it all work on so many platforms. 🙃  
 GM 🤙🏽