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 Today’s my birthday, it’s the longest birthday I’ve ever had, and one of the longest ones possible. My birthday will last 44 hours for me. I believe it’s possible to have a single calendar day last almost 48 hours.

I woke up in Aotearoa New Zealand, GMT+13, and am traveling to San Francisco GMT-8. Just after I take off from Auckland, the day will start in San Francisco. 

I believe to maximize the length of an experienced calendar day you could travel from either Big Diomede Island in Russia to Little Diomede in Alaska, but neither island is inhabited so there’s no regular flights or ferry service. Samoa and American Samoa have the international dateline going between them and there are flights and ferry services between them. And the weather is more pleasant. So if you wanted a 48 hour day, you could start in Samoa, then close to midnight, hop on a plane and fly the few minutes to American Samoa. Geographically a ton of South Pacific islands are west of the international dateline but choose to use a TimeZone and date to the west of it so they can facilitate trade and cultural integration with the rest of Oceania.

Timezones are weird, really weird. Did you know there’s an open source flat file database which encodes all timezones that have ever existed? Including details on all changes to daylight saving time. It’s crazy, it’s own flat file format. The file is maintained and created by ICANN, the same weird international body that manages domain names and ip address allocation. 


I find ICANN and its sister organization the IETF fascinating. They’re twin organizations, started as the internet emerged from a US government owned, university run network in to something all the rest of us are using. When ICANN was created, there was worry that the US government shouldn’t own and govern the internet for everybody. Many countries wanted to put internet governance under the UN, but there was a worry that if the UN controlled governance of the internet, then it wouldn’t keep it’s free wheeling ways, and would end up being a much more tightly regulated and censored place than it was through the 90’s or even as it is today. 

So a totally new kind of organization was created, a multistakeholder international governmental body. ICANN’s mandate was strictly limited to issuing domain names and allocating IP addresses. The organization’s mandate would not extend to what people did with those domain names and ip addresses. Servers physically existed in sovereign countries, if you moved your data to a new country, then that government was now responsible. The sleight of hand was meant to let technologists play jurisdictional games, which is what made all sorts of things on the internet possible.

What does a multistakeholder governance model look like? Instead of the UN, where only nation states get a seat at the table, or a standards body run as a consortium of businesses where companies get a say in the rules, the ICANN process said that nations, companies, and civil society (NGO’s, social movements, religious institutions, etc…) are all co-equal in running the organization. ICANN is staffed mostly by diplomats. The meetings are held every 6 months in some random place in the world. ICANN collects a tax from domain name registrars, who then sell the ability to register domain names to registries. It’s this super weird, global government, which collects taxes, and has transparent public meetings. It is the opposite of what any conspiracy theorist thinks of when they hear global government. Anybody can show up and get a say, participate, but they keep everybody away by being very very very boring. 

ICANN is run by an endless web of committees, it’s sister organization IEFT which defines internet standards is the most boring version of anarchism possible. The IETF moto is “We reject kings, presidents, and voting. We believe in rough consensus and running code.” In IETF meetings, you express your opinion about the discussion through humming! Yes HUMMING! It’s so weird, ICANN is an all encompassing global government which collects taxes (they call them fees) and its sister is this anti-authoritarian anarchist standards body. 


Honestly, I think both organizations could be a model going forward for how we manage the world beyond and after the dominance of the nation state and corporations. They’re far from perfect, but they do kind of work. Really truly different kinds of was of organizing society. And the internet is as big and complicated thing as we’ve made as humans. 

Anyway, all this is a weird round about way of saying, it’s my very very long birthday.  
 Happy birthday! 🎂 
 You share a birthday with my grandad 
 Happy birthday Rabble! And thanks for the trivia laced story too! 
 Great note. Happy birthday, Rabble 🤙🏻💜🫂 
 Happy birthday! 🐶🐾🫂🎉🎉🎉🤗 
 Interesting read! Happy birthday 🎂 
 Brilliant, happy birthday Rabble!
Wishing you all the best and may you have a wonderfully long celebration 🎉💜🫂 
 HB rabble! 🫂 
 Happy Birthday rabble! 🥳 
 So interesting note! Happy birthday!🎉🎉🎉 
 Happy birthday rabble!  
 Happy Birthday hummmmm🎈 
 Happy Birthday 
。🎁 。🎉。🌟
Have a wonderful longest day crossing IDL #[2]
we will get to RFC BIP NIPs .. later hahaha
 happy birthday 🥳 
 happy birthday! 
 Happy Birthday🥳 
 Happy looooong Birthday! Enjoy all the minutes! 💜🌈🔥 
 Love flying back in time. Japan to Hawaii ain’t a bad one as it lands 11hr 30m before it departs. :-) 
 TL;DR Happy birthday rabble 🎂 
 happy birthday, Nice you took the time to share your thoughts on the government of the internet. Aren't we seeing more and more crackdown of governments across the globe on the internet? Don't you think the standards and these organisations might be affected in the near future? 
 Happy birthday - yesterday, today and tomorrow! 🎉 
 Happy birthday Rabble🎉 
 Happy Birthday @Rabble 
 happy bday ser 🎉 
 First birthday sunset  
 Joyeux anniversaire, tout en un faisant un biais qui fait référence  un peu au côté généreux de sir Tim Berners-Lee. Il aurait pu créer internet avec ses collègues en France et en faire une affaire, hey non il l'a donné libre à Tous. Au 30eme anniversaire il fait un effectué via l'un des grands et vieux journaux un récapitulatif de tout ce qu'était devenu Internet, les  maux de son œuvre dediée à nous. Son objectif fut de le réparer, mais enfermé dans un  consortium qu'il dirige malgré la Pandémie il s'est lancé vers le chantier du Web 3 tout en y invitant tout  quidam se sentant concernant par les retentissements d'internet, des réseaux sociaux...le travail continue.  Rappelons que presque tous les câbles dépendent des Usa s'il n'y avait pas la Chine  (X),
qui n'a pas pris le chemin de créer sa nouvelle de la route soie câblee sans oublier de s'octroyer  certains lieux stratégiques à coup de rachats à l'ère de la privation de certains ports, aéroports sans le regard de certains gouvernements qui ne pensent qu'à privatiser durant les années où la globalisation fut à la mode, des domaines qui se devaient d'être souverains.. Certes nous avions commencé à voir le Monde  ouvert et tout à notre portée.. Ce fut *sympa *mais des pays voire des personnes se sont retrouvés moins libres et plus dépendants d'un pays qui gère de plus en plus  la liberté des gens grâce à ses Gafam en plus de Blackroom hélas géopolitiquement stratégiquement économiquement et nous pourrions y rajouter le retour d'une  guerre plus machiavélique basée sur des  systèmes de croyances... nous ne voyageons plus libres.. en fonction de certaines tensions, d''attentats de guerres fort sous lobbys  qui peuvent éclater à tout moment à travers notre Monde se reveiller...Avec une Europe disparate qui peine à être libre et se referme sur elle hélas pourtant elle a les moyens d' être plus libre et ouverte aux Autres. Contrairement elle se rejette et demeure non indépendante et rejette des générations issues sur son sol dont les parents ont été déracinés pour reconstruire des Terres qui n'étaient pas les leurs. Seuls l'alliance us-uk contre le reste du Monde. Depuis WW2 à ce jour avec les toutes institutions créées le système mis en place est plus ubuesque en du poids de systemes qui sont de plus en plus fort qu'à l'époque des guerres de religions et Royaumes d'Europe..cela n'empêche en rien que des hommes libres de tous ces systèmes fassent l'exception en allant  à la découverte de contrées, d'êtres libres m'est avis sains d'esprit de collaborer ensemble librement sans avoir recours à nos  systemes empiriques qui mènent à tant de disparités, d'exclusions en fonction du genre, de la foi, statu, genre .. ça craint ce retour en arrière pour de tant d'humains qu'on avait commencé à reconnaître   simplement pour leur choix individuel.. Vous auriez pu  nous informer en amont, j'aurais me concernant faire ce long périple avec vous avec plaisir, j'aime traverser notre terre de ce façon j'en perds même le sommeil pour ne rien  rater et c'est une expérience de voir où de rencontrer, d'observer nos pairs en ces moments.. Faites vous plaisir pour cette anniversaire mémorable vous trouverez des moments de récupérer de vos heures de sommeil perdu..  Gros Câlins si je pus me permettre @Rabble.. Profitez de cette ville si friendly qui peine actuellement à gérer les populations en danger, en souffrance, en plus d' errance sociale sous l'effet d'une des pires drogues pharmaceutiques joyeux anniversaire, des retrouvailles avec vos pairs🎁 🎉💜🎈 
 thank you for dropping knowledge on my TL and
haaaaaaaapppppppyyyyyyy biiiiiiiirrrrrtttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhdaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy 

 happy birthday rabble!  
 Happy birthday 🥳 
 Happy birthday Rabble! I highly appreciate your contributions and presence on Nostr, it wouldn't be the same without you 🫂 🥳 
 Happy birthday 🎂 
 Happy birthday, Rabble! Hoping you're one who can sleep on a plane... 
 Happy Birthday 🎂🎁🎈🥳 
 Happy Birthday Rabble! Hope you could sleep some time while flying!
Thank you for your interesting note 💜 
 happy birthday 
 Happy birthday! 🎉🎂🎈Hope you have some yummy cake when you get there. Safe travels! 
 Happy birthday! 🎂🎉🎈 
 habby bday 
 Happy Birthday 🎁🎂🎈 
 Happy Birthday 🎂 🎉  
 Happy birthday, Rabble! 
 Happy elongated birthday! 
 Feliz cumpleaños 🎂 
 Have a happy birthday 🎈🎂!!! 
 Happy Birthday and awesome story! Always appreciate your contributions and your thoughts. 
 Happy Birthday! 🎂 
 Happy Birthday friend 
 Happy Birthday whatever TZ you in! 
 Happy birthday🎉 
 Happy birthday!!!🤙🏻 
 Happy birthday 🎂 
 Many happy returns of the day! 
 feliz cumpleaños 🎉 
 Most interesting birthday post I've ever read. Thanks for sharing 
 Happy birthday!  
 Happy birthday sir. 🚀  
 its effectively one government entity though, ie three letter agency, not even two giant corps. its like they gave up control at network layer, leave that to the humming freaks, we'll get 'em on the application layer. probably a good lesson for bitcoin. and even what we're starting to see play out with etfs etc.