I got to the point that Amethyst can now run two background video playbacks, one with Tor and one without Tor, at the same time.
That would happen when two videos are on the screen, one with a .onion address and another with a regular URL and Tor is disabled for video playback OR when two videos are on the screen and TOR is forced for videos, but one of them is coming from a server in the phone, which must use clearnet.
Background services are account agnostic, but listen to the currently active account to get the Tor settings from.
Edge cases, huge complexity, but this is the right way to do it.
Technically, two or more. Unlimited number.
You Sir are a God damn legend. Enjoyed the Walker podcast you did. Didn't realise you were Brazilian. Brazil = Nostr apparently.
There are many intelligent Brazilians behind all this, but Nostr is being directly or indirectly built by all of us. And I say this as a Brazilian.
What is the point though ? Am I suppsed to watch two vids at a time ! And what about audio ?
People can fit 18 videos in their profile gallery. All of them play at the same time.
holy mother of lord ! .. are you planning to shut down Meta factory :-)
Do you intend do use Amethyst as a veejay remix tool?
This next upgrade would be awesome if it came with the garnet monero additions there's a bounty for that I know it's not much but it's an honest bounty 😅